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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. why are you lying? https://youtu.be/fSLSR9a6QfQ?t=1h11m32s You're a liar.
  2. Looks like the combined might of France, Pirates and Denmark is enough to bring the tiny nation of Sweden down, finally. You should be really proud.
  3. From what I heard, 60 ships attacked Marigot tonight.
  4. Aber kein Wort darüber, was bei den Piraten konkret anders werden soll.
  5. That would be very disappointing. Right now, if you're outmatched (but not so much that you just lose in 5 minutes), it's well worth fighting back because you can still make good rewards from all the hull damage you inflict before you're taken down. Taking this away would mean if you get ganked, you just go full sails and go AFK or surrender, because no matter what you do, you'll walk away from that fight with 1 dura down, cargo lost and 0 gold from damage. I remember a game that pursued this "maximum penalty for losing" approach. It made losers quit.
  6. Your "us vs them" attitude on this is very refreshing. Have you considered liking or disliking something by its own instead of looking what the people you don't like think of it? Yeah, this adds penalty to sinking. It therefore doesn't really concern PVE players. If this doesn't even affect you, don't you think it's a bit petty to like a change because it punishes someone else? and "PVP players" aren't sailing around exclusively in big ships.
  7. All I am getting from this is grind, grind, grind. A huge money sink after you've nerfed one of the more reasonable PVP incomes for no reason I can understand - if one side makes a lot of money, the other side lost a lot of ships. It's perfect. This is not going to be a PVP game in the long run. What exactly is the goal of this system from a gameplay perspective? Is the crew cheap or expensive, ie is it a money sink or is it not? Will I walk away from a battle I barely survived with a loss anyways because of repairs and crew cost? or is it intended to be some sort of zerg-enabling system, attack someone over and over with fresh ships until they have no crew to fight on? Is it intended to make people dock after every 1-2 fights again? We've been there before when you needed 4 repair kits and they were a lot more expensive (relatively to our income). As for the removal of teleport to outpost, I'm very much in favor of this. There should be no ship teleportation at all. Player teleport without cooldown is nice, because it allows people to play the game without affecting their opponents too much. However, ships magically appearing in your backyard that weren't sailed there is a big problem. This should make players a lot more stationary, which of course requires a healthy population. One thing I'd like to know: Can fleet ships carry cargo? I think it would be simply awesome to have a trader ship in tow that carries our loot for us as we raid trader after trader, and the longer you stay out, the higher the risk becomes, but the more profit you make.
  8. It's not diplomacy when you threaten with complete annihilation. And yes, people have "admitted" this for weeks now. How much more does your ego need? You are still exactly like you were 5 years ago, when you "won" those 24 vs 5 PBs and told people to "get better"
  9. Maybe if we were able to repair sails more than once as long as the damage is just limited to canvas it would be better. As it is now, it's a bit too easy to destroy sails and disable a ship at long range now. You realize canvas isn't paper, right? It takes a lot of force to punch through a sail with a large object. That force is then lost. Is chain shot even capable of penetrating three sheets of canvas?
  10. Marines do actually nothing to DPS as long as you still have enough crew to man a broadside, which is easily possible even with 30 or 40% marines.
  11. One thing I have noticed about building prep is that how much crew you have in boarding doesn't matter how fast prep is acquired. If you keep sailing and gunnery running, and boarding only fills to 50%, you gain boarding preparation as fast as when you turn gunnery off and you have 100% boarding filled. This makes it very hard to get sufficient boarding prep going if you realize you'll get boarded soon. Getting above the free 25 takes quite a while and makes it pretty pointless to turn on boarding prep in such a situation to begin with.
  12. Are we going to keep the "press attack at last second" mechanic in boarding? because this ping-related twitch gameplay ruins boarding far more than the strength of high numbers of marines and should be addressed first. in my opinion, you should simply set how much preparation you want to invest in an attack to make it more powerful.
