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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. This is where you're wrong. It's flat out in the rules that this type of action is not allowed. Buying a second account and put a different nation character on it is not "clever" or "use of game mechanics" That is why I still think these two accounts should be banned permanently. They're completely illegitimate from the very start. Logging into the British character in itself was already outside the rules.
  2. Hast du beide breitseiten gleichzeitig nachgeladen? Dafür hat die Trinc einfach nicht genug crew. Wenn du nur eine Seite feuerst brauchst du nicht mal vollen focus auf gunnery für reload in 54 sekunden. Habe das gestern sehr ausführlich getestet. Die Trinc ist halt ein low crew ship. Sollteste mal über crew space nachdenken wenn du sie so fährst dass du beide breitseiten brauchst. Von der Eco her ist der Patch ziemlicher rotz. Ich bin es leid, auf einen klick pro Tag reduziert zu sein, weil der winzige labor pool für alles herhalten muss. Und alles natürlich viel zu teuer. Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. Ich dachte, das soll ein PVP spiel werden...
  3. is it to be more random as well, ie not every gold port also coming with coal?
  4. Since you are unwilling to do your alpha tester duty and report what you have thought of, I will do it for you. I somehow doubt you can explain why you put a buy order for a million moneys for a worthless item in a free town, btw. And why another account was there to instantly fill it.
  5. Given how you hardly deal damage (and receive exp) for capsizing an undamaged enemy ship, is capsizing friendly ships really punishing appropriately? three times nothing is still nothing.
  6. Everyone with a knowledge of the conquest system knew before this already that buying a flag and then not sailing for the port would render that port invincible to attack. There was no point in proving it. The two accounts have been created in clear and deliberate violation of the crossteaming rules, and therefore can never be legit. They pretty much have to be banned. Every time the player logs back into his british characters, he's back in violation. Multiple non-British players have called for the permanent ban option as well. Don't fall into your confirmation bias trap.
  7. So an Englishmen working for Spain received a large sum of money and used it to sabotage a fleet operation of the Royal Navy. What do you think the punishment for this would have been in the late 18th century? Hint: It involved three steps.
  8. You didn't just accuse others of "grinding PVE" when you are max rank yourself?
  9. A beautiful metaphor, if only you hadn't used it to describe a little candle, blown out by a gentle whisp of air.
  10. I'd dial the smack talk down a bit after Misteriosa. But then again, anyone who expected the Spanish to fight with honour didn't play them in POBS.
  11. How can you be neutral when the other side is pirates? Where do you hail from that you think them equal?
  12. Not much of a fix, it would be trivial to grind someone up by powering through their missions with a small fleet, unless we go all out and raise the rank to flag captain...
  13. What fun multiplayer games could be if it weren't for the other players. This is one of the defining moments of the game. Will they take action or will this game be a haven for cheaters, exploiters and scammers just like pobs was where the devs were too busy applying to new jobs to deal with their own game? I sure hope the player responsible gets banned on both accounts and everyone in his clan gets a final no exploit warning.
  14. When Ivan came to take your ports, how did you stand your ground? How many did you defend?
  15. As long as third rates are required for port battles the ability to field them needs to come very easily. Otherwise any nation that can't field them might as well yield to every deep water port battle attack.
  16. Maybe they should just stop trying to break the game to minimize exploits and instead just ban exploiters. Every time I see how pitiful the reward for damage dealt is, I cringe. Of course PVP is massively unpopular if it's an exact copy of POBS.
  17. I have yet to find a single exceptional upgrade. They are still very rarely sols on the market. I think you are.grossly exaggerating with 6 months.
  18. Any ship that can be captured should give 5 durability when crafted. I don't see why this rule has an exception on third rates. if crafted third rates had 5 dura it would also be a whole lot easier for a clan to maintain them.
  19. If you force players out at the end of the battle as a solution, their solution will be demasting a trader and waiting right next to it. This needs a game mechanics change.
  20. Teleport to outpost simply needs to go away. If you capture a ship, it gets added to your fleet with the prize crew aboard only. You then have to sail it to a port to sell it or an outpost to break it up. I.e. how Sid Meier handled it 30,years ago. There are more exploits with tp to outpost than just this one.
  21. Making deep water PBs go from Cerberus up is a joke anyways. If you show up in anything less than a trinc, you're essentially irrelevant. You're not going to wear down a third rate at long range in 90 minutes with 9lb if you could fire on it throughout the entire fight. This needs to be addressed.
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