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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Eve is a bit different animal. It is based around corps (clans) from the start. It even lumps you into a national corp as a noob for training, then you can leave and join a player run corp or another npc corp. But if you are in a NPC corp you dont have to worry about having war declared on you. (wardeced) But it also means you will not be able to actively take part in wars. The nations in game have a RvR component but it is VERY limited in regions that change hands and is mostly an after thought in game. Most of the games action is based around corp wars. There is NO national identity at all in game. No point in being Amarr or anything else. But the game is also MUCH larger and has the ability to support non-PVP oriented players in otherways. They can have a fun and meaningful gameplay experience through well thought out in game events and mission story arcs. These changes are like a VERY poor mans version of Eve.... I am talking less than 5% of the Eve version.
  2. Not disagreeing at all. Many of us who did know about the wipe stated this previously, only to be ignored. Sorry to see this happen to you and your "family". But I highly doubt the devs will do anything. When it wouldnt be that hard to look at your current account information for the EU server, and giving you redeemable for your current XP on the EU server for crafting and rank. This wouldnt be impossible or even that difficult. It is the Unity5 engine which is surprisingly simple.
  3. Why lock a thread because you dont agree with it? There is a fair amount of health discussion going on here.
  4. So are you saying that the Swedes are ultimately behind the betrayal? The Swedes are the Illuminati working the puppet strings of every nation behind the scenes?
  5. I would expand on this slightly. I would also reduce the production abilities out of free ports. Shipyards can only be built up to level 1 in a free port. So no more 5th and 4th rate fleets being built out of free ports. Yes I operate out of free ports currently. And I do most of my work in 6th and 7th rates. But nothing stops you from buying a bigger ship from a player who can build them. I would also flat out just drop the Danes, and Swedes from the game. No offense but they had no real impact on the Caribbean during the 18th and 19th century.
  6. So the more I think about this, the less I like it. The overall idea is just poorly thought out and appears to be a half baked and a troll post of an idea. Something like throwing a treat out there to the players to distract them from the actual problems in game instead of actually fixing the problems in game. Ultimately this is the issue with the proposed idea. Why be in any nation other than pirate? If I am in a nation I cannot attack fellow nationals even if in another clan. BUT if I am pirate I can attack other pirate clans and enforce my will on them. So why be anything other than pirate? With the use of alts to get things from the admiralty store you really dont need to be a national in the proposed system. Then you run into the slow death of new players. New players will be cut off from any attachment to the nation. They will be left to hopefully be picked up by a clan. But again with the rampant use of alts, most noobs will be overlooked as possible spies. In closing the new system is more trash than good.
  7. Russia is big, but if the Chinese can connect to the US servers and play I imagine the ping for most of Russia being no more than 100ms different. Sorry but signals over the internet travel at nearly the speed of light. There is some delay as it goes through different data hubs, but those are often in the ns range. Unless someone has a really bad internet connection and are dropping packets, well that is on their ISP not on the server location. They would have the same problems on the EU server.
  8. My ping to some Russian servers is only in the mid 200ms to low 300ms range, so I cant imagine theirs is a whole lot different.
  9. 500ms to 1500ms? 1500ms=1.5sec which is about the time it takes to get a signal from the MOON! So unless we have people living on the Moon, that isnt possible. http://www.spaceacademy.net.au/spacelink/commdly.htm Unless you are on 14.4kbs dial up, and using old copper lines from the very end of civilization in the Antarctic you would be HARD pressed to get a +500ms ping consistently to any point on Earth. So please stop talking out of your fifth point of contact and come back with some hard facts.
  10. LOL... National pride for the nation you play in game is what actually makes this game more than just a bunch of clans doing their own thing.
  11. You take blue dots, red takes black dots, green takes black dots, blue takes maroon dots (danes). Lots of dots changing colors.
  12. Yep you definitely are mad. Sorry but I am not online otherwise I would take you up on your bait. Sorry that we are out pirating a pirate.
  13. Oh that just brings up a whole knew load of bile in my throat thinking about that. With this new suggestion by the admin, why shouldnt everyone be pirate? That way we can just attack everyone everywhere at anytime regardless of nation or clan. I mean not like the Pirates have anything making them NOT like any other nation.
  14. I have mixed feelings about this.. I feel it will cause the loss of the feel of each nation. Instead it will be all about the clans and not about the nation.
  15. As Intrepido said below.. NO. Thank you sir well said. This idea, while interesting would lead to more problems than it is worth. It will just lead to CLANs being the only thing that matter, and national pride will mean nothing. There will be no point in being British, US, Pirate, or Dutch, they will all be the same. So why have nation chat then, just have clan and global chat.
  16. If you want to get technical about it. Here is the short version. Germany invades Poland... Poland had a mutual defense pact with France, England, Denmark, and the Netherlands. France invades Germany as a response with support of English and Danish troops. France falls back after making significant ground in Germany, fearing a trap by the German Army. Germany contacts their allies, Italy and Japan, and request they increase pressure on English and French colonies overseas. The US signs an arms deal with France and England, supplying munitions and vehicles to both nations. Germany steps up their pressure in the Atlantic sinking several merchant vessels. Germany invades France, Denmark, and the Netherlands. After Western Europe falls to Germany, the US increases its shipments to England. Germany contacts Japan to increase pressure on US assets in the Pacific. Japan needing oil and rubber, targets the Philippines, a US territory. Strikes at US Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. AFTER declaring war on the US. But the official deceleration did not arrive to the US government until several hours after the attack had happened. Due to weather delays, the attack on the Philippines, Wake, and Hawaii didnt happen at the same time, which was the plan.
  17. Again not slander in this case. But you all have kind of earned a reputation that you yourself has helped to foster. With comments and remarks.
  18. I am against this one. Having played some flat out MASSIVE MMOs, some of the best PVP I have had has been ones where we ended up in a massive running battle across several miles of land that lasted for hours. I can remember in WWIIOL fighting over 1 town for a solid 2 weeks, the town was leveled, and we began to call it "Stalingrad" because the meat grinder was real. Or in Mortal Online when we had a fight start in the plains, and it grew until we had over 100 people on each side battling near their keep. It ultimately ended 6 hours later with a siege outside their gates. Condensing the population, while sounds good, will only drive off those that really dont want contact with others just yet.
  19. Wasn't that a song by Powerman5000, "When Worlds Collide"? Oh yeah.... good times.. the angst, anger, and the rage.... yes let it flow through you.
  20. The hardest part of the national population balance discussion is the lack of in game information to let us know how many people are in any set nation at any time. It could be as simple as a small number at the top of the chat tab for the nation... So it would show Nation(53), Global(250), Help(245), Clan(5). This would go along way to help give some idea as to how many are online in that chat at that time. But as for balancing them, some kind of xp boost or labor hour boost would be a good way to balance out the nations.
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