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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. So you're saying this was known to you before today? Why did you not report this for fixing then? This is the first time I'm reading about it. The gall to accuse someone of exploiting a bug when no one knew this would happen.
  2. So is uniting an entire nation to fight as one, instead of having a large chunk of your players break off and go pirate or dutch because of petty infighting. But apparently theirs doesn't count, while yours is an outstanding achievement And if you think losing ships is a deterrent, you're sorely mistaken. Ships are there to sink. If the port falls, it's still a victory. Shipwrights are happy for every ship they have to replace, and for every port that lowers material prices.
  3. well, if I were to take part in this, I'd quickly get a red flag on my account because I don't do normal PVP. So I'd just rack up damage against players while never sinking anyone and never sinking myself. And isn't damage farming exactly that, arranging a fight with no sinkings? IMO, if you want to train, go wild with Basic ships on both sides and sink each other. Overall you might break even, while making massive exp. And your shipwrights will be very thankful for the opportunity to obtain extra notes, BPs and crafting exp
  4. The main issue with map wipes is that it makes no sense to relocate your "HQ" if you end up losing it every two months like you did in POBS. British players very rarely bothered setting up Iron production and Forges in Port-of-Spain because after ever reset, it was Spanish again and whether it would be retaken right away was just too uncertain. Doing economy in other interesting ports was completely out of the question. And just think about what this means for nations that start out with very few ports such as Sweden or the Dutch.
  5. Lets see how that works out for you when the flag no longer expires in a battle.
  6. Since pirates are a nation similar to the other 7 and that's here to stay I see no reason for this anyways.
  7. Its funny how the same people advocate terrible, crippling losses for defeat are here defending loss free pvp. Neutral opinion or agenda?
  8. Explain that way then. This is your third post where you just demand the removal. I can't think of a way that would solve this as elegantly as the euro traders.
  9. 1. yes, as you have been repeatedly told, the Spanish who have rebuffed your "offer" are playing from Canalete. Attack them. 2. Everyone is playing this game first and foremost for their own entertainment. The spanish players who relocated to Canalete during the first week, two weeks before Spain started losing Cuba ports are about as responsible for the entertainment of their new players as I am for British starting players. And now that I've learned that La Habana produces silver and pine instead of real resources, I can fully understand why you'd move to a better area right away. I wrongly assumed La Habana produced demanded goods just like Port Royal does with Coal, Fir and Gold.
  10. New Ship BP - Troop transport - merchant level armament - BR 10 - carries a set number of marines depending on size 1 durability gets added to a players FLEET ships. Player adds ship to his fleet when the fleet with the conquest flag is setting up and sails it to the PB. in the PB, the troop ship can receive orders - Follow, sail N NE E and so forth. Or "Attack port". Only if a sufficient number of troops make it into the port and the port battle is won, the port actually changes hands. If not, the port is only raided or whatever, still a win but the port doesn't change hands. e.g. taking a minor port producing double digit amounts of cargo can be done with 500 troops, e.g. five brig sized troop transports or two large indiamen sized transports. Taking a major port with hundreds of tons of production takes at least 3000 troops, ie everyone has to bring a troop brig or six large indiamen. Attacker has the choice of winging it by bringing the bare minimum to capture (and fail if the enemy takes out even one ship) or playing it save by forcing it with a huge number of troops (and still fail if they lose the ship battle over microing their armada). Since these ships will be prime targets during the PB and to the open sea engagements leading up to the PB, this introduces ship loss without taking away the ships players actually want to play in, therefore creating more jobs for shipwrights without putting people into the position of needing to obtain a new combat ship to play the game.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia_Shadowplay Get this running. The first green player to attempt to flip me over, steal my boarding and sink my ship is gonna get the most compelling case against him in here this forum has ever seen.
  12. You can't be at war as a pirate anyways. You're just a common criminal.
  13. You expect the Spanish to accept peace when countless U.S. players in this very thread oppose it and threaten with more attacks? If I had to choose between quitting the game for now and grovelling to the players who've taken the ports and now display unparalleled arrogance while demanding peace, I'd fire up a different game in a heartbeat Btw. The Spanish who decline your offer are sitting at panama. Go ahead and take those ports.
  14. It's not much green on green damage if you are at 100% sails in both screenshots?
  15. Sorry but it's obviously not finished. Yesterday I couldn't join a battle because my group mate accidentally clicked "join" instead of "join as group". Please don't defend the current state when it obviously needs more work.
  16. IMO the ship teleport should get changed to port you back to the last port you were at. No more cargo teleportation to the capital. And it should be separate from outpost teleportation. and dont put yet another fee on it. We're being nickled and dimed enough as it is. paying 5000 to abandon an outpost? feh.
  17. wow, one might think the girl of your dreams just turned you down the way you're taking this no.
  18. This. I want pvp to be mostly equal fights where both sides can lose and ganking is not a thing. Where fighting is exciting, challenging and frequent but apparently that makes me a bluebie care bear and I can never ever have that.
  19. I take it those fortifications aren't gonna be like the bloody jokes POBS had where one broadside took them out and their fire was irrelevant? And the defenders are actually at an advantage in heavily fortified ports?
  20. That is a problem with third rate crafting then. I don't understand why 3rd rates only have 3 dura when they can be captured? Shouldn't the advantage of built over capped be 5 durabs? Either make 3rd rate uncaptureable or make built ones 5 dura. But then again, how far are we from mass producing third rates? I cant eve craft surprises and renommees due to piss poor luck on mercury and cerberi crafts. And I can almost craft frigates now. Most ships people ask for now I cant build. What about that issue? Major patch #1?
  21. I can indeed see this being abused hard. If you catch a solo smuggler, and someone else jumps in in a ship you can't catch, he can sail away from you for 90 minutes and deny you the capture of the trader. This shouldn't be possible.
  22. I think what Spain wants is a capital not surrounded by enemies but with a few poets like every other nation has.
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