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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. This is fact. The reason for this is most frigate captains were able to make more money in their hunting exploits and had far more leeway when carrying out their orders. Some great recorded examples of how much money these captains would make off of successful voyages. In one case a captain after taxes and ship fees were taken out, he and his crew made enough money off of prizes to pay every man on the ship 10 years pay. This was a 6 month voyage. Being a Frigate captain back then was like being a fighter pilot now. You were the rock star of the naval military. There was very little chance at that kind of money or glory as a line ship commander. Perhaps a 4th rate or a 3rd rate... but not a 2nd or 1st rate. A great example of a successful frigate captain would be Sir Edward Pellew.
  2. I dont agree with Bearwall on much but we agree on all of these mechanics. I have a pirate on PVP-Light (AKA EU) and I have operated under strict rules... no ships over 5th rate, I have one outpost in MT. I only use ships I can buy or steal off of the market or on the open sea. I have actually been enjoying sailing around in a regular brig. Decent ship when built right, not great but can do a bit of everything.
  3. I think the problem is your original post was as clear as mud. And I see nothing wrong with it. LGVs are not as fast or as powerful as a Surprise, or Renomee. While they are good, insanely good for their "class" as a armed trade ship. They are the perfect pirate/privateer vessel. You can stop them. I have used a T-Snow to do the same thing in the past. A T-Snow with crew space and fir is very deceiving. And surprisingly good at capturing player T-Brigs.
  4. The problem is it isnt "fun" for the person who is sailing a trade ship. When realistically if they did run into a 5th rate that they couldnt out run they would surrender. Often times they would be taken as a prize, sent back to a nearby port, then the ship would have to be paid off by the captain, or by the company that owned it, and the crew and ship would often be let go. There is no option like that in game. I could try and sail that ship to a neutral port and sell the ship back to the person I took it from, but honestly with the current game mechanics that is a nightmare. As you have to have a outpost there and they have to have an outpost... just not worth the effort.
  5. In the past few days I have been in a few fights where I severely out classed my opponent. T-Lynx vs a Prince, T-Brig vs Renomee. If my opponent had an option to surrender but keep their ship, I am sure more people would take it. Saw this on an old wiki for PotBS. Surrender There is another way to lose a Sea Combat. During a Player vs Player fight you can offer to surrender. You can offer a percentile of your unsecured cargo to the attacking players. If the attacking player accepts your surrender he will get a random part of your unsecured cargo based on that percentile. You will keep the rest (if any) and you will not lose durability or outfitting. This is a fantastic system. If I run down a T-Brig in my Renomee, he has no chance at escape, and no chance at out fighting me. So why shouldnt he be able to surrender? If he surrenders and says he will give me 100% of his cargo or what ever I can carry, but he gets to keep his ship. It is a win - win for pirates, privateers and the trader ship captains.
  6. Surrender There is another way to lose a Sea Combat. During a Player vs Player fight you can offer to surrender. You can offer a percentile of your unsecured cargo to the attacking players. If the attacking player accepts your surrender he will get a random part of your unsecured cargo based on that percentile. You will keep the rest (if any) and you will not lose durability or outfitting. This is needed....
  7. Negative sir. The way the game is designed all models are shared with the server also. The server tracks all of the crew models, and the sails, and the waves.... So more crew shown more the server has to track.
  8. Depends on the hit to cargo space. If you lose 20-25% of your cargo space, that means your hull repairs and rig repairs will take up more of your available space thus slowing you down more.
  9. If not already there. Those posts are from about a year ago. And I dont speak Russian so no clue what is said in those posts.
  10. I like the idea of it impacting hold space. The funny thing about the US 6 Frigates.... Only 3 of them were built the same, the others were actually quite different than the first 3.
  11. I dont see why they cant have PBs vs the AI, like we have when we attack a neutral port. Or have conversions from Combat marks to PVP marks for these PVP only items.
  12. Lynx is 1 Hull, 2 Rig Privateer, 2 Hull, 2 Rig Brig, 3 Hull, 4 Rig Snow, 4 Hull, 4 Rig Renomee, 6 Hull, 8 Rig Trincomalee, 8 Hull, 10 Rig Those are just the ones I use pretty regularly.
  13. What I want when I play NA is, I want to be a pirate or a privateer, or a frigate captain. I want to hunt enemy commerce shipping and sink or capture it. I want the thrill of being able to elude the combat vessels that do come after me. I don't want to ever be in a "fair" fight with my prey, I want to have an overwhelming advantage every time. NAL will never meet those requirements. This is also why I dont sail SoLs, because they hamper the escape aspect of my hunting.
  14. LOL... a ball is actually packed in with a wadding to keep it from rolling out.
  15. They appear meager, but they are better for flexibility of the fleets. And yeah as long as the Euros are happy screw everyone else.
  16. Even without those conditions had they just had one fast ship it would have been completely different. At 80% sails my Reno still does 14knts. I tested it. At Battle sails at its best point I still do 13knts. I still think the crew should be considerably exposed while repairs are being performed.
  17. Zoky is mostly right. I am an OW PVPer not a PB elitist. I like the hunt in OW, but cant stand sailing for hours looking at an empty sea. I recently loaded back up an old pirate MMO, World of Pirates, and sailed around in it. Realized that sailing in that while still long, it wasnt nearly as boring. There was a fog of war, aspect, where you didnt see everything till you found it. Which gave sailing XP. You got a handy bell sound when a ship was spotted. You had variable winds, both strength and direction. It didnt just rotate in a counter clockwise circle. It would shift based on real life prevailing winds in the region.
  18. Not exactly. Copper Plating did not make ships go faster, it just prevented hull rot due to sea life growing or feeding on the hull of the ship.
  19. I rarely use more than 1 repair of either type in any PVP encounter. Maybe because I am really picky on my targets, or I dont like taking damage.
  20. I would have gone with two like woods, fir-fir vs fir-fir. While Teak and Fir have the same turn modifiers they have different acceleration numbers. Which may have an impact on the turn rate number.
  21. The Miasmos is a specialized trade ship. But any of the combat vessels, Tristan, Rifter, Slasher, Stabber, Thrasher, Rattler, all have one cargo bay for everything. Now industrial ships, like the Miasmos, Prospector, Venture, Orca, all have specialized cargo bays for different tasks. And I agree we do need a dedicated magazine on each ship.
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