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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. This is something we would never figure out on our own because we can't shoot friendlies excessively to test things like that.
  2. Teleport should take you back to the port where you left.
  3. That depends on how much exp you lose. Either the system is completely irrelevant, so regular PVP exp will keep you at cap anyways even if you're a casual player, or the system is super punishing that you lose the ability to sail your first rates after a two week vacation. If you think this is the solution to make first rates rare again, you're way off target.
  4. Teleporting should go away - but this idea is not fun. IMO a captured ship should get added to the Fleet of the player in a captured state - bare minimum crew, in the state you captured them at, AI control if another battle happens so you need to protect it or send it to run away. Amass as many ships like this as you want.
  5. How high would that payment be? 1 Dura on a sixth rate is worth like 10k?
  6. that's what "unrealistic" means. Just because you can automatically means it is not unrealistic. and how dare naval action expect you to use drivers for your video card You do know shadowplay is not some third party software but an integrated part of nvidia drivers, right?
  7. No, it's not. Shadowplay runs on my 3.5 year old computer and I can on a whim record the last five minutes. I fully agree on point 3, but then again we have players who are not interested in testing this game, but only want to win and play accordingly. Apparently he's one of these guys. The moment you charge full price you can't expect everyone who joins to be a fully committed alpha tester.
  8. Except that taking the Bellona required defeating it in combat, while preventing them from capturing the already defeated Bellona required no fighting at all.
  9. There will be premium ships you can redeem over and over. This would be the same thing, except the gameplay to obtain the ship would still be required. It's by any means lighter on the p2w scale than flat out redeeming premium ships
  10. Yeah just let us buy more econ slots and more labor hours through cash shop. After all, it's what people with multiple accounts already do. I don't see how it is "pay to win", you're not winning by crafting ships. I am pretty disappointed that there is no gameplay in the economy due to the labor hour restriction.
  11. Copper plated, speed trimmed, fir build raceboat trinc doesn't get caught by normal combat ships. What a surprise. And now I understand why you're insisting so strongly on being allowed to gank newbies anywhere at all times: It's what you actually do.
  12. Even the Sweden vs Dutch thread is probably an anti Brit flame war. First rule of the forum: You must flame Great Britain.
  13. By doing what exactly? Sailing away at full speed? This is neither realistic nor fun. Even if this isn't a Tribunal thing, please adjust the game so this isn't possible. I could do the same thing with a Lynx or a free basic Cutter. Forcing people to wait over an entire hour because of this is POTBS levels of griefing.
  14. ships already are cheap. People don't PVP for other reasons. Reasons the designers are unwilling to discuss.
  15. we captured a trinc and a renommee yesterday, we did not get kill/assist exp for doing so because we couldn't risk shooting ball at the ship because he'd then just turn off survival and sink. Unless of course you board before he sinks and his crew is forced in survival but then again, not worth the risk. Sure, for PVE you can shoot up your target first and then capture it. In PVP, no rewards are given. PVP is supposed to reward more than PVE, not less, right?
  16. if you just outright dismiss the fact that resource production is being reduced every patch now and dismiss the fact that you can't produce resources in free ports then yes, free ports can support an economy. But that is simply not how it works Never mind the atrocious gameplay that is sailing to four different types of free towns, some of which will be 2-3 hours away. But I guess you don't think you'll ever be in that situtation, and anyone who ends up in it only has himself to blame and might as well quit. I really despise this "Let's see how fast we can burn this game down to the ground" attitude many are showing here.
  17. so you think forcing guaranteed loss PVP on people will make them shy away from PVP any less?
  18. I'm not feeling like I'm missing out
  19. I do not understand one bit of what you wrote there.
  20. This game is rapidly devolving into cheater's paradise.
  21. It's funny how Britain fails at diplomacy when it's war, and when Britain does do diplomacy and there's no war, comments like that get posted
  22. May ask what you think had happened if the Swedes had attacked Fort Baai and Marigot as well? because that would have needed to happen for those two situations to be comparable.
  23. A good atmosphere requires both parties to want one. From what we're told, you don't even want the ports for yourself, you want to pass them to RAE anyways - hence their strong support. So let them cap them? We're as much obliged to provide you with a fun gameplay experience as you are to provide us.
  24. Yes, this tactic is still widely popular and has been used all day yesterday to hide a fleet of 10 ships at concepcion.
  25. Every time this happens, take a screenshot of the battle tab. If the attacker on the top left is a midshipman in a basic cutter, post the screenshot in here.
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