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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. Quineloe

    Speedy log-off

    full sails and it kept sailing. but the moment the timer was up and the client closed, the ship stopped with sails down. Video to follow with Skully in it.
  2. Quineloe

    Speedy log-off

    Admin is fully correct here, I've tested this just now. The ship remained on the open sea for three more minutes. I don't know whether it was attackable. It disappeared after exactly three minutes.
  3. Quineloe

    Speedy log-off

    I have two accounts and two computers. Bring the server back up, and I'll verify this within 30 minutes.
  4. Bitte belege das mal mit einer Quelle. Mein Stand ist, dass die UI so lange so bleiben wird, bis das Spiel fertig ist, da admin keine Zeit damit verschwenden will, Features in eine UI zu gießen, die dann wieder rausfliegen.
  5. Es sind jetzt genau 434 Spieler auf PVP EU online. Die Leute verteidigen das als Urlaubszeit und Sommerloch Vor exakt einem Jahr waren um die Zeit 905 Spieler online. Da war übrigens auch August. Und da waren die, für die das Spiel von grund auf nichts ist, schon lange weg. Admin redet davon, wie man das Spiel für neue Spieler attraktiv machen kann? Ich weiß ja nicht, ob er da den richtigen Gedanken hat. Dieses Spiel ist ein Vollpreisspiel mit vielen schlechten Bewertungen auf Steam. Da gibt es keine "neuen Spieler".
  6. >To prevent fake flags, you can implement a feature where if the flag doesn't reach the region it attacks within a set amount of time the flag expires (30 minutes) Uh, that mechanic was already in place. It was 60 minutes, but that made no difference. If your ports were open from 18 to 20, you had to be ready to defend from 18 and if a flag was bought at 19:59, that added another hour on top. So your change would reduce the time in that case by 1/6th.
  7. my memory was more like "Don't do anything for two hours, someone MIGHT buy a flag. " And then nothing happens. And people logged off in frustration.
  8. Of course you don't like the suggestion. When ganking in missions, you can spawn right on top of the player, whereas with open world fleets you'd have to join in the reinforcement circle and are a bit away from the action.
  9. Not sure why Steam is giving such a drop for June 2016. I don't have any prime time data for June but I do have June 6, 00:54 at 631 online. Odd that way past midnight the player number is that high. That number absolutely soared back up in July 2016, and it certainly did not in July 2017.
  10. People will not engage your hostility fleet unless they're sure they can win if the other option is to just not engage you at all and sit out your "attack". IMO the game needs more NPC all around on the open world to make players rely less on missions to generate combat. Why are there no small convoys yet of 2-3 traders and 2-3 warships in the game yet?
  11. Some snapshots about numbers: 2016 April 11 18:44 - 1435 online 21:36 - 1746 online 23:40 - 1392 online April 22 18:57 - 1269 online 22:19 - 1514 online May 3 21:25 - 1377 online May 8 18:04 - 1075 online May 11 22:37 - 1279 online May 16 23:06 - 1009 online May 21 20:44 - 1085 online Look how in 6 weeks the game lost 2/5 of the player base. I guess they figured out just by that time they don't like sailing games, and they didn't in the first three months of EA launch. May 31 15:33 - 364 online. July 31 16:40 - 951 online. August 8 2016. Exactly one year ago 22:29 - 905 players online. that is 400 more than we will have tonight at that time. Almost twice the number. Stop blaming "Summer", last August was Summer too.
  12. Anolytic has always been one of the prime "winning without fighting" players of this game.
  13. Without a solution to RVR happening outside of your time zone, I'd rather keep the EU PVP server.
  14. Michael Corvinus is a very decent person, he's provided his labor hours 12 times to me.
  15. The map is huge. 89 regions. If 2/3 of that are rookie zones, that leaves us with 30 regions. That's still all of the islands, south florida and half of central america. The current system greatly favors holding large amounts of regions at the edges of the map. as evidenced by Spains high ranking on the EU server, despite them doing *absolutely nothing*. Making Sisal their rookie zone, moving the pirates to Texas with their rookie zone, the British to Bluefields would be a great start. Fight over Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, the Bahamas and South Florida for the RVR victory. Make the key ports there value at 3 points for the victory, leave the "tension zones" between the other nations (such as Trinidad between France / VP) at 1 pointers.
  16. When people say traders, do you mean people trading to generate money (buy trade goods low, sell high in another port) or do you mean people ferrying ship building resources from outposts to shipyards? Or do you just lump these two together even though they do two completely different things?
  17. by Rogue clan I mean clans deliberately playing against their own nation, not just refusing to do as they're told.
  18. How would it be a rookie zone if players can still be attacked by other players, especially mission jumping where you can spawn right next to the player if you saw him enter? Which is something that should be addressed imo.
  19. I feel like the problem went away after the four bans in July I think the problem has migrated to Albion Online.
  20. Can we name one "Rogue Clan"? I don't think I've ever seen one. Is this a pirate issue?
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