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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Considering EVE was made by an indie start up company much like Gamelabs, and had NO major backing on the game. EVE is a success, if not the most successful indie MMO in history. I know a lot of people dont like EVE but EVE is successful like it or not. Otherwise it wouldnt have been around for over 10 years.
  2. Saying EVE is a failed game is completely false. That would be like saying World of Warcraft is a failed game because their are more people who hate on it than praise it. I do however agree with you on the topic of nothing for a loss. There should be SOME payout for doing damage, instead of nothing.
  3. I would use the Belle over the Surprise in PVP.. the Belle is tougher and its masts aren't match sticks.
  4. You are reading to much into what I am saying. I personally do not hack games. I have worked as a moderator, and I am saying that there are ways around even the best game security systems. And Gamelabs does not have the best. Unity is one of the easiest aside from the Unreal game engine to "hack". Most second year programming students can crack the Unity engine wide open. And a talented "hacker" would not use a valid steam account to do this on. You dont have to hack the server to do damage in game. Mortal Online has most of the information server side also, and I have seen players flying in GM mode, one shotting people from half way across the map, and going under ground. They didnt hack the server to do this. You think that game "hacking" involves actual hacking.... no most of the game hacks out there are nothing more than scripting junk.
  5. Seeing as you have never played EVE, there is a lot of skill that goes into that game. Much more than I had ever realized until I had played over 2 years and realized I was still in the dark on a lot of things. Even after 10 years I still dont know half of what I should know. And seeing as the Titan is the big bad "ship of the line" in EVE that can obliterate fleets of smaller vessels without even losing its shields, that would be the closest thing to a 1st rate in game. 1 well sailed Santisima can destroy a smaller fleet of ships with some ease if it has the wind advantage. The 68lb Carronades on the stern of the Victory is more firepower than some 6th rates broadside weight.
  6. So true. They complain about labor hours in crafting and how it needs to be more like EVE. LOL no they dont. It takes DAYS if not weeks to build a titan in that game, and that is the closest comparison to a 1st rate in NA. Do you want to wait several weeks to build a single ship. No not the components to make the ship but the actual ship itself. Most of the people here would rage quit LONG before that ship was done. Then the fact that there is NO safe zones, even in 10.0 High Sec you can still be podded and then bio massed by a group of gank frigates. Sure they will all lose their ships, but seeing as they are cheap and replaceable and most likely on a jump clone, it doesnt matter. That or they could just war-dec your corp and kill you at will without CONCORD intervention. You say you want to be more like EVE, no you dont... you want EVE lite.
  7. That is why I said it checks with the server. It is one of the simplest "anti" hack systems known to gaming. But with that said there are ways around it. I wont go into it because that part of my life is over and I no longer do those things or care to keep up on them.
  8. It HAD the same sailing profile... before 10.0 patch. It has been nerfed since then. It now comes to a stop if you sail it ANYWHERE past 60deg to the wind. Seeing as the P-Frigate has roughly the same firepower (broadside weight) and a boarding bonus. Why choose the Essex over the P-Frigate?
