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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. Wargaming is an excellent negative example. A game completely overrun by trolls, afk leechers and cheaters because of an absolutely uncaring attitude by the admins. Paying customer or not, if you ignore the rules you need to be shown the door. The question is, is possessing two accounts without actively crossteaming breaking any rules?
  2. That UI looks nothing like the UI I have in the game.
  3. It seems the Cutter is better than some other starting ships. Seems like you can't really progress unless you reach rank 3
  4. I have nothing to add regarding game mechanics, because I have a mere 10 hours in this game so far. I just wanted to say how much the very existence of this thread, describing this very issue, scares me. Far more so than any "pirates farming each other" or infinite money exploit thread ever could. I seem to recall this very issue completely ruining PVP in a certain previous game, where entire groups of heavy warships found themselves unable to defend their ports because the enemy attacked in superior numbers, and had for each group set aside one or two small tagging ships, who would do nothing the entire time but attack the large group on the OS over and over to prevent them from attacking their own groups who were raising unrest. The game moved from big groups with heavy ships deciding the outcome of a port flip very quickly to who could keep the other side from playing the game better by tag-wars. Bonus points for forcing them to sail to the escape point for 20 minutes by constantly tagging them with long guns, so by the time they got out, the whole thing was over anyways. I stopped enjoying playing "Tag" around 25 years ago. I'm sure not one of you would be willing to spend an hour in a yard, playing Tag. It's a game for small children, yet grown men seem to be fine playing it in a video game. I'm not sure what everyone else here is for. I know some are here to read that single line of text saying "you won" as often as possible., with little regard of how they won. The pure mass of player migration from that game to here basically ensured that. I remember 6vs6 or 24vs24 fights to be the some of most fun I've had in a video game, and I remember how a 5 vs 24 with the defenders sitting AFK in the fort while the attackers waited an hour to take the town being the absolute low point of entertainment I've ever had in front of a PC. Or the opposite, defenders with a full fleet being forced to wait for 2 hours for the battle timer to pass because if they all left, that one ship the enemy brought would magically take the town even though there's no chance the player could pull such a feat - it swung both ways. So I can only speak for myself. I'm here for fights where I can't tell from the start how they will end. For fights where neither my defeat is guaranteed, nor my victory. For being challenged and succeeding despite being fired upon until the last minute, not where my opponent throws his hands in the air and just waits for the ordeal of being killed to be over. And for losing fights, and thinking about what I could have done better, instead of knowing that the fight was lost from the start.
  5. Grouping for missions would be huge. The current "we do one for you, then one for me" mechanic isn't that great and it gets strained harder and harder with each player you add to the group.
  6. Having watched some of these "welfare warriors" up close, thanks to twitch streaming inviting us into their lifes now, I find myself more and more agreeing with the pay2advance model. It was one thing to see players always in the best ships available, with seemingly unlimited durability or rebuy money, no matter how often they died, it's quite another to actually see the process (and even more important the warrior) behind it streamed to you.
  7. Any ideas how to prevent massive language barrier issues?
  8. Will there be auto aim (select target and fire with accuracy based on stats) or will we have to manually aim our guns?
  9. What role will gold (as a currency) play in the game, how will players acquire it and how will it get drained from the game again? How durable are warships supposed to be, how long should an undamaged rated ship last in battle when fired upon by equal ships through the broadside (no raking)? I know the second question is a tough one, but I feel that's a question the POTBS developers never asked themselves, and as a result we had heavily armored warships sunk in a single focused volley in all kinds of battles, which plainly is the main reason the group PVP was restricted to the elite, inexperienced players were slaughtered so fast. What exactly will our representation in game will be, will we be an individual person of that age with a name, a nationality and a career background like POTBS did, even if not represented by a 3D avatar?
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