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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. The map is huge. 89 regions. If 2/3 of that are rookie zones, that leaves us with 30 regions. That's still all of the islands, south florida and half of central america. The current system greatly favors holding large amounts of regions at the edges of the map. as evidenced by Spains high ranking on the EU server, despite them doing *absolutely nothing*. Making Sisal their rookie zone, moving the pirates to Texas with their rookie zone, the British to Bluefields would be a great start. Fight over Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola, the Bahamas and South Florida for the RVR victory. Make the key ports there value at 3 points for the victory, leave the "tension zones" between the other nations (such as Trinidad between France / VP) at 1 pointers.
  2. When people say traders, do you mean people trading to generate money (buy trade goods low, sell high in another port) or do you mean people ferrying ship building resources from outposts to shipyards? Or do you just lump these two together even though they do two completely different things?
  3. by Rogue clan I mean clans deliberately playing against their own nation, not just refusing to do as they're told.
  4. How would it be a rookie zone if players can still be attacked by other players, especially mission jumping where you can spawn right next to the player if you saw him enter? Which is something that should be addressed imo.
  5. I feel like the problem went away after the four bans in July I think the problem has migrated to Albion Online.
  6. Can we name one "Rogue Clan"? I don't think I've ever seen one. Is this a pirate issue?
  7. The way I read it is taxes are added to production costs in the Craft menu, just like POTBS did it.
  8. If a nation has no war company at all, will they be unable to do port battles? What will the price for upgrading clan to war company be?
  9. I made an F11 of this. I had rig repairs in the shop for 750g, if you went to the shop the AI sold them for 450 and mine weren't even visible. There was no [ i ] to see contract details. Just plain rig repairs 450 each. You can tell from the auto-screenshot that I am not making anything up. If it works as you say, there's a bug preventing it from working.
  10. So we ever figured out what Rheas Turn is? It can't be yard turn speed, because if you look at Art of Rigging Handling, that already has a name: Yard Turn Speed
  11. @admin Fire is still beneficial to the player receiving it. You can turn your ship into a bomb on a whim, you can use it to deny capture and if you don't want to have it right now, it's like 5% (12 out of 240) or even less of your crew to put it out with no damage done to your ship in a minute. Fire does nothing detrimental except tie up a tiny amount of crew. There seems to be a tiny chance to suffer some instant sail damage when a fire breaks out now, but it really rarely ever happens.
  12. Oh I've lost count how often I've seen dev posts in the suggestion section that haven't made it into the announcement section, let alone the game itself Without further changes, just an increased chance to catch fire is irrelevant.
  13. sounds like it will make getting away from a fight easier.
  14. > wait, what? we already have battle sails. It's just pretty pointless. I can't see what you're referring to in the announecments, you have a link?
  15. Why is the number of players relevant if you're in a Cerberus, shootin AI ships?
  16. "Reinforcements in coastal ports will come back to game (as fleets no longer give xp)" What does that mean, fleets no longer give exp? I don't see any announcement in the notes about taking exp away from anything.
  17. This game's population is barely able to support full PBs and you think about restricting access to them? Also nice idea on the Taxes. Yet another thing you are taking from that game you wanted to take nothing from. I like how it's already impossible to sell repairs in the shop for decent profit because your contract might just get blocked by the AI by putting in a bunch of repairs at a ridiculous price of around 450 per item. A price increase on the production of the logs, iron and hemp for repairs due to taxes? What's not to love?
  18. I got Stained Glass yesterday. It's still there. I actually hate that stuff because a TL then can't pick it up and the price at my capital is usually reduced to 1 from all the trading people do with it anyways. wrecks used to be even better when you could find rare upgrades in them. Now it's just a super heavy trade good, 0-2 labor contracts that have any value at all, worthless food, worthless rum, worthless tobacco, worthless coins and ingots.
  19. What does brace do, exactly. Does it raise crew damage resistance? Does it run into the cap? What's the cap anyways? If I run Service History and Mahogony Planking, am I at the cap with those 30% already? If so, does Bracing actually do anything when I use it?
  20. Buying low, selling high is exactly the type of trading that can get players on the open world in traders that aren't carrying super vital clan resources. You want traders to hunt on the open world, but you don't want them to make money? You don't want there to be money in trading, because you don't enjoy trading? I cannot comprehend how incredibly selfish you guys are. HEY GUYS, BE ON OS SO I CAN KEEL YOU, BUT BE POOR TOO! But one thing for sure, 500k on a single run, no matter what ship, seems to be a bit of a fairly tale on his end.
  21. I hear POTBS has no mortar ships. Why don't you go play that?
  22. Inflation is a result of people hoarding their assets, not sinking in PVP, because PVP rewards so incredibly poorly. First Rate PB like 50 exp per player on average? What?
  23. IMO it should simply never be possible to repair damage with repairs beyond 80%. If you fire off a sail repair at 75%, you get 5%. The End. This would pretty much solve the "repair back to undamaged ship while in combat" situation and I don't see how it would be detrimental.
  24. I like how the first ideas to expand on the suggestion are how to deny rewards for PVP again. As if we're not deep enough down that rabbit hole just yet.
  25. Please look up "to predate" if you're confused by my post.
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