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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. The point is that especially with smaller nations, it's very easy for a very small group of players to buy-contract the ENTIRE oak production in the region available to that nation. Oak already is from my experience a rather rare type of wood, so how many ports are available to Sweden with oak? More than 5? If the numbers they produce are this small, assuming 360, that's a mere 1800 oak you need to buy per day you have to buy out. That's just 270k if you pay 150per, and now you have a monopoly on supply. That's already an outrageous price, but with a monopoly you can dictate the price it's then resold at. You want to advocate talking? To whom? We have no idea who holds these contracts. The only thing you can do right now is intercept contraband traders leaving oak ports and hope to get lucky on their cargo. And it's fairly weird that I think "jackpot" when I read 60 oak logs, but go meh when it's 100 gold ore.
  2. "Kill will be granted only if enemy ship is sufficiently damaged to sink her. " What's this actually mean? is this a nerf to helping players with missions?
  3. Kinda giving away there that you really are not. Every griefer I've ever met even questions the existence of "griefing"
  4. it takes four rounds, then when it just says "disengage" another round duration takes place - but nothing happens that round.
  5. This timer right here. A really good example, too - because the boarding went really poorly for him, yet the timer just declares it over.
  6. go grief the other 7 nations then. I fully agree with the explanation.
  7. Nation switching could go both ways. People can now more easily switch to a low pop nation for the challenge. Just how low pop are the nations anyways? Sweden should go fairly strong with the Germans having chosen it as theirs, Denmark with the Russians, France with the French and USA USA and spain for eapana, that leaves us just with the Dutch, right?
  8. Simple: If something makes the game easier, there are two arguments: - you can't have that, it would make the game unrealistic. and if that doesn't apply, because it is realistic, the argument becomes - you can't have that, it would make the game too easy. and I wonder if getting F11 coordinates is really intended to GPS your position after all.
  9. Given people who frequently use insults are also pretty much incapable of spelling them properly, so a profanity filter would have to be very, very broad to actually work. I have never seen one that actually works
  10. You are aware that what you call "consequence" and "result" are actually strictly against the rules of the game that you have previously agreed to observe and uphold?
  11. there was no queue at 10pm CET last night. What more do you want to achieve,?
  12. no its the same ship. I might just be wrong but I am 84% sure it was +-1750 before
  13. No, I assume Snows don't just kill themselves when they ram into a three decker SOL? And they don't just explode when you shoot them? If they really are more than just a nuisance, I understand why you don't want them in your high stakes PVP fights. They do however sound like a decent thing to have in general. It makes the game very casual friendly when you don't have to rely on strangers to sail with you.
  14. It's not a tax, it's a fee. A very, very high one that creates a dramatic entry barrier for selling to players. I don't understand yet why such a severe money sink needs to be in the game. At the early game, it eats most of the profit you make from selling a ship, if not outright put you into the loss range. People say that in the later game you basically have infinite moneys anyways and don't care about money at all, which I have my doubts about whether that's actually true.
  15. Rolling front/back fire mode lets you fight with less accuracy? This game could really use a glossary
  16. I bought a Brig two days ago with 1750-ish side armor. Now it's down to 1601. Did the patch do this?
  17. I don't understand. Do fleet ships use better AI than NPCs we fight for rewards? In all threads about AI, everyone talks about how AI is terrible and you can easily game it and win any fight easily. And in this thread, people claim AI has no place in PVP because it would ruin it?
  18. It's far more efficient to play something else on a second display (I play Darkest Dungeon) and just sit out the low speed sections. Unless the wind is coming straight at me, I can still do like 5-6 kn close haul. Not worth changing course there. besides, if you change course, you'd risk missing your target. I am doing something. I am traveling.
  19. You make it sound like these ships are very cheap and easy to build, and only their repair costs keep their use in check. Is that the case?
  20. There's no need to read the rules here. If you've ever read one set of rules, you've read them all. The behavior that gets you banned here will get you banned in all online games (except World of Tanks). So consequences for spamming dick ascii in help chat should be of no surprise to anyone (except World of Tanks players)
  21. I don't understand why people are so opposed to others progressing in different ways in a _sandbox_ game.
  22. What about the whole "ships sink and then they're gone" mechanic? What's the harm about someone having a ship of the line when they don't use it?
  23. Is there a queue right now? I saw 2200 online earlier.
  24. If you are max level, you don't need exp anymore, right? Can you lose the max level? If not, what mechanic is supposed to keep this in check?
  25. 32, but that's a technical limitation of the p2p tech they use. And that doesn't even work, I've never seen that many players in an instance. Maybe 20 at best. And sometimes, it's so poor that I jump into a system and I open a fresh instance when I know there is an instance with ONE player in it open already It's really a hardware issue. Rendering too many ships will even bring modern cards to their knees.
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