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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. You need to intercept hostility fleets for PVP. Or jump into their missions.
  2. It's not inflation if someone posts a stupid contract that won't ever get sold.
  3. Defenders can't come in right now because we have no idea where the missions are. The first warning we get is hostility raised to 25% from the first battle. By the time we undock, they're already in the second battle. If we don't find them right away, they'll have flipped the port. As long as the missions aren't directly in front of the port, defense is nigh impossible.
  4. TBH 25 constis would still be a pushover for a dozen Wasas, and an insane money farm. Five players can capture a port, so what? five players will pay maintenance for a port for how long...?
  5. US= the entire PVP EU server. At 7 Server time sharp this happened And not a single port battle was created. We're all PVPing in Global chat now.
  6. not a single port battle was created for us just now on PVP EU when the message spammed 10+ "conquest has started" messages.
  7. IMO: If a second nation has more than 50% hostility on a neutral port when the first nation flips it, the port battle should be that nation vs the other, no neutral involvement.
  8. True enough, but Admirality isn't something you constantly need anyways. If you have an outpost in that neutral port, you can just teepee to an outpost with Admirality access. And upgrades you purchase there can be teleported with you in the upgrades inventory.
  9. If your nation can't afford to hold down all the ports surrounding its capital, people hunting new players in its home waters can now make outposts they can teleport to in the ports that remain neutral. Isn't this a glaring case of "lose more"? i.e. when a nation is already struggling, it is rewarded with more gankers at home?
  10. That doesn't matter. They could be anywhere. You accept a mission to flip Port au Prince, the mission might be South of the entire Island, it might be up by Les Gonaives, it might be at Nippes. You accept enough missions with your team in the same place and you'll flip the port by the time the defenders even figure out where you are not. There is exactly one place where these missions should be: right in front of the port. Edit: called it, PVE kills were not increased by factor 8
  11. You cannot capture ports on the PVE server because you would deny the other 7 nations access to that port. Imagine an enemy nation would take all the ports around your capital. Be glad you can now reliably spawn missions with 10 Agamemnons in it.
  12. Your server is an afterthought to market this game to players with zero interest in PVP and RVR. And you're complaining a PVP / RVR feature doesn't work for you. You can use neutral ports. What else do you want?
  13. Seriously, hostility missions are spawned just like regular missions? How are defenders supposed to FIND them when they could be 10 minutes away?
  14. I want to talk about the game and its future, you want to talk about perceived slights from the past. I have in no way talked down on econ alts, I am merely stating what I believe to be possible side effects of changes other players are proposing. I realize you're a new player to this game, but it's still in development and these threads here are there to talk about this development, not the grudges you're still holding from whatever ill you believe was done to you. There's a place for what you want to talk about: National News. I do not talk about my Clan in this forum, because it does not belong here. You on the other hand talk never about anything else but your former clan.
  15. That made no sense man. It does in no way respond to what I wrote, so why'd you quote it? Maybe make a thread in national news that I can ignore.
  16. Money? It's a very simple concept, you sell stuff because you get money for it
  17. It's explained very clearly. The bonus gold for PVP currently is +50%. If you kill a Surprise in PVE, you get 25k for it, if you kill a Surprise in PVP, you get 37.5k for it. That bonus is boosted to 100%. And I'll be surprised if PVE kill rewards are really increased by factor 8. I think that was just hyperbole by admin.
  18. That's about as likely to happen as pirates PVPIng each other outside nation chat.
  19. a port owned by a clan of your nation as opposed to your nation just by itself does in no way affect you as a clanless player.
  20. Let's wait first to see if we even get back above 300 players on monday evening.
  21. Exponential costs -> Dummy clans with all those econ alts.
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