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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. On the other hand those you don't shoot are now in your face and your gun crews are exposed to them. That's why you have high casualties on both sides if attack meets fire.
  2. I dont think that any historic captain would have had a chance to get away with such action. We command our ships ourselves, but back then even smaller ships had an officer staff half a dozen men strong, who would all have been honour bound to testify against their commanding officer if he bad pulled a stunt like that. Devs have already said they are considering what to do about this and we just have to wait.
  3. The URL then reads forums game labs com /undefined. I then have to go back and try again.
  4. Shadowplay People should really bother setting it up. It's such an amazing tool for this kind of stuff.
  5. Spätestens wenn du durch Beschuss crew verlierst wirst du ganz schnell erledigt sein.
  6. It was broken as intended. It basically made it pointless to have boarding upgrades, because it is absolutely impossible to defeat a ship with high crew in those 4 rounds of boarding action. The disengage button is also a no-brainer to press right now. If you're not going to defend against a boarding, press it on turn one. There's no penalty for pressing it, no cost and no reason not to. The only way to board a ship properly with it in place was to grape the crew over and over until you could win in 4 rounds. Now I can actually outfit my trader raider with lots of boarding upgrades, board a ship and take it out in one go at a decent pace. Is there a downside you didn't mention to this?
  7. Unless this is your first online game ever, I don't see how you can possibly pull the "I didn't know this was against the rules" defense. Risk and loss free combat advancing your progress is something that is completely shunned in every multiplayer game, ever. A special thanks goes out to the kind of player who does things like this, because in many games many great possible features are left out because of potential abuse. At least in Naval Action, the game administration decides to take the proper course of action: allow great features, punish those who can't have nice things.
  8. Did anyone manage to open the screenshots in a way where you can actually read the chat boxes? Especially the double full screen screenshot side by side
  9. Knees sind nur für highend schiffe, und davon werden fast keine gebaut. Für kein Schiff unterhalb der Constiution braucht man knees Und die, die gebaut werden, werden mit knees gebaut, die man schon lange im Lager hat. Ich hab hunderte von Tonnen davon und für ne Santisima Trinidad brauchste lausige 18. Ballast ist auch kein Problem, von Tradern hab ich so viele Steine geraubt dass ich für die nächsten 10 Schiffe Bedarf gedeckt habe. Wenn du was verkaufen willst muss es labor-intensiv sein. Carriages, Crafting Notes und sowas.
  10. This info really doesn't seem that accurate. Notice the line Attack vs Fire Deck Guns. even though he is basically defeated at that point, this results in a stunning 20 kills. Notice how his first fire deck guns against mine it's just 9 kills. Obviously Fire Deck Guns is now more of a counter against Attack. Even more so than Defend in this case. Also "extra high effect" of attack vs Grenades isn't reflected by this either. This isn't a single, isolated incident either. I've boarded easily 30-40 traders since the last patch at full crew (because grape takes too long to reload and the fight is over after I won anyways), and I've observed this in every single fight now.
  11. beim kämpfen sagt er gerade <6kbs in <2kbs out.
  12. Wenn er nach 8 Stunden dann keine 4 Millionen hat war das Geschwätz.
  13. I'd love a trade chat. Nation chat is just overrun.
  14. Can I get the same treatment by just sitting AFK in port? Leniency on cheaters, I wonder what's next.
  15. Putsch? Wer hat dich eigentlich zum König von Schweden bestimmt?
  16. Bad PVPers don't have absurd amounts of damage inflicted on others, and usually also sink themselves. How often do you put thousands of damage into a ship and then not sink it? The examples admin gave couldn't be clearer.
  17. the fact you get rewarded for doing well in a battle even if you sink and your side loses is one of the major appeals for PVP in this game. It needs to be preserved.
  18. weiß ja nicht wie eine Frage stellen jetzt "Gerüchte verbreiten und Panik" sein soll. Ich habe diese Schiffe nicht genommen, sie sind immernoch redeemable. Wenn ein Asset wipe kommt sollte ich sie mir ja eigentlich sofort ziehen können? Missionen würde ich mit dem Cutter auf keinen Fall machen. Ich würde direkt auf Trader gehen. Bringt viel mehr Werte als eine Mission, und exp brauch ich ja nicht.
  19. bei WoW oder EQ wurden 10-20 expansions, also neue Inhalte gebracht ohne wipe. Würde ich also als faule Ausrede einstufen der Developer. Kein wipe bei NA ist eine kritische Sache. Wenn es aus EA rauskommt, kommt nochmal ein ordentlicher Käuferschub, der dann aber ziemlich wenig Lust hat sich von Veteranenspielern mit highend schiffen abfarmen zu lassen. Selbst wenn nur ein Assetwipe kommt sind die innerhalb weniger Tage schon wieder in großen Fregatten - ganz abgesehen von denen, die sich sofort die redeemable renomee und niagara rauslassen. Oder verschwinden die irgendwann?
  20. Angeblich wollen sie für trader mehr auf reine handelswaren gehen, die nichts im Schiffbau zu suchen haben, wie tobacco oder alohol hicks
  21. So war es nicht ganz. Im Braincage stream hat admin gesagt, dass sie Bedenken haben weil die Schiffe stark vereinfacht sind auf der Open Sea und deswegen kein Spyglass dort aktiv ist. Man könnte diese Entscheidung revidieren. Er hat aber nicht gesagt "kommt auf jeden fall"
  22. No, I don't think you understood what I meant.
  23. the "conspiracy" is read into my post by you. I am not responsible for what you think my post says. A couple of players just do it, and this is the result.
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