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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. WoW PVP is completely loss free. So it would actually be "he stabbed my level 10 necro and I had to run back from the graveyard as a ghost, which cost me a total of two minutes of leveling time!" No item loot. WoW PVP is true carebear.
  2. On the actual topic - are KNON and Drunk actually strong enough to capture defend ports? And if Fort Baai was not defended and they took it by default, which happens all the time in this game anyways, are they strong enough to hold it against the inevitable counter attack? If the answer is yes, yet they are the minority, one has to wonder what the majority is up to. Because in that case Sweden would be a remarkably strong nation. Or you've given too much voting power to minor clans that just tag along when PVP happens and shouldn't be making calls in the first place. As for Herminator, trusting that guy has always been a mistake. Remember how he openly threatened the Dutch with all out war if they were to refuse his orders on this forum. After a month of close alliance. Some friend he is.
  3. putting them side by side and given you had captured the towers by the time the British fleet arrived, you were at an advantage (Shish and Delattre 3rd, pinpin trinc) Gives you BR 11650 + Towers Britain had 10320 BR I don't see how you had a huge BR disadvantage. And hidden in this picture lies the reason why Aria is so angry.
  4. You missed the last five threads where that argument was dismissed by the staff?
  5. Shooting someone enough to actually reward kill is most likely going to result in leaks or a fire, which will then prevent the capture
  6. "everyone" is supposed to exclude those who aren't European of course, because our 18-22 timers are early morning for them. Call it a petty excuse all you want, you can't deny the world is round
  7. Yep, not defending ports and taking new ports has been working SO WELL for them. Try pressing M in game once. Besides, you're remarkably misinformed if you think it's just the French. There are full 25-ship fleets of DK-RUS and Espana fighting along with them.
  8. We attack your port, and instead of defending it, you buy a flag yourself, so we end up with two tower defense PBs which are no fun either. See, we both can throw mud.
  9. And the scout Snipers were told to cut that shit out and not use that flag anymore.
  10. Except that clan isn't making thinly veiled Secret Service references
  11. As I said, not enough battles happen for the dura to be an issue.
  12. The issue is it takes 1465 hours to craft a bellona, but only 1280 hours for a Pavel and 1700 for a Victory. It's basically no difference what ship you build. Each max level shipwright can craft a ship every two days. So why bother with a third rate when you can craft a Victory or Santissima? The slightly higher price is not an issue. The reduced Durability is not an issue - there are not enough actual battles happening to remove enough ships from the game, many port battles are 25 vs 0. Artifical caps are not the solution here. If someone can field a fleet of first rates, they should be able to do that. However obtaining that fleet of first rates to begin with should be much harder than fielding a fleet of Bellonas. The BP drop rate also does not fix this. All it does is make people pissed because they don't progress for weeks due to bad luck, but eventually everyone has the BP anyways. It's just delaying the problem for a few months.
  13. to be fair, it wasn't just a Santi that got third raided yesterday, also two pavels
  14. wait, that was not even you? Wow. Idle hands and all that. I don't see the threat from shallow ports, since those are fully shallow ports and you can't even sail heavy fleets through the bahamas, right? So it would be impossible to launch attacks on your deep water coast from there. But then again I just noticed they already took Cayo Biscayno... oh well.
  15. Maybe from the fact that you'd rather take the entire Golf of Mexico than a single pirate port on Cuba. Your shallow water "just for fun" fighting doesn't exactly scream commitment.
  16. I don't see why a DCed ship should auto-surrender in the first place... but that's just me. The ship could remain a target for the entire battle, but if no enemy ends up sinking or boarding it, it should return to the open sea unharmed .
  17. If it was an exploit and not group content, why wasn't their progress reset?
  18. If that is your opinion, why are you letting them operate unchecked right outside your borders? You seem to be very comfortable with the pirate scum.
  19. Today I learned that being outside the ring in a port battle makes your ship take magic damage. Please come up with something better than that We had a real fight going on that was suddenly made stupid because the ring of death appeared and a couple of ships just got melted.
  20. I've voted Overhaul War etc, but I'd really rather use my vote to take 1 vote away from "Hired Crew" The last thing I'd like to see is even more economy micromanagement, mandatory money sinks and stuff like that. I wouldn't mind seeing officers, but I don't want to get nickled and dimed even more at every opportunity. I'd like to see more open world PVE. Large convoys with trade ships, preferably with the new big ones that are also armed, so you have to take on these convoys with groups yourself. Solo trader raiding is getting pretty dull, and grouping for the small fleets (mercury, navybrig and brig as escort for example) is simply not worth it because the trader carries the same amount of cargo and sinking 6th rates is a waste of time. Overhaul of Resource and labor is something I really want to see, but I think a better open world PVP system is more important. I'm really disappointed that being a shipwright has reduced me to less than a click per day because the ships I am building now require more hours than I even get per day. It feels like a Zynga Facebook game in that regard, except I can't obtain more hours in any way. People keep saying one player shouldn't be able to do everything, I don't understand that argument - one player already CAN do everything, it will just take him longer. Also, one player not being able to do everything is one thing. Forcing the economy on every single player because otherwise your ship building can't keep up with ship losses from PVP is another. Many players do not want to engage in the economy at all. When we started distributing labor, a lot of players, rank 6-8 mind you, not new players, gained craft level 1 that day. Is it a sandbox if everyone has to do everything? IMO the fact that hardly anyone voted for crafting changes speaks for itself - very few people actually want to run the economy, so no one would vote for it. Yet every single 40+ ship builder I've ever talked to is unhappy about being reduced to a click a day - or less.
  21. yes I have talked to everyone. Took me a while. it was 82.34% in favor of the current mechanics, taken from the nations that are not being attacked by pirates, and 12.87% from the nations that are. In total, that added up to 56.3%
  22. But is it the long term solution that we do not know a battle is about to take place if we are neither tagger nor taggee?
  23. Completely contrary to this poll and thread, the majority of players are perfectly happy with the pirates being a nation capturing ports - as long as its the ports of the enemy - and will happily form alliances with the pirates.
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