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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I wonder how many people are by now using F11 coordinates and the map or the free camera to scout ahead. IMO the following things should be added to the game - OW spyglass so I can search for landmarks in the distance - lighthouses with actually bright lights - same for towns, they're too dark in the evening. Are they expecting a Luftwaffe raid? - consistent maps. Shallows no ship can cross should not be solid land on the map, as seen for example at Brewers where the map shows one opening, the world shows two - some tool to roughly estimate your current position. And as much as the naysayers dislike all of this: All of it is realistic.
  2. I honestly couldn't care less about the nationality of the ships that get added to the game.
  3. The current level requirements for the notes are there for selection...
  4. Yes, server stays up, just - judging by the login queue- a few hundred people fall off.
  5. That will never happen, not with the strong Russian presence in both DK and the Pirate faction.
  6. Does this include tagging your own nation in pointless battles to remove them from important battles? Does this include buying flags and not using them so the attacking fleet cannot carry out their attack? Trolling nation chat is the least of our concerns right now.
  7. This has been happening once a day for over week at this point.
  8. Same thing happened again just now. hundreds disconnected.
  9. This is basically how I search every forum, because no forum has a search engine worth using.
  10. Well you still have yet to come up with a plausible scenario that hasn't been dismissed as unhistorical or plain misinterpreted.
  11. Die Hintergrundfarbe der Kopfleiste ist irrelevant. Was zählt ist die Farbe der trims und die Anzahl der Upgradeslots. Exceptional kann hier aber auch von 2/4 bis 3/5 variieren. Bei anderen habe ich keine Erfahrungswerte, denn ich crafte - widerspruch in sich - ausschließlich exceptionals. Die Farbe des Holzes ist auch irrelevant. Warum Live Oak blau ist und Teak grün weiß auch keiner. Leider ist dieses Wissen nicht sehr verbreitet und es ist schwerer, Käufer zu finden, wenn das Schiff eine Qualität drunter ist. Allein deswegen habe ich nie über das Shop ernsthaft Schiffe angeboten, sondern immer nur auf Anfrage. Ach und wenn ihr Blueprints wollt, müsst ihr Exceptional craften. Also ich habe mir jetzt von einem kleineren Crafter eine LGV bauen lassen - hätte ich übrigens auch, wenn sie schon rumfahren würde - weil NPC generierte Schiffe von trims und upgrades sehr lalala sind. Bis da mal Fir auf Golden Speed trifft kannst du dich dämlich kapern. Und teure upgrades willst du auch nicht auf ein 1-dura schiff stecken. Jetzt hab ich also eine FIr LGV mit gold speed, MC Speed trim und MC copper plating und die fährt 13.11 laut Info und real fährt sie bei 135 12.8kn und close haul 9.4kn Das fängt eine Surprise nicht ein, und eine Renommee auch nicht. Wenn du dein Zeug aber mit gekaperten Tradern rumfährst ist jede Mercury schon ein Todesurteil. und selbst wenn, die Mastercrafted Marines auf dem Schiff sind beim Entern eine böse Überraschung. Würde ich auf einem 1 dura schiff nie riskieren.
  12. okay if pirates aren't going to be restricted in any way, what exactly is it that makes them "very hard" as claimed by the character creation screen? It's certainly not being attackable within their own nation, after you've removed gold + exp from that, you've removed all incentive for doing that in the first place. But I'm sure you have the numbers how many ships are actually lost in pirate vs pirate fights. My guess it's close to nothing. I think Spain is a lot harder to play, being surrounded by three strong factions that all very much like to take their lands for economic reasons alone. Yet they're "medium"....
  13. Those are Tribunal cases. Report them with enough evidence in the Tribunal. Ships in danger of being captured were not fired upon back then, so it would be unrealistic to allow it here. Mers El Kebir was a war crime of the worst sort and those ships weren't in immediate danger of being "captured". It was also not a consensual attack, in your scenario you would definitely have consent from your friendly player to sink his ship to prevent a capture. And yet you have a tool for this: Ram him hard. He turns off survival and sinks. As much as I object to all aspects of this, it's an option you have that will not really punish you through game mechanics.
  14. They're not friendly players because they're pirates like you. They become friendly players when you are in a battle and their name is green. They're not friendly players before that.
  15. I don't know of anyone who had their account punished in any way for consensual and accidental green on green damage, so what problems is it causing?
  16. Yes, to those outside the battle. Those already in it because they got tagged won't see it. Remove all forms of invisbility imo. Port / battle camping to hide your numbers is still very much possible, no matter how often people claim it is "fixed" I don't see how that's such a big deal, you're not entitled to a kill because you sailed to a battle that started half an hour ago.
  17. As I have already explained in the previous post, it has not.
  18. I don't know of a single game where you can access the rules ingame. I also don't know of a single game where you are allowed to attack players on your side.
  19. Fortunately, the left side is the attacking one in the tab screen, and the top player is the one that initiated the tag. Never mind that a single cutter can't initiate the battles that are shown in the Tribunal due to BR failure. So this post is quite clearly a lie. The reason RGL just flat out sunk your trinc is because you're a crossteamer from EDR or ER, protecting their ships from enemies through tactics that can only be described as cheating by any honest player, and this was seen as the only way to protect themselves against further crossteaming / cheating from you. please just ban this account and whatever French or other account can be connected to it. Crossteaming should have no place in this game, and it's clear these players are attempting to win the game by buying more accounts to use with misintent. as for RGL, as they flat out sunk your ship with round shot, the automatic system has already punished them accordingly.
  20. With the Constitution being the strongest ship available for deep water ports that aren't regional capitals, I guess it will see a lot of use for that.
  21. No, it really is not. Undocking still means only 60 seconds of invulnerability preventing from joining. If you are on voice comms, it's very easy to just say "everyone undock" as you tag your target, and they will make it into the battle even before the 1 minute countdown is over and therefore spawn with you. The same applies to hiding in battles. Also even "sails on horizon" doesn't apply. I have a video right here of me making it into a battle in a Bellona, and I couldn't even see the ships when the tag was initiated. I just sailed downwind for a minute and basically made it in 10 seconds before the battle closed. I only made it because I knew exactly where that battle was due to voice comms. Since I didn't see them, they didn't see me. Yet I made it in. All this massively favors the attackers and the short reinforcement timer makes it impossible to react. On the other hand, requesting help after you've been tagged is completely futile now. The odds of someone undocking in time to reinforce are remarkably low. IMO, if you don't join a battle within 10 seconds, you should spawn another mile out as a reinforcement. The fact that you can undock from a port and still make it into a battle as part of the initial spawn is terrible.
  22. I noticed this turned off Global chat however, battle chat remains visible Is this a bug or actually intended?
  23. I'm glad this is over. I hope France will now remember who is holding most of their initial ports.
  24. or let's just use the steam forum for it instead
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