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Everything posted by JollyRoger1516

  1. Danes - don't threaten us with good news!!!
  2. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/94974190729724088/8E34F892C8D1577038365E14D207A5C8406EFF3E/ I assume you're lookin for sth like this?
  3. Don't know about you but surviving has a rather high priority in my book...
  4. I found a temporary workaround. It seems that if you switch Survival off for a full minute the crew will then go into survival even though it is switched off. Once that is filled up (needs to be full it seems) you can switch Survival back on and the survival will continue to work. At that point it will run as it should. Once you switch survival off crew will leave and return when it is switched on again. Way too complicated I know so devs please get on it. For the time being however that should save everybodies ships.
  5. I think one of the reasons this game relies on sliders also is that it is being developed for mobile phones/tablets as well!
  6. Calm your titties - until the mechanics are fixed and this not being an exploit there is no reason to be angry about a good fireship. Nonetheless the mechanic does need a change as Charles is right - a cpatain should not be happily sailing into his fiery doom.
  7. Also I don't see how missions were in any way in the way?! All they needed was a less cheaty AI and more diversity. It wasn't even a priority in development requests but to see it totally removed?! - What do PvE players, new players and the occassional bored person do now? Again please don't forget that a lot of people like me join the PvP server to enjoy both PvE and PvP and not to be forced into a very specific role.
  8. ok - I doubt that will truly work as a buttload of people won't agree to pay for others content but I myself would be up for new ships being funded if they then become available to everybody with the blueprint also available through normal learning(old school blueprints)! However the fix of the Constitution should still in no way be tied to a paid for patch.
  9. OK I get the idea behind funding specific ship packs however this should in no way be tied to the Constitution a ship we all already paid for and expect to be in a decent state (and eventually finished state). Also with ship packs I see the same problem arising as with the current blueprint distribution - it creates inequality when one nation/player does not have access to the ship that quite frankly wrecks all the other ones! This is already very annoying but this is now moving towards a P2W direction (I am sure you're not intentionally moving there but devs rarely are and still meet that point)
  10. Doesn't even take fire shock itself. This has been a bug for at least 5 months now. When a fire breaks out or when the ship takes on water due to leaks sometimes the activated survival will not do anything and calmly watch your shipsuccumb to the events. Sometimes switching on and off survival has helped but more then one ship has been lost by this. The problem becomes evident towards the last 5-10mins when we nearly lost our santissima to it.
  11. A ship being designed by a Swede doesn't make it Swedish! More often then not good ship designers would design ships for a variety of nations usually allied ones. Being called Cherubim would make at least the variant we are being presented with a Russian ship. This is even more so the case with the Surprise - being called Surprise it is the British refit variant although built in France. Considering the British made extensive changes to her top deck to allow for use of more/bigger carronades that isn't something we can easily dismiss. Also until blueprints are fully accessible the amount of ships cannot be fully counted as ships like the santa cecilia and pirate frigate are heavily limited in their availability. Content although present is only worth something to the entire palyerbase if the entire playerbase can actually access it.
  12. The frigate is a russian ship?!?! At least it is called Cherubim. Lynx is American yeah but the Privateer is the British refit after it got captured.
  13. You know the thing I like most about your harbour is the tiny little fact that it has 25 slots to dock up in! But well made nice ideas all around as well There would also ahve to be the XP coutner next to the gold but that should be a minor little introduction.
  14. Gotta say I have really come to enjoy games that stay away from DLCs lately. Pay once and get a full game - feels like 1998... Also the last game to actually deserve the money for its DLCs was Witcher 3. Quite frankly most companies these days use DLCs as quick money grabs with little actual content perverting the memory of what once used to be called addons. I hope that once this game is over Nick will turn his attention towards the European theatre with a Napoleon version of this game and maybe even a free campaign similar to the Europa Universalis/Total War games. Combining the battle mechanics with an outside campaign would be awesome
  15. DoorKickers - the closest you will get to the old SWAT games. Sadly the Rainbow Six-series has turned into a slightly more difficult arcade/esports shooter and the SWAT series ahs been dead for many years. But DoorKickers will give you the planning phase and action of old tactical shooters in strategy topdown view form. Rinse and repeat until you finally managed the bloody aircraft assault school with three stars.
