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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. I'd rather see teleport to outpost disappear completely, but that's pretty brilliant. Another thing about chain... why does it reload slower than regular shot why does it not scale with cannon size?
  2. The spanish are exploiting this hard at Little Cayman right now. This is the truest form of game mechanics benefiting a zerg force. If you have 25 players more than your enemy, you can take every port and they will not be able to defend at all, because even if you can disengage in the fight, you can't enter the PB for 2 minutes, but they can retag you after 30 seconds. Just tag over and over and over and over. Over and over and over and over. It's basically griefplay to deny your opponent the chance to play himself. So please don't defend this mechanic with some obtuse teleport to outpost mechanics. We can only have 8 outposts, and most of them are in freetowns and in the capital, which can't be attacked to begin with. I don't have a single outpost in a port that is attackable.
  3. Yes, if your ships are already in the port that is being attacked they should be able to defend it. What you are proposing makes no sense at all. Blockade a port to prevent the ships in it from fighting for that port? T_T
  4. Liveoak is irrelevant, because it's a % modifier applied to all ships equally. Unless your argument really is that a live oak Constitution has more armor than a Fir Ingermanland. Is it?
  5. ok question about 1 (formerly known as 3) Does this mean if you undock while someone of your nation is running an attack that you can get pulled into that battle within 1-2 seconds of undocking? and 2 (formerly known as 11) Does this mean I can put two broadsides into someone to take them to <95%, then board and receive a kill too? If so, that would be great, especially for PVP where you rarely can risk shooting someone to kill threshold without them just turning off survival and sinking.
  6. It is remarkably easy to place the enemy reinforcement timer into land if you have the more agile ship and dictate the tag. This should not be the long term gameplay design.
  7. That's what they kept saying in nation chat. However, pirate mechanic changes have already been announced, so not waiting them out seems.. unwise.
  8. why would there be swedish salt. You're the one crying over the patch ruining your world domination.
  9. are you still unaware this is an alpha test version we're playing?
  10. It seems the cannons have spoken today.
  11. Is "Reinforcement circle in land" really the long-term solution? Not going to change that?
  12. Der Unterschied zwischen 12pd cannons und 42pd carronades ist auch ein außergewöhnlich extremer. Bei vielen Schiffen hat man nicht so einen großen Unterschied. Bei der Essex z.B. muss ich zwischen 18pd cannons und 32pd carronades wählen...
  13. Disregarding your toxic choice of words there, it's still on you if you attack rank 1 players in basic cutters trying to run missions.
  14. Um zu verhindern, dass eine Piratensanti bei Jeremie rausklicken konnte als der Circle sie erfasst hab, bin ich mit meiner Santi durch die komplette Piratenflotte gefahren und habe die Breitseite von mehreren Pavels, Victories und Santis kassiert, teilweise aus nächster Nähe. Der Schaden den das angerichtet hat kostete nach der Port battle nur 1000 gold zu reparieren. Das is einfach nicht richtig.
  15. Your Santi isn't gone though, it just belongs to someone else now.
  16. That's what locked focus is for, and that does not change it either.
  17. There just was a Port battle in Jeremie, with the British fielding 25 first rates vs 8 first rates, 8 second rates, a third and a few smaller ships. There were only four casualties in the entire battle: A consti and a mortar brig that arrived late right between the charging british first rates, a Santi that charged into the British line on her own and a Victory that got boarded by a 50% marine Pavel. The only reason Britain won was because the Pirates sailed too close to the circle and two Santis and a Pavel were caught outside at the 7 minute mark and sunk at the 1 minute mark. Not a single ship the entire fight that was in formation lost more than 20% side armor, despite being engaged at medium range (ie name tags visible) most of the time.
  18. We tried not using timers once in Panama. The port was taken 30 minutes after the server was back up. This is why you can't have nice things.
  19. Dishonesty. During the Aves PB before the patch, where the French beat an even Swedish fleet, the battle was streamed by a swedish player, and a couple of French players - including Kierrip - came into the channel after the victory to boast and gloat. Kierrip wanted more ships to come to them so he can sink them. This is literally what he said. Kierrip wants this war. EdR want this war. Language barrier makes this impossible.
  20. I like how you're trying to twist the unmatched generosity of Britain against them. Sweden is a well respected ally because they're decent, reasonable and polite. You Spanish are none of that. That's why Mexico is red. No other reason.
  21. Your post in a nutshell. The fact that you consider the pirates a nation, and not pirates, speaks volumes about you.
  22. Du musst jetzt halt hin und wieder große Ladungen durch die Gegend fahren. Dafür sind die zeiten, wo man mitm Cutter zwischen seinen Schiffen hin und her segeln musste weil man seinen Teleport timer nicht verbrauchen wollte - könnte ja ein Angriff kommen - vorbei. Das sollte unterm strich sehr viel mehr Segelzeit einsparen, als der teleportchange kostet. Auch sollte das das Problem eindämmen, dass wenn man sich in entfernte gebiete zurückzieht - z.B. USA nach Texas, Briten nach Santo Tomas oder Panama, Holländer nach Cartagena, Spanien nach Vera Cruz (theoretisch), die Hafenproduktion nicht mehr von irgendwelchen Alts leergekauft wird, da man ja die Fracht jetzt ja zurückfahren muss. Ich hock in Panama, und die Kohle von allen Häfen hier wird per Buy contract aufgekauft von Alts von Spielern, die diese Häfen hier nie verteidigt haben als die Dänen oder die Franzosen sie angegriffen haben, weil sie ganz woanders sitzen. Nervt.
  23. By asking for 50 million he basically guaranteed that this will not be accepted. The child is perfectly aware of this. Anyone pretending this is a serious offer is wrong. Funny, I seem to recall your nation bring forth the same argument themselves when all of Cuba was taken.
  24. I thought I did not specifically ask for modern 20th century brightness. Lighthouses existed way before that. Ever heard of that one in Alexandria?
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