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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. The EU server has a VERY restrictive port battle window, of only 5 hours. Of those 5 hours it takes place during the American morning and mid-day times, when most of us are at work or still asleep, if you live on the west coast. The EU server bitched about "night" flips yet did the same to the US players who did not bitch in return. They understood, it is a MMO. Christendom has switched nations twice, on global. He has alts in other nations on other servers.
  2. The Sixth Coalition was the name given to the UK, Spanish, Prussian, Swedish, and several other nations during the Napoleonic War.
  3. My guess is he is giving up on the nation ideas.. and leaving it for the clans to do. Further killing the game for the individual and small clan players.
  4. I already checked the Prince. It is a BIG improvement. And I dont have to have alts to find out information. Tricks I learned as Aegis Imperium...I dont have alts to find out information. Sometimes you just have to find out discord, VOIP, or other such ways of communication. I have also sat in pirate chat. After all we have been given what, 3 or 4 forged papers? If I say nothing and go no where, you would never know I was there. The Aegis Imperium was the Illuminati in another sandbox MMO, we were everywhere, and nowhere, we knew everything. And we were involved in everything. Yet there was only a dozen of us active.
  5. Not exactly at "eye level for the deck" Unless you are 9ft tall and float with a gyro stabilized optics.
  6. Let me put your mind at ease, I dont have an alt. I never have had one. Why would I buy this game twice? Now as for the words of some "troublemakers", no offense but those troublemakers have been more honest with me about their feelings and what was going on even in TF after they joined then majority of the clans in this game. As of lately I havent bothered to login in.... maybe 10 days, I am not sure... I would have to check my Steam to see. No point in me playing, nothing for me to do. I am not in clan, I dont care about RvR, and the PVP is a fking joke. So really pointless.
  7. Had I been on that ship I would have been green too... but not with envy. I get sea sick easy.
  8. The thing that both EVE and WoW do that this does not do is it lets the casual player who only plays 5-10hours a week feel like they are part of the world not just visiting it. This game you cant really DO anything in an hour or two a night. If I wasnt already established this game would be impossible to enjoy as a solo player with less than 2 hours to play every other night.
  9. HELL clan were not all alts. There were alts in it. But you are talking out of your ass on this one. I have talked to several of the former HELL members and they were VERY much not alts. Some of them are still pirate.
  10. Not entirely false. Just false from your experience. You are speaking for 1 clan, a small clan at that. While other clans have had this very treatment from BLACK. It did not happen often but it did happen.
  11. Fact remains it is nearly impossible in the current game mechanics to keep people interested in the game any longer than a few weeks at best. Between the 2 other games I am playing I can say that those two games have one major thing over NA... deeper economy.
  12. Actually I dont see where you are getting this from. According to several sources including the British Royal Navy themselves. The numbers were close but still showed MORE 5th rates in service than 3rd rates. According to "British Warships in The Age of Sail:1793-1817"-Winfield There were 103 3rd rates in service in 1814, and 134 5th rates in 1814. In 1794 there were 71 3rd rates and 100 5th rates. So please sir what is your source for this argument?
  13. After playing a successful sandbox game for the past few months again. I am realizing what is lacking here besides a real economy. There is no point in any ship except the 5th and 4th rate ships. There isnt much use for the smaller more historically accurate 6th and 7th rates. This is partly due to the ease of each to get. And partly due to the limitations on ship dock space.
  14. I am a single player, I am not part of a guild or a clan. I have managed to build most of my ships, I have a Trincomalee, Indefatigable, LGV, Prince, Lynx, Trader Snow, Snow, Cerberus. I built everything but the Indefatigable which was captured, and the LGV, which was built for me but I supplied all of the materials. I can easily crank out a ship every other day without to much effort. Just a lot of boring sailing to get materials.
  15. The watch or lookout would give mast count as soon as able. Case and point. The Battle of Cape St Vincent (1797) "There are eight sail of the line, Sir John" "Very well, sir" "There are twenty sail of the line, Sir John" "Very well, sir" "There are twenty five sail of the line, Sir John" "Very well, sir" "There are twenty seven sail of the line, Sir John" "Enough, sir, no more of that; the die is cast, and if there are fifty sail I will go through them"
  16. The best way to have RvR on the PVE server is make it a basic points race for a town. The side that gains the most hostility points in a set period of time gains control of the town. The points can be gained by PVE missions, killing NPC ships in that region, OR by running war supplies into the town.
  17. It replenishes crew in your total crew available but not on the ship. You have to manually assign crew back to the ship using the slider.
  18. This. There is no real reason to EVER leave the safe zone.
  19. Funny I thought MARS was going to 8v8 DAVE/DMG ... hmm I guess they lied and decided to stab the smaller Spanish nation in the back.
  20. Finally back on track for fixing and improving... not randomly throwing out and starting over with new systems. Good work admin, 'bout time.
  21. Not sure who was requesting this but, what? If you thought it was stupid then, why did you do it? YOU are the developer.
  22. So I played for about 2 hours last night, again. Let me start with the pros + the frame rate has improved and is far smoother than it was previously, great work. + Reduction in mass on the craft materials is good. + Increased payouts is good (and bad) Now for the cons... -Sail times are still really kind of boring and a pain for the individual not in VOIP with someone to occupy your time. -Guns are still WAY to accurate. -The individual or small clan (less than 5) really has no place in this game. -Increased payouts will lead to inflation of market prices. -Less reason to fight over ports or regions now, just more PVE. Sorry but I know a lot of people like this patch but I feel in about a month we will be right back to where we were. Less people online than now, and people calling for a merger again.
  23. I would love to see them actually give a reason to sail something other than a heavy 5th rate, or bigger. Currently all we have going is the 4th rate or bigger ship sailing around. No point for 6th rates or below.
  24. Last time I did one they did not gain hostility and honestly the rewards wasnt worth the hassle. It was the same as any mission of the same scale other than the payouts were slightly better because of the numbers of AI ships.
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