  9. While this is the wrong section for this suggestion and I only read the first half of it so far, I already have problems with part of it. Pirates were not the only people who attacked trade ships. Navy ships often attacked merchant ships of hostile and sometimes neutral (but complacent) nations. Sir Pellew was famous for his exploits as a frigate captain and had some of the richest prize hauls of all known frigate commanders in the Royal Navy. He had one voyage that brought in roughly 15 years pay to each man on his crew after prize split. His list of captures was almost entirely trade ships. Pirates shouldnt be treated as a nation in any aspect. They should not be able to capture or hold ports, that would imply they have a system of government and a military to hold those assets. Which they have or had neither. Pirates biggest problem was finding ships, crew was not often an issue. Ships was, you cant as a pirate just go and buy a frigate. 99% of all pirates used 7th and 6th rate vessels, aside from Blackbeard who had the one corvette 5th rate, the Queen Anne's Revenge, which didnt even have its full gun load due to cost and weight. Nationals need a change also. There should be two paths for them, Navy, or Civilian. If you are Navy, you have access to combat 5th rates and larger, crew will be cheap but you will be limited on what you can do to your ship. 1 perm slot open for your ship, 5 knowledge slots, crew half price. But any lost ship will result in a loss of XP along with the loss of the ship. Guns will also be half priced as the Crown pays for most of the outfitting of your vessel. But in turn 1/4 of all prize money goes to the crown and not to you. Can capture and keep any vessel. Cannot run the Smuggler flag EVER. Merchants, have access to only "civilian" level ships, this means the Indiaman is the biggest ship they can sail. No combat vessels. So your biggest combat vessel will be a Mercury or Niagara and Heavy Rattlesnake. You have to pay for your crew, full price, but you have access to 3 perm slots, and 5 knowledge slots on your ships. You keep ALL prize money, but cannot keep any combat vessel captured, (5th rate frigates and such.) Can run the Smuggler flag on their trade ships.
  10. 1- Problem with that is in EVE you start with SOMETHING... here you start with nothing. There is even a starter corp you get shoved into based on the "career" choice you want to follow. Then there is the fact there is a real world cash economy behind EvE that helps. Yes ships in EVE are more expensive... some are worth thousands of real world US Dollars and there are less than a dozen of them in game. Sure there is insurance but even that doesnt offset the cost of some of those vessels in a loss. Most of the major corps in that do PVP not because they want to but because they have to. In order to control the big ISK regions in nullsec you need to fight. I am a 10 year EVE vet....
  11. First I would like to say, I love OW tagging and I think it adds some strategy to the game... BUT it can be tweaked to be a bit better. -OW Tag should start you at a MAX range of 750m, and no closer than 50m from the targeted ship. -NO ship can escape without masts. If a ship is missing a mast it should not be able to escape. -ALL captains should have area control. As long as another hostile ship is within 750m of them they can not escape. -ANY ship without masts, that can not be repaired in 30min will automatically surrender. (No captain or crew would just sit there and get raked to death.)[This also prevents abuse of players by masting them and leaving them for an hour] -AI ships with no masts remaining will surrender after 60seconds. They have no way of defending themselves. -Any ship that is invisible at the start of an OW battle cannot enter that OW battle. (prevents cloaking attacks)
  12. Most of the games data is server based. But most of the ships data files are kept client side, but checked with the server information. It is a checks and balance system. But there are ways around all of this... there are always ways.
  13. I hate to say this but some people in Black and in the pirates are part of the problem, but you refuse to accept this because...
  14. I am not... The servers population is plummeting, players are getting outed for using exploit programs and bitching on the forums to no avail. This is basically akin to throwing a scrap off the table to shut the dog up. But I am being a bit to much of a pessimist.
  15. I know last night I was going to go out hunting... but instead looked at the player numbers, and with the chat exploit program that came to light yesterday. I was just completely uninterested in anything to do with Naval hAction.
  16. May want to list what server you have them on.
  17. To get an accurate speed for the ship make sure you dont have any guns or cargo in your ship when you look.
  18. If you thought alts were a problem before... give away free trials and there will be a thousand more alts.
  19. Well to be honest, Spain was dead on launch.
  20. Last night there was what less than 200 on the EU server at 10PM GMT, and less than 180 on Global at 10PM EST. That is just sad.
  21. I dont sail it because I refuse to sail ships that never sailed in the Caribbean like that Russian fantasy boat.
  22. Since you dont know what I do in game, let me enlighten you. I know more than you think, and I may have a pirate. So dont jump to conclusions. And for the love of all that is holy stop posting that strawman argument.
  23. Actually Kanay is talking about the pirate frigate vs the Essex. The Essex has a higher BR, but is worse in EVERY aspect than the Pirate Frigate currently. Thus making the Pirate Frigate OP vs the now useless Essex.
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