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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. Not sure what counter argument you brought to the table that had to do with speed adjustments in this thread? You brought up a different topic about costs of ships, and how 1 dura is affecting PVP in your opinion. The only thing you have contributed to the whole topic has been the fact that 2 ships of 15kn will never catch each other.
  2. I havent fulled tested it. And to be honest I dont have the time. But with my Lynx which is baseline 13.77 before build and mods. After my mods should be closer to 16kn. And my Lynx will do over 11kn closer to 12kn, at 135. And 10kn at 180.
  3. I understood what you were trying to say. Heavier slower base ship, has to give up something to match the faster designs. BUT with that said, some of those ships are still tougher than any of the baseline fast ships. This is kind of the counter many people are coming up with.
  4. You all with your deflecting and your accusations and salt being thrown around... makes me want to go back to EvE or Mortal Online.
  5. It only increases your speed at different points of sail. So you can take a Snow and go 15kn at 90 but then do 15kn at 180, or 135, or anywhere in between. With the right speed mods thrown on.
  6. Now I think you are just arguing to argue. Ship costs is not the subject of this thread, speeds is. Not discussing skill difference or anything like that.
  7. Unfortunately I dont see that happening, to many people with bad blood between them. The US is in a rough place, I personally have stopped all of my attacks on them because of this fact. While I enjoy PVP and hunting trade ships, I do not enjoy kicking a side while they are down. Unless I dont like them as players, then I will spawn camp you until you uninstall the game.
  8. As a moderator for most MMOs ban a player based off of IP. Having been a moderator in the past, I had the power to forward character ID# to the senior Moderator who had access to the IPs and MACIP of accounts, and could MACIP ban an account if it becomes an issue. Which is a difficult ban to avoid. But again getting off topic. And slow down your typing, not sure what a furom is but it sounds like someplace I want to avoid.
  9. If you were that close when it detonated no wonder you lost everyone. You are less than 100m from the explosion. I doubt brace would have saved you.
  10. So now you are deflecting? Trying to say Daniel Silver is a VCO or TF alt. LOL that is rich. Next you will be saying Lionshaft is an alt. All of this is getting pretty comical. Just accept that one of your members got caught and punished, accept it and move on.
  11. This is because you want to sail these big expensive ships. Instead of less expensive easier to replace ships. Or you fail to have replacement ships available. This is not on game design this is on you. He said, "IF the skill difference is high enough." But not on topic.
  12. LOL you sir are so full of...... well needless to say your eyes are brown.
  13. If I recall you had a T-Lynx with you, that I let go. And you expect me to not take a fight on my terms.. LOL you sir fail to understand I am in to win, not throw away fights.
  14. Not exactly sure what you are saying. Maybe because it is early and I havent finished my coffevee. But the Franco-Spanish fleet had the superior force at Trafalgar. (On paper). But the Royal Navy out maneuvered them. For every 1 competent 5th, 6th, and 7th rate captain there are 15 are barely able to sail their way out of harbor.
  15. While I agree with you, I also disagree. Most of the ports are not SOL battles, but if you add in all of the 4th rate ports with that, you end up with over 70% of the map being a port that requires either 4th rates (which need CM to make) or SOL (which require CM to make). Then there is the hard fact that most of the major traffic areas are deep water ports, in deep water regions. It is hard to fight a war in this game with 5th rates and 6th rates.
  16. You really do seem like you are mad at him for something. He is telling you that you dont need to have matched ships to win a fight. I agree with him. Sometimes thinking outside the box can get you the win too. It is a gamble and often a long shot but no better than trying to match a force that has way more experience in the same ships than any one in your force. Which leads to the same gamble but much more on the line than previous gambit. So why risk the expensive hard to replace vessels when you can run the cheaper easier to replace vessels in hopes of wearing down your enemy and making it less cost effective for them. You can end up even capturing a few of them. So you are denying your enemy the vessel, and possibly gaining it for your faction. Well worth the risk of a few 5th rates.
  17. Those of us who were still playing, like you and I, remember the Surprise gank fleets of the pre-wipe.
  18. Other things are capped. Max HP you can gain is 20%. Max cannon dispersion reduction is 20% Max reload speed is 20%. Everything is limited to 20% over stock.
  19. Y U Hef 2 B mad bro? Really you seem salty. I dont know why you are so upset, could it be you are a greater non-factor than myself? At least I do some RVR stuff, I just dont care for PBs because they are most boring to me. Shallows are fun but everything else is a waste of time for me.
  20. It hurts more than a surprise, which has no furnishings and is actually cheaper to produce.
  21. You dont know me very well do you? Seeing as I sail around in unrates most of the time, and rarely if ever take anything bigger than a Privateer into PVP. Yeah I know what small ships can do.
  22. LOL, Dont come at me with that weak az comeback. Like saying "do you even lift??" and yes I do, this is a suggestion, you dont like it, dont comment, and move on.
  23. The problem is you have to make a choice. Sacrifice speed for repairs. And if I see someone moving slow because they are loaded with repairs, I will damage the sails from a distance, and force them to repair them, then damage the hull while they repairing sails. As soon as they are done repairing the sails, I go back to sails, so the next time they have to make the hard call. Fix the sails, or risk getting sunk.
  24. I personally am a bigger fan of 15-20% over max designed speed. Which gives a wider range of ships that can reach high speeds. But I also think it should be limited by rating also. A 6-7 rate 20% max, 4-5th rate 15%, 1-3 rate 10%. This would keep you from having racing yacht Ballonas. Ok.. Seeing as a fir fir gaz Reno is still worth more than a fir-fir gaz Surprise. AND it still hurts to lose it. Seeing as it stands NO chance against ANY ship with guns bigger than 6lbs. Your idea of cheap is completely different than someone else. I consider the cerb and the Surprise to be cheap as they dont require furnishings. And it is not a good thing. No matter how you try and spin it.
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