  13. Der Sinn des PVE Servers ist es, denen die keine Lust auf PVP haben, ein Spiel zu ermöglichen, bei dem sie ungestört überall Segelschiffe spielen können, anstatt der lächerliche Ansatz den POBS versucht hat "no crying in the red" Problem des PVE Servers ist natürlich dass es derzeit praktisch keinen content dafür gibt.
  14. Until pirate mechanics are reworked, I'd be happy if you couldn't just switch to pirates by attacking your own nation to reign in the ever growing zerg.
  15. Also 8 leaks auf meiner consti gefährden weder meine consti noch ziehen sie genug Mann ab dass ich nicht mehr eine Breitseite bemannen könnte. Das müssen schon sehr viele leaks sein und bis das Gundeck unter wasser ist braucht es sehr viel H²O, von dem bisschen was durch die leaks kommt passiert das nicht. bei shallow ships ist das übrigens anders, da sind 6 leaks tödlich wenn du keine extra pump hast.
  16. Unless you literally went through the whole alphabet deep enough to make sure you don't get any players shortened, this will hardly be accurate. You won't cover all Captains with a search for Captain. You need to search for Captain A, Captain B, Captain C and so forth, and sometimes you have to go even deeper, as searching for "Captain Jack S" is still shortened due to high number of results. And don't forget multiple spaces between words. Unless you can mass pull this data through the API, this is a task taking dozens of hours. I just tried all the names starting with AA, and that took 15 minutes including writing down by hand 1. rank 2. nationality. When I hit AAR I had to go even deeper because that had 10+ hits because of 9 characters already starting with Aar (Aarons). And then there's the gem where no nationality is displayed: and I've seen this happen with real characters. No find info on them. and last but not least, you'll have user error from repetition when compiling that list
  17. What doesn't apply to any nation is the ability to switch with minimal preparation to the pirates, keeping all assets, ships blueprints resources and gold. If you want to switch to any nation, you have to find someone in that nation to hold your stuff, if that's even possible with the 5 ship limit per outpost - I have 15 ships I would not want to just wreck - hold your gold and then you delete your character, losing the blue prints of course and recreate the character and take everything back. Or you just destroy everything you own and start at 0 gold, basic cutter and nothing else. For pirates, it's just clearing out the capital warehouse and then you flip. 30 minutes tops. And you keep the blueprints. BTW, if the March community vote overwhelmingly voted for new pirate mechanics, and then that gets pushed back to late Summer, then that's one more thing. I mean this is something the devs should look at now how many players switched from a nation to the Pirate Empire, and how many players switched from any nation to another. If I wanted to switch to the pirates, all I'd have to do is sail 4 ships out of the capital to a nearby free town and put all the stuff in it out - one Indiaman trip. Then I'd be set. If I wanted to switch to a nation. I'd be busy for an entire weekend.
  18. please, he's at least 10 years away from growing such a beard Peace with pirates, yuck. I'm glad I'm on the right side of this ugly fence.
  19. Das setzt auch voraus, dass dein Gegner nicht depowered und sich diese Blöße nicht gibt. Wenn ich downwind mit einer Trinc stehe, dann würde ich das auf jeden Fall machen.
  20. But he was wrong. Was man einem französischen Diplomaten sagt wird er ignorieren (siehe Kierrip: I don't read this), und was ein französischer Diplomat sagt kann man ignorieren - es stimmt eh nicht.
  21. You simply shouldn't be able to turn pirate, keep all your assets and just continue playing on a whim. If pirates are a nation like they are now, it has to be a choice only possible at character generation. This one way street to reinforce a nation with fully armed and ready max rank players is unhealthy.
  22. Apparently both what is said to French diplomats will be ignored, and what French diplomats say can be ignored.
  23. Wenn du es schaffst jemanden mit Leaks zu versenken... im zweifel haust du zu viel schuss ins wasser, zerstörst keine einzige Kanone und verlierst dann weil er auf die sicheren salven ins gun deck geht.
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