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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. The only limit this enforces is a minimum BR of 600 to enter a Lineship port battle.
  2. So pushing an enemy to the point where he is unwilling to fight anymore in an even situation (a port battle for example) is bad, but pushing an enemy to the point where is unwilling to fight in a lopsided situation (killing his trader brigs) is a good thing?
  3. So who doesn't get to own ports because the battles are being fought in the middle of the night for them, or during working hours in your merged server?
  4. It's probably not helping that with 150 marks for a Wasa that ship is far easier to obtain than the more pricey 5th rates requiring purchased blueprints and permits
  5. didn't you whine one day later in the EU battle thread about crushing your enemy to the point where he can't even fight anymore being a bad thing? Oh. It's someone else doing it there. That's different I guess.
  6. And just for the record, the US have the #1 RVR player by a biiig margin in their ranks right now, so there.
  7. Are you too ashamed to use your real account for this anonymous trolling or can you not log into it anymore because it's banned? +ignore
  8. The pouting in here is absolutely unreal. Some of the posters should not ever call themselves "competitive". Waaah waaah you won one battle against us, we'll never fight you again! And just by the way, ya'll should know better than to argue with a one week old troll account.
  9. You attacked the British in Panama and Costa Rica on the orders of Denmark. Well, you weren't exactly allies in that situation, so it's probably okay to make such a post as this one. The Danes even bullied VP into giving you a port in the Santa Marta region so you could launch the flags from there.
  10. Targets: *redacted* Apparently this did not include Sverige.
  11. You will never be able to create a game where there's a sufficient number of players who do nothing but sail around in traders to be prey for other players. Capturing player indiamen (or any traders for that matter) are lucky strikes, not consistent gameplay. It's a mentality issue, not a gameplay issue. No one likes paying money to play a game where he exists only as prey for other players.
  12. Rumor has it players are switching from Denmark to Sverige because of you.
  13. If this isn't a request to enforce this on everyone, can't you just resist scrolling out?
  14. What's the point of that if pressing M reveals GPS accurate map of the entire battle?
  15. Man, if only "hating sweden" were a skill that somehow gave you an advantage in the game. You'd farm us 1 vs 25 all day.
  16. @Aegirtwo week old account firing away aggressive posts like a machine gun. Connect the dots.
  17. Nicht wirklich, wer aus den Sea Trials kam hatte beim Open World Launch massive Vorteile
  18. There's nothing to elaborate. Sailing Profile is not a factor for BR. What were you trying to say by quoting me?
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