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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Here is a tale of my Renomee last night and sail repairs. I jumped a lone Frigate captained by a newer captain. I figured easy kill, he was sitting there sails down, and made no attempt to avoid me. I jumped him, fired a few chain broadsides into his sails, brought him down to 80%. And began to work his stern. As I was moving to get my first rake into his stern 3 other frigates jumped into the fight. I realized I had fallen in a trap. I came under fire from a Herminie, and a Cerberus. The Indefatigable and the Frigate I had been fighting were out of position to fire on me. I set my direction to my best point of sail and fired chain into the Herm, as I went by. They worked my sails down to 90%, I popped my sail repair to put distance between us. The chase lasted about 30min till I was far enough away that his bow chasers couldnt hit me accurately anymore. If I had 1 sail repair and 1 hull repair, the fight would have went the same way for me. But had they had a faster ship in the fight, it would have been different. My combat load for the Reno, is 4 complete sail repairs, and 4 extra individual for OW touchups. And I have 3 complete hull repairs and 2 complete rum runs.
  2. What are these two ships made of? Because the Constitution looks a little thin.
  3. Actually, EVE doesnt have separate ammo holds from the cargo hold. Some ships have a bonus for ammo capacity.
  4. I havent seen that in a LONG LONG time... I almost forgot that game existed.
  5. The one problem is, it kind of kills the other gameplay style. The Privateer/Pirate. I dont want a fair fight with a warship, I am looking for the fat heavy slow trader that is unescorted for easy loot.
  6. And god help you if a PB happened in the last 3 hours... you will only see those reports. Last night I think I was the last combat news report for 3 hours on the Global server.
  7. On the other side of that coin... If a 1st rate like the Santi fired a broadside at a Surprise in real life, the surprise would be drift wood after the first salvo. In game now, the Surprise can take the hit sail off, magically replace all of the damaged sections and come back and fight as if it had never been shot at all.
  8. Last night I had one real fight with a single player with 2 Indiamen. I captured and sunk them both, gained over 200k gold, 2400xp, and 10PVP marks and 20 Combat marks. I was in a Renomee.
  9. The biggest issue with the IDing ships in the OW is fleet ships. Last night I managed to catch a single US player who was under crewing 2 Indiamen off the coast of Florida. Had it been the way you all say I wouldnt have known there was a second ship with him. I dont think it would be right to see a 3rd rate being invisible because the player is sailing around in a trader brig (6th rate) with the 3rd rate as a fleet ship. And most lookouts back then could identify a ship out to about 10km. It would take time, but they would be able to tell if it was a SoL or a Indiaman.
  10. I want battle sails to have a use.. and now is the time to do it!
  11. I have suggested this very thing about the Battle sails... and it has been mostly ignored, even though it was pretty well received by most of the other forum dwellers. As in here.
  12. I am truly sorry if this was your first MMO experience. This is a poor example of what most good MMOs are like. MMOs with real communities, that number in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands, can be amazing. I have built some real friendships and real enemies out of some of the MMOs I have played over the years. I have been with the same "guild/clan" for over 10 years now, and one of us has known each other in online games since 2001. Dont give up on MMOs.
  13. This is a risk you take. I can actually sink 2 NPC ships of the same class as mine without using a repair. It just takes practice and patience.
  14. You already have that. Most NPC ships have hull and or rig repairs and rum on them. I actually keep myself in stock of those things by killing a half dozen NPC combat ships in the OW.
  15. This doesnt help the issue of, he who demasts first wins. You will see an increase in NPC fleets taken with players, set to demast, and the players firing chain then ball to kill the mast. Who cares about the hull when you can kill sails and masts long before they get into your structure.
  16. Another rare time I agree with Texas. Where are my Barbary Pirates/Corsairs/Privateers? I mean we have frakking RUSSIA here they NEVER made it to the Caribbean. They are rarely there now in the 21st century. On a side note. You are welcome to come and fight me in another game, always looking for good adversaries. Oh and congrats on your 5000th post.
  17. Black Sails was fiction, fantasy, about as realistic as Pirates of the Caribbean "Curse of the Black Pearl". And Black Sails actually takes place about 100 years before this game, during the height of piracy in the region around 1700.
  18. With a Pickle or even the Prince, which are both "Hermaphrodite" rig designs. You have to factor in that there main sails are actually just the square sails on the ship. All of the other sails are technically stays or jib sails. The Lynx and the Privateer share the same issue. But to a much bigger degree as they are true fore-aft rigged ships.
  19. First we need players that are trading in the OW... LOL ordering pirates.. you really are just trying to make them another nation instead of pyrates.
  20. If there are completely calm seas, there is no wind... no wind means you dont move.
  21. Again I like realism in my games. I play other sandbox games and I have to worry about bleeding, broken bones, and death by bug or animal bites that I dont see. In a Beta right now for a game that if I dont eat, I will starve to death.. so yeah. I am a bit on the hardcore side.
  22. No I just like some realism in my sandbox. Especially if that sandbox claims to be based in history.
  23. First of all... Pirates should not be able to build any ship of the line. I cant find one documented case of a pirate sailing a "74" or bigger ship. 95% of all pirates sailed in Brigs, Schooners, or other "unrated" ships. Teach had a 5th rate, but a "corvette" 5th rate, which would be akin to a Cerberus or a Renomee. And furthermore by this point in history (1770-1820) piracy was mostly dead in the Caribbean. So the idea of the "Pirate Nation" is gone. All of the pirates of note are all dead or retired by this point.
  24. Hell I have been asking for real pirate mechanics for almost 2 years... I gave up.
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