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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. First I would like to say, I love OW tagging and I think it adds some strategy to the game... BUT it can be tweaked to be a bit better. -OW Tag should start you at a MAX range of 750m, and no closer than 50m from the targeted ship. -NO ship can escape without masts. If a ship is missing a mast it should not be able to escape. -ALL captains should have area control. As long as another hostile ship is within 750m of them they can not escape. -ANY ship without masts, that can not be repaired in 30min will automatically surrender. (No captain or crew would just sit there and get raked to death.)[This also prevents abuse of players by masting them and leaving them for an hour] -AI ships with no masts remaining will surrender after 60seconds. They have no way of defending themselves. -Any ship that is invisible at the start of an OW battle cannot enter that OW battle. (prevents cloaking attacks)
  2. I hate to say this but some people in Black and in the pirates are part of the problem, but you refuse to accept this because...
  3. I am not... The servers population is plummeting, players are getting outed for using exploit programs and bitching on the forums to no avail. This is basically akin to throwing a scrap off the table to shut the dog up. But I am being a bit to much of a pessimist.
  4. I know last night I was going to go out hunting... but instead looked at the player numbers, and with the chat exploit program that came to light yesterday. I was just completely uninterested in anything to do with Naval hAction.
  5. To get an accurate speed for the ship make sure you dont have any guns or cargo in your ship when you look.
  6. If you thought alts were a problem before... give away free trials and there will be a thousand more alts.
  7. Well to be honest, Spain was dead on launch.
  8. I dont sail it because I refuse to sail ships that never sailed in the Caribbean like that Russian fantasy boat.
  9. Since you dont know what I do in game, let me enlighten you. I know more than you think, and I may have a pirate. So dont jump to conclusions. And for the love of all that is holy stop posting that strawman argument.
  10. Actually Kanay is talking about the pirate frigate vs the Essex. The Essex has a higher BR, but is worse in EVERY aspect than the Pirate Frigate currently. Thus making the Pirate Frigate OP vs the now useless Essex.
  11. The problem is that the PVE population is honestly the smallest population in this game. AND with the fact that the AI is a joke until they make an aggressive OW AI to go on the PVE server. It would best used as a training server for noobs. I am not against making a larger "safe" zone around capitals that would give a place for PVE'rs to play on the PVP server and be part of the bigger picture without being on a dead server. It would also give people who are learning a safe place to learn without threat of being hunted to no end.
  12. That is one of the other minor complaints I have had this whole wipe. They never adjusted the labor, or cost of production of ANYTHING with the reduction of durability. It doesnt hurt me as bad but it is a pain in the butt for many.
  13. Oddly enough there are more in game than on these forums that fight. And I see you here more than in game... what does that say.
  14. So well put I wish I could give a 1000+ likes on that one. You sir have said everything I have been ranting and raging about for months and you did it without using four letter swear words.
  15. The way I figure.... Ships sunk... 1-France 2-Great Briton 3-United States 4-Spain 5-Pirates 6,7,8- Sweden, VP, and Danes.
  16. Funny didnt seem that way at PaP a few weeks ago. Let me see... BLOOD, BLACK, HYDRA, GS6, and a few others. Sounds like more than ONE, UNO, EIN clan. Pirates have the one thing you listed and one unintended feature. The outlaw battle mechanic is a way for the stronger larger clans to enforce their will on the smaller less powerful clans. Which BLACK has done. The unintended mechanic is they can use this outlaw battle mechanic can be used to attack NPC Pirate fleets in a region that is under threat to greatly prolong hostility grinds.
  17. You all have been saying this a lot lately. And I highly doubt that would be true. If BLACK was Spanish you would be frustrated and limited. God help you if you were US and tried to deal with clans that dont want to work with you because of what ever reason they have. You wouldnt be able to exact a revenge on them and beat them into line by tagging them and attacking them. Well you could but that would result in a lot of tribunals.
  18. Not all haulers in EVE are slow and sluggish. There are specific ones that are designed as blockade runners. Traders in game dont need to be slow. Trader ships in game need to be the same base speed as their non-trader counterparts. The cargo slows them down enough. It makes ZERO logical sense for a Trader Snow to go 10.9kn while a Snow goes 12.95kn base. Why is the Trader Snow 2 knots slower when empty? Is it because it has half to crew... oh that cant be it, because that is for cargo space.... can it be because it has thinner masts.... nope that is for cargo space too....
  19. It isnt denying them anything. They can still play the game, and it would still be there. It just wont be as big. They will still have access to around 30%-40% of the ships in game. If the developers arent going to be bothered to have aggressive AI on that server why bother with it outside of making it a training server.
  20. I cant help but feel at this point you are being more patronizing than honest. But this is the cynic in me. To be quite frank with you. Most of the problems is the lack of information. You say more ships and UI improvements will bring people into the game, and they will but they wont keep them. What will keep them is more and better information on what is happening IN game. Instead of being in the dark 99% of the time a player should know before they even create a character if it is a dead nation or not. Any new player that joins Spain, Sweden or France in Global right now is in for a hell of a time. The US isnt much better right now either. But how would anyone know if they dont see the active population in that nation on creation. Then we have the issues everyone else mentioned. But this is my take on the situation, I am not part of any clan or guild, I play the game as a solo player, and I do find the game challenging but not impossible.
  21. My 2 cents on the Pirate subject. Pirates should not have any ports, should operate only out of free ports. Pirates should not have a national chat, you are not a nation. Pirates should not be able to capture territory only raid it. Pirates should have a permanent smuggler flag no need to turn it on for them. Pirates should not be able to craft any shipyard over level 2. Pirates should not be able to have a workshop for cannons. Pirates should not be able to have more than 650 crew. (only one pirate in history ever had more than that) Pirates should have pirate refits of every trade ship. (basically faster versions of the current trader ships with more crew) Pirates should have a permanent morale and attack bonus on all boarding actions. (+10morale, +0.025 ATK)
  22. A man who understands percentages and math.... thank you. It drives me nuts when I see people brag about a 150k profit off of a 150k buy and 2 hours sail. I can make 100k in an hour hunting NPC trade ships in a Snow.
  23. That is unfortunate. It has happened to me once. But that unfortunately is the nature of the Internet.
  24. LOL..... Christendom is on more than me. And that says something right there.
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