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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. SO your taking away the politics and RP of the game from the players? Thought this was a sandbox we could do what ever we want. Hell Might as well go play NA:L if that is what you want for the OW too.... Some small nations and clans need to do do alliances to help each other out other wise the only ones that will all ways win are your mega clans/nations over and over and over.
  2. maybe bump up the BR though so it's like a 6 man team limit instead of 3 man.
  3. Not to call you a liar, but when I got on last night which was pretty late the guys going in was only in groups of 2-3 so a group of 7-8 guys is really hard to fight against. Specially when they are in mostly 4th and 3rd rates with a 1st rate (I did saw a 2nd rate come in with your fleet so you had one in group too, but that could of been another nation too since we can't see that stuff). Most of the folks I see going to these events are going in 5th and 4th rates, but mostly store bought 5th rates. The only time I see folks bring something that isn't a none permit ship is in the shallows cause even H Rattlers and Niagaras are fairly cheap to replace. The point is if you want fights maybe break the group up into smaller groups and not go in such a big group and don't bring anything above a 4th rate. It's about going in there and dishing out a lot of damage and prob sinking and getting right back in and doing it over and over. That is why it says to bring a ship you can loose. As for other PvP ya'll haven't been up the coast in a while by what I hear since I been in US for 3 weeks now. Though I could miss it if it's on a week day since I work nights (3rd shift). Ya'll do come out kinda late too even on week days. So most folks are in bed or heading that way and that is the reason your prob not seeing much action. I mean 11pm CST is pretty late for most normal folks that got to work in the morning.
  4. Like I always say, "What is a Pirate?" "Just a Privateer without a job."
  5. I don't think Tumbado's issue was location for the most part. First off it was a Sunday so not as many folks get on. The second I know a lot of folks wanted to go out there in US prime time but a certain nation had a group of pretty much all SOL's ganking anything that moved when most folks go into there just with frigates. You loose interest real fast when you see a team doing that. It was the same way with the old PvP cirlces. One team or the other would show up with large numbers and high tier ships only and every one else just stops showing up. You want more fights tone down your ship selection to frigates. Honestly think the events should be limited to ships below 3rd rate or even none SOL's. With that though I do think these ports need to be spawned with more frigates and light ships (for the shallow events) in ports around those areas. We where having fun but folks where running out of ships and cannons in that area along with repairs to jump right back into the fight. As for repairs in Shroud? That was folks making a profit on the events. I know folks that hauled repairs down just to make a buck in those ports. So if you want to make some profit than do the same.
  6. Yah we took the missions out side the shallows and it matched the ships that joined. Only 2 of us where in shallow ships.
  7. Actually the cap for both sides is 10 players, but yah it's 10 attackers vs 10/10 players/AI if maxed out. Though we flipped West End with two missions using a mix fleet of 6th rates to 2nd rates. So the bigger the ship the more agro you get it seems.
  8. I beat the server prob never seen so many ships crafted so fast at one time....lol
  9. Is this PvE Server cause they are allowed to take missions out of freetowns so that might be it.
  10. @admin What ever happen to the elite AI in OW? I know folks don't want to get attacked by AI, but would be nice to find a named AI or something you can fight and get a boosted reward. Something more on a small scale than Epic events. You tag an OW ship/fleet only to find out when inside it's a Named Elite NPC with better states and rewards/loots. Make it random so you will never know if that NPC is normal or elite.
  11. Circle of doom keeps you from running, remember old flag port battles and the shrinking circle? Though that just made me thing Traders run, wouldn't they run into the circle of doom lol
  12. THE CIRCLE OF DOOM RETURNS. I was going to say it would be a kite nightmare until I saw that part. Going be kinda interesting to see how this works out.
  13. And how will that be fair to new players? The game is EA alpha stage of devolopment they should be doing more wipes to be honest but folks cry thinking this is a released game. They have to do wipes to give a clear slate for all players cause some folks have built up a pretty big collection of stuff cause of bad broke mechanics that have been changed. You bought this game knowing it's an alpha and not finished released product.
  14. Well we are promised to keep our xp and rank stuff. I kinda was hoping we keep the ship knowledge too cause I know a lot of folks aren't going to want to grind all that out again. I'm fine starting over from scratch other wise when they do this. I will prob not redeem my xp/rank on one char and play it through from 1st level up just to test out the featers and all.