  16. You remain extremely narrow minded and choose not to read what doesn't fit into your agenda. Not once did I say a nation should stay small. As I said I welcome all those who manage to play the underdog position so well they rise above!!! But that has to be earned and isn't just given - the Dutch with the help of their allies have managed to do so just like the Danes have - Spain on the other hand has not managed to establish itself according to its own status. That is all down to player/alliance activity. Technically the SPain vs GB would work perfectly - each fraction has about 50% of the playerbase (pre pirates joining) and the smaller nations just like in history play their support roles. Failure to work togehter is the actual downfall here. And that does work perfectly fine. Btw in contrast to the Danes who take empty ports from their allies (why does that not lead to all out war?!?!) the Dutch however have earned their territories. The timerange is fine - adds more wars - nonetheless they all end with the Dutch being clsoe allies by the end of 1830. By your own logic DN wouldn't have the Swedes as their allies so come off your high horse you position is rather weak! Quite frankly however I tire of arguing continuosly with a narrowminded person that only shows self-interest. As you are completely unwilling to get off your arrogance and engage your brain beyond your own advantages I am done with trying to make a good game out of this along your side! It remains a fruitless endeavour.
  17. Oh boy - you can't argue on the basis of a changing time period at least I provided you with a rough estimate - your argument that Dutch and GB would be at war is as equally valid then as it is for being allied as the taking of Gibraltar and with the establishment of the Batavian republic the other Dutch were close allies just as much! In the end the Dutch and GB were close allies. Also were do you take 1680? - Ingermanland (oldest ship as far as I know) is from 1715. As to the nations - if I were to demand historical settings your nation would never leave their port and remain in absolute insignificance a fact that you ahve overcome and that I find good. But you ahve done so from the underdog position which is the starting point of your nation. Your demand of total equality is equally ridicilous as people joining the pirates demanding access to nations and the same gameplay. That joke was running for half a year - have you learned nothing of it?! Before you insult somebody and call them shortsighted maybe you use your own brain and expand past your own demands for once. I understand wanting to play with your friends as we all do but that does not change the inherent characteristics of the different nations or we could just all run around with nation red, blue, green,etc. as nations would be pointless. Also capturing areas of the map creates the same problems for if one alliance loses all access to live oak/strong hull - the other gets a massive bonus for all port battles to come. Doesn't matter which side is effected by it in the end the equality you demand is unachieveable under the current game!
  18. now that would require bravery and sacrifice - what is that?
  19. The US yes - the Dutch clearly not! (assuming this is the beginning of the 19th century) And considering you keep bringing the realism argument whenever it fits you - that sword cuts both ways mate! Nonetheless my point was people shouldn't have joined DN but Spain or GB in the first palce if they wanted the big boy game. If you play DN to push them up there the challenge is about earning your place in the face of overwhelming odds. Balancing in a single fight is something is completely support though not the way the devs are going for it in the last months. However nation balancing is a ridiculous idea as you want to elevate a sidenote of history to a superpower with this. (no offense to the Danes) The role of the smaller nations int he region was support for their allies and small scale colonies for trade and production. Apart from that - keep your insulting tone at bay!
  20. broken record much?! - simple fix - port battles also get rewards - done. Nation balancing in a historical setting is a joke. Don't join tiny DN and expect to have the same size and possibilities as major seafaring nations such as GB, Spain or the Dutch.
  21. This is not about running. After the trader ahs been captured/lost the AI should fight without the guy having to watch it fight for 60mins - it is a waste of time for the trader as he can't actively play the game anymore(I believe the game ahs enough time sinks already don't you?!). And the only point of a trader in battle is to escape as well. I can hardly fault a guy for leaving the battle in a ship that is not meant to face enemies. An easier solution for the escaped trader would be that the AI will try to escape and be put back into the port as that is the next meeting point. That would give the trader some incentive to wait for his AI if he will have a long run left. If a trader is sunk the AI should fight for their life and not just surrender. Also to your commander point - trader captains are not commanders - never have been, never will be. Escort ships coordinate with them but they do no follow their commands!!!
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