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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. You are incorrect sir. On the internet there is no such thing as "freedom of speech". As ultimately it is up to the owner of that medium on what can or cannot be said there. In this case Game-Labs can choose to remove any post they wish and censor any statement made on these forums as long as they are the owner of this site.
  2. The problem is the provider, may not have the staff on hand to perform the maintenance during night time as they may as well be in the EU.
  3. It was an accident from all the sunk pirates in the area. Collateral damage and all that.
  4. I think that was the cowboys who used to ride to Mexico with the stolen loot. I thought Pirates went to Madagascar.
  5. You must be bored... I havent seen you on these forums this much ever.
  6. That is to simulate the "surprise" factor where someone got the element of surprise on his opponent. Like came out of a fog bank, or was able to close the distance before the crew was able to beat to quarters. There is a lot that has to happen before a ship of this area is at action stations status.
  7. If I cut a mast down, and the person goes to sail repair I switch to hull shots and cause hull damage while they repair their sails. Once that 90sec repair is over, I go right back to the sails and mast. Next time they have a choice, repair the hull and be immobile, or have sails and sink.
  8. Already there is that in game. If you leave the grid you will exit to OW.
  9. Aside from the horrible title of this thread... The attack on Pearl Harbor was done by the Japanese, not Chinese. And it actually had a proper declaration of war prior to the attack that was ignored by the US State department. But that is a bit of historical nit picking. Danes are being told to do this by their leash holders BLACK.
  10. Just because I am outnumbered doesnt mean I dont have the advantage.
  11. If I dont have the advantage, I disengage. I learned a long time ago in ROTC at NMMI, a smart commander will seek an advantage before the battle. A poor commander will seek to force an advantage after the battle started. So if I dont have the advantage before the fight, I wont try and force the advantage. I will just leave.
  12. Yes and no. This would actually cause people to use trade routes, which were actual routes captains used to sail to maximize profit for time at sea.
  13. This would be a fix in the right direction. On a side note, I am noticing a lot of these threads coming out of BLACK clan lately.
  14. When you tag each other.... not that I am implying anything.
  15. LOL My Lynx and Privateer is my primary hunting ships, and they dont have chasers. But I wont fight a "fair" fight if I can help it. Even if I am out in my Snow I wont fight a fair fight, I will seek every advantage I can get before the fight to assure victory. But I guess my BR 50 Snow with chasers is a gank ship... even though all I have sank has been LGVs, Navy Brigs, and other Snows. But I guess because everything that thing has sunk has been bigger BR or equal to mine I am a gank ship. The problem @Simon Cadete isnt ganks, it is the person who is getting "ganked". If you sail alone in a lumbering target and you cant operate it in a manner that you can defend yourself, then you are going to be an easy target for a hunting group. Or a "gank party" as you call it. And a gank is when you jump a completely defenseless prey who has no chance at defending themself with such an overwhelming assault that it is over before they knew it began. Example, a Santisma joining a battle right next to a Trader Snow and unloading all 56gun broadside into it before the Snow can even raise sails. That is a gank. Gank came from getting gakked, which was the sound most characters made in old MMOs when they died quickly. The other possible origin is from shortening the term "gang rape" to ganked. Not sure how it worked.. but it did. The current term is... you got WREKT or rekt for short.
  16. They learned from the masters of avoidance.
  17. LOLWHAT? Last I checked US, GB, and FR havent hid in a battle to avoid a screening fleet. Just sayin.
  18. He wasnt talking about port battles.
  19. I am interested to see your solution to the hiding in battle screen before port battle issue? I agree with Slim on this one, it is extremely difficult to catch any fleet in battle that has a 10min head start. Unless I am sailing something fast and flimsy, like a Endymoin or a Renomee, which are no match for any 4th rate, let alone a 1st rate. There are somethings players can not correct themselves, without some kind of code re-write to fix the core issue.
  20. It is kind of funny to see the same names that used to hang out in Charleston or KPR doing the SAME THING in Mortimer. You would think they would learn. Last night was the first time in 2 weeks I had been to KPR, I honestly dont see the draw to hang around the capital.
  21. I actually hadnt been hunting much, Life is Feudal MMO CBT4 took up most of my time. Last night I went out PVPing got a kill on a Navy Brig in my Snow, had 3 Lynxes run from me, and then I went back to port and to bed.
  22. That was when you all were grinding up hostility there. I remember that. And how many alts do you have? 1 for every nation?
  23. You can look at the lord protector board but look at the PVP board. I think most of them are FR, GB or US. I see a few PR show up every now and then. And it is always the same 3 names, none of them are yours or JobaSet.
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