  15. Though one option other than buying the DCL thing is that you can delete your char and than do the tutorial final exam that will boost you straight to Master Com level. This isn't bad for any lower level players, but any high level players will need to use the DLC thing or remain in the nation. Remember this all gets wiped when we go live any way so just change the nation now if you can. Also thought they put the shops in free towns on PvE server for those nations. Those nations should prob never been added to that server
  16. They gave crap loot so that is the same as we did once they stop dropping good loot. I didn't even notice they didn't come over since not all our warehouse stuff was on my char. Though now I been getting good loot, but can OLD FLAG OFFICER STOP DROPPING, I gotten that three times in a row on the same day.
  17. I actually liked the concept they had of turning most of the Gulf in a PvE safe zone but you can still go in flagged and fight PvP in that zone with the flag on. Keep all good econ stuff out of that zone so they will ahve to trade with the none safe zones folks, but the 100 PvE server players (prob more than that) had a fit and it was shot down. Rememeber folks admin did say it would say up another 24 months, but that was what a year ago so it's suppose to be up another 12 as promised? I'm all for merging them and making some zone like the gulf so they can work on one server and one game for content adn such and than later if the population is high enough open up regional servers and maybe a PvE only server.
  18. Until they make something new like a loot box at the end of the fight like most MMO's have they could just make the ships not sink so fast once they putthe white flag up. They really need to put the white flag up when they are half sunk and stop firing. Many folks won't stay side by side with them cause they will continue to fire until all decks are under and they will still pull you if they have more crew. When the ship is going down I think fireing cannons and trying to baord is the last thing on most sailors minds. Ever seen what happens when something like a ship does goes under? It sucks every thing around it down with it, but most thinks don't sink so quickly cause of trapped air bubbles insde. Just have the surrender at half full of water and than sink from there so it takes longer.
  19. Sounds more like a clan issue. I know my clan has over 10K hull repairs 16K Rig Repairs and 20K Rum sitting in the clan warehouse right now and most of that was what I made since the wipe. I got even more as personnel stash. That is a 5 man mini clan if you count my production and I build all my own ships. So any clans of 25+ players should not have an excuse why there clan mates never have repairs when they go out. If your working forward deployed than you get a trade ship and move some to that base. It's easy just put the trade ship in your fleet when you move down the coast to new hunting grounds. Ports do produce repairs as I have hunted away from home and used a trade ship to sneak into ports just to buy up AI repairs. Than I dump the captured brig and go back to my hunting ship.
  20. I think he meant 5 ships as I do count 5 Russians in that fight.
  21. Wait your talking about OW AFK ships that run into land? I thought this was going to be about in battle. Just let folks catch them with there pants down like we all ready do.
  22. Got them to move some of the numbers up, but many of them still need to be increased. Doing 20 at a time blows when your trying to burn all your labor hours. If I want to make 4K of something I should be able too. Yep even did this on GLOBAL when it wasn't so laggy cause that pop up is so annoying. Just tap them back and forth and it speeds it up.
  23. We actually have no beef with any other British Clans at the moment, it was just his attitude and the fact they owned over half the Bahamas and put the ports in stupid timers. I wonder why those timers weren't changed friday when the weekend started? And it went from only doing one in different timer to doing almost half of them. Hmmmmm wonder why that happened? I hear they are going to hire the neutral nation to defend them for them, but that just a rumor. So you set port timers when you can't even be on to play a game that your talking so much smack about and than wonder why you loose the ports? Well we can add it to my battle plans. I mean I'm all ready suppose to be taking all of Bahamas according to that spy/traitor Kennyway guy. No I said officially our plans when we join the us was to remove the threat in LR, help clear the US coast line and take some Bahamas ports cause it's great training grounds and fighting area for lower level and new players to PvP/RvR. Never said all of Bahamas, but with that I'm going to add we may or may not ever go into the Gulf, but one day Texas wants to own Texas in game and I"ll leave it at that. They will be loosing way more than that tomorrow. French will move into number three spot on the conquest board. You think a lot more brits would be upset about that than anything...lol
  24. @William Death that pretty much looks like when you draw up my battle plans for PB's for me, but it's missing the part, "Texas Dies."
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