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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. Game is dieing, but the turncoat is blaming us for it. Meh. everyone is playing NA legends in a few months or something entirely different. Ohh The insights from Bernie.
  2. So you're saying Denmark made a mistake by defending road town because we wanted a battle? Interdasting.
  3. I can't believe you guys are arguing non stop with this one week old troll account. BtW bernie, since you're so god damn smart, please tell us why having Road Town means we have to defend it. Just take it back. Or shall we concede it to you so you get to sink six AI first rates for some sweet money? We got a fight out of it. That's all we wanted. This isn't a complex war game, we can just sail home and leave the port to its fate. Congrats on overanalyzing one simple port battle. "most stupid decision", haha still laughing. I've never considered you to be a carebear, but this "battles are bad" attitude you're displaying here is now changing my mind. and one day, OOOOONE DAY, he might "prove" it?
  4. If you guys keep bringing up server merges, you need to discuss all the consequences.
  5. we had that option before when each port had a lord protector who could set the time. He might as well had been able to set a BR total for the PB. It didn't make it in. I'll believe it when I see it.
  6. Apparently not. Can you explain? We can't decide right now which clans may attack us, so if we know they're gonna come with 25 first rates, why would we ever limit ourselves to less?
  7. The only limit this enforces is a minimum BR of 600 to enter a Lineship port battle.
  8. So who doesn't get to own ports because the battles are being fought in the middle of the night for them, or during working hours in your merged server?
  9. And just for the record, the US have the #1 RVR player by a biiig margin in their ranks right now, so there.
  10. Are you too ashamed to use your real account for this anonymous trolling or can you not log into it anymore because it's banned? +ignore
  11. The pouting in here is absolutely unreal. Some of the posters should not ever call themselves "competitive". Waaah waaah you won one battle against us, we'll never fight you again! And just by the way, ya'll should know better than to argue with a one week old troll account.
  12. You attacked the British in Panama and Costa Rica on the orders of Denmark. Well, you weren't exactly allies in that situation, so it's probably okay to make such a post as this one. The Danes even bullied VP into giving you a port in the Santa Marta region so you could launch the flags from there.
  13. Targets: *redacted* Apparently this did not include Sverige.
  14. Rumor has it players are switching from Denmark to Sverige because of you.
  15. If this isn't a request to enforce this on everyone, can't you just resist scrolling out?
  16. What's the point of that if pressing M reveals GPS accurate map of the entire battle?
  17. Man, if only "hating sweden" were a skill that somehow gave you an advantage in the game. You'd farm us 1 vs 25 all day.
  18. Nicht wirklich, wer aus den Sea Trials kam hatte beim Open World Launch massive Vorteile
  19. Haha, ich hab's ja gewusst. In NAL bekommt man für Schaden auf Gegnern, die nicht versenkt wurden, Erfahrung. In dem Spiel wo man nichts riskiert bekommt man es hinterhergeworfen, und hier wo man alles riskiert bekommt man einfach mal gar nichts. und wenn man dann Credits wie in WoT in NAL braucht, dann wird es garantiert auch in NAL credits für damage geben.
  20. Vormoderation ist echt nötig hier? Hat das Forum so viel new account troll traffic?
  21. are you in windowed mode? In windowed mode, holding shift and mousing around the mouse cursor doesn't disappear like it does in a battle. makes it also very hard to click on things.
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