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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. You dont NEED this perk, you WANT this perk there is a difference. A limited version of Area Control is NEEDED, ships should not automagically vanish if they dont get shot in 90seconds if they are with in 250m.
  2. And they complained about the UI in this game. LOL EVE the spreadsheet game, ARMA mission editor is actually worse than the UI here, and DCS, IL2, and Rise of Flight are all arcade style sims to me.
  3. If the UI turned them off then this game wouldnt be for them in the first place. No offense but people like that are amazed by flashy graphics and fast paced action... so are better suited for DOTA or WoWS, not Naval Action or WWII Online or even ARMAIII or EVE.
  4. People in the mid to late 1800s US were in decent shape. There were no cars, and most of the people worked on their feet all day and walked or rode horses or carts. The southern soldiers were probably in better general health than most northern solders but then you have to factor in nutrition. In the 1860s most people didnt think of a balanced diet or proper nutrition. But as a whole most men who fought in the Civil War were in better "shape" but poorer health.
  5. Well I know I have still been hunting on the US east coast. The total for the HMS Jackalope is now.. 5 Trader Brigs, 1 Trader Cutter, 1 Pickle and an Indefatigable. 1 Trader brig and the Indefatigable were assisted captures with the help of Captain Sid Berret and his Renomee.
  6. Last night I capped a overloaded Trader brig, he had 1750.6 on his ship, He was moving 11knts in battle at 90deg to the wind. I was in my Lynx and I had a HELL of time keeping up with him till I brought his sails down to 60% and he started turning towards a big square fort nearby trying to force me into range. I only managed to capture him JUST as we were getting into range. He sailed really well for an overloaded ship.
  7. Not disagreeing with you, that avoiding fights is a bit "cowardly" but unfortunately people are afraid of losing pixels. Some people think sailing afk for hours to amass millions of pixel gold coins makes them good.. well that is something. This is why I am opposed to the massive US-GB alliance, or really any alliance currently in game. I also think any form of teleportation outside of jumping between your outposts should be gone. And if you want something you need to sail and get it or hire someone to get it.
  8. I think speed mods should be like armor hp bonus mods... no more than +20% over base numbers. So no matter how hard you try you will NEVER get a Ballona to 15kn because of its base speed only being around 11kn.
  9. That is because I dont think the speed cap in battle affects your open world speed. So you can reach 34-35kn OW.
  10. Well I picked up this game last year around the summer sail.. so I can say if I havent gone yet I will still be here after 3 weeks. And it comes down to everyone's individual play style. I am not going to tell you, that you are playing the game wrong because you play during your play time and not during mine. What do I look like, someone from the EU server?
  11. Actually applying Sun Tzu's art of war doctrine to a game does make sense. It may not to you, but it does. It makes more sense than applying it to business practices but yet the 1% has been doing it for years. I personally use Dicta Boelcke.
  12. The funny thing is the best thing I have ever done was leave the capital of my nation. I dont even go there any more. I am set up far from it, and within 20-30min sail of my free port outpost that I will go to for a few days and operate out of hunting for a while.
  13. I believe it is 2*battle speed of ship at that point of sail. This does not include any mast or sail bonuses like studding sails or stay sails. BUT does include hard increases, like copper plating, lead sheeting, speed trim. So if you have a Snow that does 12kn at 135 in battle, it will do 24 kn in OW at 135.
  14. If they had pirates only in 6th and 7th rates I would be pirate.. because well that is ALL I sail now LOL.
  15. I think this was tried once before, a long time ago with the neutral nation. I also dont agree with the build and sail 5th rates.. NO to that, you want to be free and not tied to national politics then you sail an unrated ship 6-7th rate.
  16. While I see what the OP is trying to do... I still say no. That is a bad idea on so many levels.
  17. They are both "attacks" The way the calculator works is. ATTACK - uses the attack modifiers. DEFEND- uses the defense modifiers COUNTER ATTACK - uses the attack modifiers.
  18. I sail alone a lot. But I also hang out in different clans Teamspeaks or in my original clan teamspeak and none of them play this game or even want to. But I have a good time hunting players, tracking my prize captures and the such. It is a "game" to me, I am trying to match or beat some of the prize records of the actual time period. So far I have been pretty much on par sailing around in a Lynx. As for outposts, expand your docks, so you have 8 slots, place a ship in the outpost near where you like to fight, and then either teleport up there or sail there if it is a free town.
  19. I have no idea what you said. And is it that hard to type out the word YOU? And sailing isnt that bad if you do it in the right ship for the job. I sailed from Barcos to Ays last night in around 30min in my Lynx. It isnt that hard to do.
  20. As Mr. Ahhnold said. The Trader Brig is a Brig with 60 crew instead of 110, and has the exact same guns as a Brig. So you can mount 16 6lb guns and 2 6lb chasers. You only need 36 men for those guns too.. so you have men to spare for sailing. Trust me it is a bit of a challenge being in a Lynx and trying to tackle an armed Trader Brig or Trader Snow.
  21. To you it maybe the most important thing. But to some of us who are substance over style kind of people it is just a frivolous thing that can wait.
  22. Relatively yes. Base attack and counter attack values are the same though. But the factor of mods, bonuses, and ship sizes come into account.
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