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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. maybe not everyone has three accounts and some people actually need to juggle economy, storage and combat related outposts all in one.
  2. yep, paying 15k outpost fee every time you need to resupply surely is just that extra money sink that PVP needs. But instead of being a negative nancy, you could come up with an actual reason why PVP should be stifled through repairs. I'm waiting.
  3. because that "Skilled" captain is happy to leave port with a fast ship that goes 11.8 because repairs weigh it down. You should be able to resupply in any friendly port. It favors PVP. Having to sail home because you're out of repairs does not favor PVP.
  4. Speaking of European traders and Shop NPC - can we have Rig repairs available in *all* ports? Nothing like "oh boy, game over tonight, I'm out of repairs"
  5. I wonder if you can just capture a port and set it to your nation without having it stuck to you, draining maintenance cost. e.g. SLRN captures a port, but doesn't want to manage it so they can set it to "neutral British".
  6. The funniest part about this is, rewards for PVE combat have actually been increased with the BR based reward for solo players in 10.0 . Way back when you got damage and a flat kill bonus, you got roughly 85% of the gold for a fifth rate NPC - I dug through my screenshots and managed to find some numbers to compare. So no, PVE rewards were not toned down at all in 10.0 compared to Spring/Summer 2016. Strawman. Newbies sail fifth rates. be careful, you suggest PVE content to *that* guy, all you get in response is "play PVE server"
  7. I don't think this will ever make it live. It was also far too vague. 50k - that's roughly what you get for a 4th rate combat order if you get two ships .- if you get only one, you get far less. Another flaw in the system but meh. I seriously doubt he'll ever let us walk away with 400k from such a mission.
  8. Who said that? Your player with 20 hours in the game and his built frigate is already is a lion now? I get your logic. "Your grace period of 60 minutes is over, you are now valid prey to veterans with thousands of hours in this game". I just don't share it.
  9. Nope, it's not a much larger negative. It's still a more severe loss to lose an outfitted fifth rate than it is to lose a captured free LGV trader with a cargo hold full of cheap resources.
  10. Uhm, I am objecting to something that admin himself declared to be a bannable offense. That's not a "play style".
  11. Anyone who damage farms by sinking ships is broadcast to the entire server on combat news. Not viable.
  12. You cannot force players somewhere. The only thing you can force is the "exit game" button.
  13. Instead of restrictios, why not talk benefits? Have a shipyard only use 50% labor hours if it's located in the hot zone.
  14. >The capital will only allow level 1 shipyard to be built. That's pretty easy to say when you know your easy mode nation is never gonna get 1-ported.
  15. it can't be a zero sum game. Ships are cheap to repair, if all you got for damaging a surprise close to sinking was 2500g, it might as well be nothing again. However, I fully trust in the log monitoring that it will catch anyone trying to do this. Also keep in mind, this was before combat marks.
  16. yeah, you intercepted 100 hours out of 8000. That surely put a stop to first rate production. You are *not* intercepting assembly hours. All of that is done in the final port. Simply because pre-production is pointless, now even for Iron Ingots, because cannons require ore. None of these changes will matter admin as long as 90% of PVP ends with "Battle Report: No Rewards" We're spending our time, our most valuable thing, when playing this game. You don't value our time at all, you need to start valuing it. Moreso than you value the pixels we fight in and sink and lose.
  17. 400k for a 4th rate combat order that takes 15 minutes in an Indef?
  18. And you're always wrong. The big investment in building first rates is the permit and all the labor hours. You cannot intercept either of these.
  19. There was no alt farming craze back when that system we are not just suggesting but asking to be brought back (you're here long enough to know that system was in the game for a long time). The few who attempted it got caught by log monitoring and got their progress reset. It is a *Trivially easy* thing to prevent.
  20. This Would it be so god damn game breaking if the loser in a PVP fight walked away with 10k gold and 150 exp? It was literally the best feature in your game 2016, and you scrapped it for what reason exactly? Oh that's right, the hardcore whiners. They got their way. But it's the same thing as always. *everyone* is telling the devs this. But then, one particular pet poster, one dev favorite, suggests something else, and then that gets done.
  21. Has anyone noticed yet how no one is talking about the thumbnail in the first post about x2 exp/gold ? What does it mean, exactly? Is it a bonus applied to all PVP and PVE? How does it stack with the current 50% gold / exp bonus for PVP? Do you get 250% or 300% of the reward for a kill?
  22. It sure would be nice of ports allowed for production of more than just 1-2 resources...
  23. No, all you need to do is sail a suitable ship there, be on teamspeak and play together with the team. I know people like you, showing up in a frigate, staying out of harms way and contributing nothing. Then you complain when people don't like you.
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