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Everything posted by Hodo

  1. That is exactly it. And I stand by my suggestion, it makes pirates "HARD" and play like pirates. But there has been other suggestions, by Koltes, Sir Texas Sir, and a half dozen others, that would be acceptable also.
  2. Ultimately we have had this discussion several times in the past. Over and over, there has been countless polls and suggestions by both pirates and non-pirate players on how to fix the nation. But the developer refuses to listen to any of them. And 90% of them would be acceptable and fix the issue.
  3. Not even hoping on that. Legends was never going to be what I was looking for, so I just went back to a game that actually gives me what I am looking for.
  4. The initial idea on the lost fleets was to generate PVP and loot opportunities not around towns. BUT as we have seen time and time again, this does not happen. No one has the time or effort to patrol a vast area as these spawns happen, or cares to hunt down the people sailing around in Trader Brigs or bigger in hopes of catching one that may have found one or more of the 5 ships that spawn in this event.
  5. Fact is the global server was mishandled by ADMIN not down voted by the player base. There was ZERO information put out on STEAM or through any other medium except this forum on the servers change. So when the wipe happened 70% or more of the player base was caught off guard and had no clue what was going on. Instead of placing the Global server as the top server on the top of the list or having further information on the servers themselves. That was a soup sandwich all around. This is why Global slacked in population.
  6. The server and system load of having to track crew in a boarding like that would be ridiculous. As cool as it would be, it wouldnt be efficient.
  7. Ship speeds in battle are always going to be faster than real life, no one wants to sit plodding around for an hour trying to get into firing position at 6kn. And you can change your feedback on something. EDIT your feedback on STEAM.
  8. I prefer the title "As the Tiller Turns"
  9. First I would like to thank @TommyShelby for attempting to defend me. Fact is I am a troll I stated this in my first post here. If the thin skinned girls in Black can't take it then that is their choice. I do love how they say I have contributed nothing to the game. That in itself is laughable. Doesn't matter because they know they are bad, will continue to be bad, and they can try and stick their heads in the sand and hide. But it won't change the fact that they are playing all alone now and they will be alone in their little litter box. I think everyone of note has moved on to other game.
  10. No. I like the system now tied to the captain not some unknown NPC on your ship.
  11. Its okay. @koltes is here because he was bad at EVE and got run off. I may have podded him on my combat alt in EVE at one point or another.... maybe that is why he is so salty.
  12. 4 hours hell.... if you are trying to flip a broken assed pirate port it can take upwards of 6 hours. I have never seen such a backwards haphazard development cycle in an early access game. The other 2 games I am on the beta teams on I can say they are FAR more structured and take suggestions but ultimately if they dont fit into the original advertised concept of the game they discard them, and tell you why. At one time Gamelabs was like that. Then they decided to just randomly start throwing things at the game every 4 weeks then completely gutting it and throwing a completely new half thought out concept at the game. Perhaps they are still very structured in the Russian forums, but seeing as I am not russian or care to read russian I wouldnt know.
  13. You are bad kid. You asked And I responded accordingly. If you are going to troll, at least know what you typed before. GGK
  14. @The Red Duke nothing personal but I hate your new avatar... I loath the clans and Clan Wolf..... DCMS all the way, House Kurita is the ONLY house. On topic... Legends I feel will be another meh product. It is not going to be fast enough paced for people who like WoWS, or Warthunder... And will be lacking the "hunting" aspect of a true open world sailing game. And with other games due out in the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year that are going to do exactly what Legends is going to do, and do it with big development teams behind them in an arcade like game play feel with a tie into an existing already HUGE franchise. Yeah Legends will be the plankton in a sea of great whites.
  15. He is trying to say... That we are trolls and should be ignored. But fact is you ignore us, and Christendom and Wraith and all you have is BLACK talking to themselves... kind of like how GLOBAL is now.
  16. That answer is a no. And honestly I doubt I will bother, as you are a non-factor now.
  17. It is official, I have lost all respect for you now with that ONE statement. And I will 1v1 you. But I dont bother to login to this game any more, so 1v1 me in LiF-MMO.
  18. Instead of going for the easy video. I personally think what you do is up to you. I know I have left but I am still watching and waiting. But the development has been "hectic" lately and a bit chaotic in direction. It seems to me there is no clear picture on what they want to do with this game. One week it is this the next week it is something "T" totally different.
  19. If no one is online playing, then no one will use it, if no one uses it then no taxes, if there are no taxes there is no money, no money.... why bother taking it in the first place. See the issue?
  20. The Pirate Frigate I could do in an afternoon and I am not even a Unity 4 coder. It is just a simple mod on an existing model. The paint scheme on it is nothing more than a skin mod for the existing model. The guns and crew amounts are just changing a few numbers in the ships .cfg this includes the bonus for boarding. Really not that difficult to do, did it more than a few times in Kerbal Space Program which runs UNITY4.
  21. My point on removal of ships is to replace them with other more realistic ships that most likely saw action in this region. Removal of the Snow and the Niagara means 2 more 6th rates can replace them, like the Xebec and Prince. Removal of the Pirate Frigate. Replaced with the Hermonie or Santa Cecilia Removal of the Heavy Rattlesnake, replaced by the Rattlesnake. Removal of the 3rd rate, replaced with HMS Mars (3rd rate).
  22. So I am going to ask this now. How is this going to effect the PVE server population? Is this another useless patch for that server?
  23. The "Snow" did go to sea, just not the HMS Ontario. The "Snow" is a mast type, Snow masted Brigs. But I agree, remove the heavy rattlesnake, remove the Niagara, remove the 3rd Rate, remove the Pirate Frigate.
  24. I am fine with the removal of Pirates as a nation... just not removing piracy and privateering. And that is what it feels like he is doing.
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