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Everything posted by JollyRoger1516

  1. Same here it's my past time to work away on small boats in my garage and there is nothing random about it except for in what plank my dogs will leave a bitemark Also I remember the RNG in games like Payday - wanted to craft a UK flag mask - only needed 3 things to do that - RNG made me wait over 800 hours to get the third part! You do not want to bring that into Naval Action where the RNG would be applied to important things instead of cosmetics. In the end the money sink would only punish the crafter and honestly we are already punished enough with the blueprint availability and the resource shipping (low player numbers mean the economy has to be run by us instead of dedicated traders). We can't afford to lose more players to annoyances - the game is already dancing along the cliff.
  2. You are right - I'm toxic about the past and when people turn statements around into their own favour. My apologies for that. So yeah this server split might give us some time to just get over the animosity. As much as it isn't a fix and the decision is questionable we might as well use this opportunity.
  3. I clearly remember the last attempt to find a diplomatic solution having to be aborted due to the Eastern Alliance (primarily the French) categorically declaring that they wouldn't agree to anything that happens past midnight. We didn't even reach the balance out part/had already agreed that some balance needs to occur. If that is your understanding of diplomacy you need to relearn how that works!!!
  4. How? Also while I understand wanting to play with friends on both servers that translates into you wanting to be a part of a global community - I advise you pick the global server! I'd like to remind you that I never wanted split servers in the first place - I never wanted to be in this scenario. I am just palying it out now to the fullest extend as this half arsed crap needs to end. Half arsed announcements brought us to split servers. There need to be clear statements from now on and clear lines otherwise this is gonna turn ugly real quick yet again. These suggestions may not appear the friendliest but they guarentee a stable foundation on which to build! Without clear decisions and rules from now on this is like building on quicksand... And again - this all works both ways!
  5. You ain't answering the question? - maybe because you can't??? I've always considered alt accounts as only additional players - as long as you don't use it to hello kitty about and piss others off with it you can play with it on whatever server you want. But only one.
  6. It is real constructive and has nothign to do with an eastern block kinda wall. I clearly outlined the problems with free server jumping above. This is in its entirety aimed at stopping scumbags jump on the other server to scam, harass and otherwise annoy the playerbase of a server where their assets have no meaning to them. While it can not be stopped in its entirety this is at least an attempt. You have made your bed now sleep in it! It was primarily the Eastern alliance that wanted the limited time span for RvR. You now have a server all to yourselves on which you don't have to worry about any possible nightflips and interference from the US playerbase. Your server is not dead outside of the RvR times - you can still play PvP, PvE, craft and trade. If you want to play RvR all day then you shouldn't be on the EU server! Why should the global community ahve to worry about a sudden and unpredictable mass influx of EU players that could change intended politics just for shits and giggles. Bear in mind all of these things work both ways. I am protecting myself just as much as I am protecting you with this. If you want to complain about not being contructive then instead of throwing a random accusation into the room - make a better suggestion! I approached this topic with a clear head and constructive criticism/suggestions on how to prevent certain possible events - the only salt in here is from you! Here is a question - why do you need an EU server and still want to be able to play on the global one?
  7. The only way I could see this being kept viable is to enforce several rules (main reasons see above). These would require to choose a main server and declare the other server a secondary choice. No politics allowed for you on the secondary server! On the secondary server any offences will be punished right away without the usual grace periods, reasonable doubt, etc.! This is harsh but with the current tribunal being alrgely ineffective possible server jumping trolls need to be pursued much stronger. You may not partake in port battles until 15mins into the battle (to fill eventual empty spots) - this should prevent the main population being locked out of their own content and still allow possible participation! You may only put out suggestions for your main server!(Honestly otherwise we may just continue the nightflip discussion without a server split...) possibly more rules needed to counter any other possible disruptions... In my humble opinion I think it would be easier to just declare a one server rule!
  8. Honestly please no. This isn't even personal it jsut causes trouble if it becoems that easy You chose a server then you gotta stick with it - this shouldn't be a jump around thing. Either you play on one big server and we all get to design that one together or we design two different servers but then each to their own. Why should you get to play on the global server and the EU server and then effectively also be allowed to make demands for the global server?! That's just silly - for many global palyers this new big server is considered the option to escape all these 'one sided and exclusive' demands (don't take it eprsonal but thats how many see it!!!) Allowing fluent server swaps only leads to scumbag groups on either server. Similar to DayZ people will jump on the other server to piss others off as any losses have little meaning to them. If I play on the global as a Brit but on EU as a Pirate that allows me to constantly attack anyone I want with no intention other then to ruin your fun - no RvR I care for, no ships I particularly care for (shop bought will do for this) and so on. You only open the door to scumbags. Same goes for RvR - you'd bugger up the politics system with secondary players voting randomly and out of the general consensus and you'd have a lot of incidents in the general RvR all the time - it just would be too easy to ruin that for everybody. When you choose your server you should stick to it or switch with a character loss on the old one. It's not like the EU server would be unplayable outside of the main times it only prevents RvR.
  9. More like the wargame series - can be hardcore to understand the mechanics of that one I miss the good old World in Conflict (sadly never had a follow up) - easy to learn/play, hard to master and so much fun.
  10. Yeah sadly with the equipment bonus that the exploiters/cheaters had it became impossible to compete and I left the multiplayer very quickly seeing them not punished and retaining their advanced position. Devs/Mods obviously ahve last say and may choose to conduct their business any way that wish but bear in mind this does nonetheless ahve an influence on the palyerbase. Don't expect us to jsut sit here and take your word for it and how for the best when we take a shiny new ship out. Lack of being open about punishments always results in a lack of trust and joy to go out and possibly be subjected to cheaters.
  11. Excuse my lack of skills with GIMP but this would be the rough idea. right clicking on the ship would allow you to name it (maybe you get to keep the name of a captured ship - not sure about that one) and for 5000 gold you can rename it as well (you should never rename a ship).
  12. its not about the open world mate. Just for your own view (aka in ports). I am hoping that in the current view the game would show me 5 trader brigs and underneath each line where it says trader brig there is another line with the name - HMS Leonore, HMS Daphne, HMS Caledon, etc - would literally only be for the ports so we can choose our ships quickly and have a little roleplay for ourselves.
  13. He didn't say yet I believe.
  14. As pretty much everyone joins the small abttles knowing they might die and the ships aren't important people aren't afraid to go close and fight. No point in running away. So thats why the carros come in.
  15. So what's it gonna be?
  16. yeah I made the same mistake last week in my first battle
  17. This split is probably gonna be the death of the server - congrats you won the game that isn't even out yet by destroying it!
  18. watch master and commander - they actually did it in there
  19. @Destraex - exactly that. Safe zones are always weird to maintain. Missions droppign slightly outside of it, smuggler flag rules?, etc. Sadly people find ways to hello kitty with those who wish to enjoy themselves without interference. A split zone would be much clearer about this and still ahve people on the same server. You have the same thing in EVE I believe - you travel into a safe zone - its not a fluid zone!
  20. Alright this is only a small suggestion but I think it would be ncie to have and shouldn't be too much trouble. Currently all port changes are lsited under the tab contested in the map tools. This does however only persist for contested ports aka until maintenance. I'd like to see the contested tab to be changed into one called port changes in which all port changes of the alst 48 hours are listed with the info from which nation to which other. This would help people who were gone for a day quickly figure out any possible map changes without having to scan the entire map first. Let me know what you think. Personally I don't think there would be any downside to it and it is probably also quite easy to code in.
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