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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. And for failure to follow the orders of your king, all taxes shall be raised 10%. You may now kiss the royal insignia ring. Or work with bonus rewards for such a situation. I am sure it can be worked.
  2. Advertising is no option. This is an alpha game. It should only attract players who are already willing to test the game. We have more than enough players who already act like this is a released final version and are taking the piss on every patch note they don't like.
  3. Realism! Six out of eight nations are not sovereign countries but belong to a European power. If war broke out in Europe, it swiftly swapped to the colonies. I think it would be great if we had a mix of player decided diplomacy, but every now and then a major European war would overwrite our treaties and make enemies out of friends and vice versa
  4. Congrats you gave a bunch of gankers the satisfaction of a kill when you might have rode out the timer. If you had actually been faster than the snow, you would have gotten away in a few minutes. You weren't.
  5. Ugh sea nettle if you're so familiar with POBS, how come you're advocating going the exact same route? This is an alpha game, it is subject to change. Your "If you lose. Quit the game" approach has no place here
  6. The spanish Capital needs to go to the east, Cartagena or whatever, so the Spanish players are matched with the Germans and other Euros playing Dutch. Playing without a capital is a severe setback even if you ignore the lack of teleport, the resource production of the Capital is a huge benefit not easily abandoned. Alternatively Spain gets redesignated as the hardest faction, being the only one that has effectively lost its capital. Therefore, no bragging rights can be obtained by non-Spanish players for anything they ever do because they didn't do it on the highest difficulty.
  7. I would love to see scams being against the rules myself here the same way as green on green damage and boarding interrupts. I am often crafting ships for others who supply the notes. They obviously have to give me the notes before I can give them the ship. This would present me with the opportunity of gaining free notes, and while I would be dubious to do that in their place, a lot of them were giving me 60 to 150k worth kf notes without hesitation. In fact no one even objected or even mentioned the risk they're taking here.
  8. What about the black people in the game that had to read your casual black slavery joke? Or do you assume everyone playing this game is white, which would also be in a careless way... Well. Sit it out, don't mention it again and move on
  9. lol I wish you could. the front three and back three cannons is half blind luck to aim at a mast, only the 4 in the center of the ship can be aimed accurately on my Mercury. So it's a bit like your captain standing in the center of the ship, going "yeah I guess the first cannon might hit now.. fire it"
  10. Have you considered providing evidence to the Tribunal forum? I see a lot of slandering still going on, always with zero evidence.
  11. tbh sverti is trolling nation chat all day. I hope it wont get even worse now that he officially "won" a fight by getting his opponent banned... He is apparently walking that fine line between gettin banned himself and just annoying a lot of people fairly well.
  12. This feature apparently is there to hard cap prices for resources. And it makes sense afaik you can get hemp for as low as 108 assuming the stores of the port are full. So that will also be the production price. So hemp will at best sell for 359 now, a profit of 251 per ton. This still sounds like a very fair profit for traders to me. I also cant understand the concern people are voicing about "unlimited" resources being available. At that price, they're really just a safety net against situations right now where the price for certain resources keeps going up up up up like hemp now. I wouldn't in a hundred years try to build ships with that kind of cost. Unless absolutely necessary and only one resource is missing (i.e. hemp now). Building the whole ship out of European trader sourced resources is just way too expensive.
  13. to me content is stuff you do. There is no new content guaranteed in the next patch. The production buildings I would count as content. I dont mind this at all, to be sure. There is content I would really love to see such as large convoys with multiple traders and escorts. But all in due time, right?
  14. Overall a pretty good patch. Will need a lot of playtesting.
  15. deja vu... in POBS it was a "EVE this, EVE that" all day as well. EVE didnt have durability, so neither should this game. Don't fly what you can't afford to lose EVE EVE yadda yadda Excel with graphics lol all day long. Ugh. EVE us alone already.
  16. I honestly think the Lions guy has the right idea - only allow contracts for Materials.
  17. I'd rather see more gold from actually playing the game instead of arbitrary mission rewards. It makes attracting combat ships on the open world remarkably unattractive. I can get 5k mission reward + 6k damage reward from sinking a Navybrig in a 1st Lt Mission and +101 exp on top of the 150-ish exp I get from the fight. With those numbers, missions are attractive and fighting on the open world is remarkably unattractive in comparison. Maybe make missions, if they are even here to stay, give some sort of third reward that we can do without.
  18. I also have rather poor FPS with a GTX 950, i5 3450 and 8 GB RAM, playing in Full HD without anti-aliasing.
  19. I don't think the devs of NA worked on POBS before, is this correct?
  20. Doesn't feel like a nerf to me. Last week I got 3k for my missions, now it's 5k.
  21. Boarding parties give you prep every turn (1-5), depending on quality. Easily the most powerful boarding upgrade.
  22. I went all the way to matina and they had no hemp left there. So don't think because you got lucky once that the hemp is out there somewhere. Buy contract gobble up all of it.
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