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Everything posted by JollyRoger1516

  1. It is called a delaying action for a reason. Also in the British nation we are actively discussing ways to make our small ships mroe powerful so we can actually sink the trapped fleet. And as Amplify already said - we are not running cheap crap. The Surprise I run is golden and packed to the brim with golden mods. The only problem is that the cannons can't pen anything so unless we grape you down for 50mins I wont be able to board you leaving me with no options to defeat you in the end. But I agree the rules for tagging currently are a joke.
  2. Also known as HappiestguyontheplantRoger, GrumpyRoger, AngryRoger and the ever favourite MurderingrandomstrangersRoger
  3. I was in the room when you were going on about that! Those germans are not only all experienced players but they also ahve an abundance of activity. There is literally no reason to have them join last/block them out (as there are no 25 germans to run a port battle fleet that is the only thing you would achieve) apart from possible communication troubles - an issue we solved long before you even joined our nation. And btw I am not even sure you would actually field a port battle fleet anymore if you exclude the germans. In the British nation we ahve never and will never exclude anybody even if they would be less skilled.
  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with amazing carebearship through superior firepower
  5. Well hello kitty this shit I really don't give a flying hello kitty.
  6. Funny thing is - we did jsut fine even without you. So we must've been good somehow. And vicious stop riding the glory train from 6 months ago - you did bloody nothing yet sit in our TS demanding that non English speaking players be excluded from our port battles. We don't need that bullshit.
  7. Never even called it that but ok. Havin a giggle is one thing but the sad part is that you guys are acting the exact same shitty way on TS and in the Nation chat which is why nobody wants you around.
  8. I don't check profiles. They mean nothing. What means something is whether or not people jump around nations for whatever reason. If the British council betrayed you - btw a point of view that only you guys had!!! - If you don't care about the British nation then why the hell did you join it?!?! If we're so shit then why are all of the guys in my clan and on my friend list accomplished PvP players? If everything is so shit then why the hell don't you jsut piss off and leave us be? Take your 'elitist' attitude and hello kitty off. I for one am here to enjoy the game and I'm doing just fine without you! And don't blame us for crappy dev decisions - I hate sailing 20 mins just to even find an attackable AI ship not even mentioning some PvP jsut as much as you. But if the meeting on the weekend showed anything then that most players are trying to compensate for the devs shortcomings and quite frankly that is at least something.
  9. You could always check out DOGZ^^ - we're pretty much active in all areas and still remain quite relaxed and laid back.
  10. Past victories or not. I ain't piggybacking on the success of others. I have been in the Brit nation since December 2015. Every single bit the nation owns or achieved I have been a part of either by fighting or crafting the necessary ships. By helping new players and aiding those in need of help. I earned the high horse whether its old or not. Thats what got this nation into its current position. You guys are jumping in and claiming stuff you didn't do/others did for you with zero loyalty to a nation.I get not liking the current pirate mechanics - I totally agree the current situation is shite but when you join a new nation earn the respect instead of piggybacking on others activities while throwing insults in all directions.
  11. That was over an hour apart from the server maintenance. And none of the guys on TS had any packet loss while being disconnected. Done the connection report - hope it helps.
  12. Oh wow I own a rock Shove it where the sun don't shine mate. You're worthless to our nation and until you learn some respect the nation couldn't give a flying hello kitty about your attitude and losses. Take this as a friendly warning if you want to remain among the nations news and updates as many already want to exclude you. I might not be the best palyer or most liked one but hell I still top teh hell out of you and Lord Fishsticks.
  13. I'd rather play with a good mannered unskilled palyer then an insulting muppet of mastery gameplay! You keep your top league to yourself as I don't wanna be in it. And neither does the rest of our nation. We don't waste our time on traitors or people who jump around nations for other reasons. Loyalty and friendliness is our strong suit. Until you realise that the British nation is the wrong place for you.
  14. 1. Youre allowed your point of view of course - but a cpatain claiming command without any real respect within our nation may just end up leading nothing while the fleet choses a different commander. Respect and command is earned in our nation not jsut handed out. 2. We have many commanders - that is true partially because many of us stuck to one nation for over a year and gained immense amounts of experience and have lead battles in the past. That sometimes gets a bit complicated but overall we have one of the msot disciplined fleets when it really comes to it! In the end 1 person commands with 2-3 assistants. In calm moments additional comments are usually indulged as they may contain valuable dieas/informations but in the end everybody still does what one person commands! 3. His past actions as an enemy I respect but they do not qualify him for command in our nation. First off he has to earn the respect again as his apst actions mean nothing/little in our nation. The way he treats people however should be changed rather fast or he won't be able to earn any respect at all. Nobody will follow a prick even if he his successful in our nation. I'd rather have fun in 1000 defeats then win 10 times while being insulted and bossed around by somebody who hasn't earned the right to do so(aka not enjoying myself). One of the reasons we have so many players is because we treat others with respect and it has paid off quite well. 4. Nobody ever blamed the pubbies for the battles themselves(outside of blocking spots and dragging in fleets (could also just be alts)) - it is more about seeing our masses but ending up with roughly equal numbers int he end as half of those numbers don't partake in the actual RvR. This becomes particularly annoying when those people demand regions to be held/taken for their own enjoyment while letting others work for it. 5. And again - our swagger is loyalty. People who switch nations when it doesn't go well or they don't get their will do NOT mark our swagger! I can quite frankly say that we have mainly problems in port battles when TOXIC shows up and just thinks theyre running the show. That creates fractions in the port battle fleet and nobody will gain anything through that.
  15. Jep PvP1 is rather unstable at the moment - been disconnected 3 times so far so I'm takin a break and wait for the fix
  16. Salty Dogs are here to save the day. Join up today and help make the British Empire even greater! Salty Dogs is the offspring of the former TARS clan, a result of redoing the clan due to Gooneybird’s departure. We are a multinational and multilingual bunch of crazy but laid back guys who primarily seek to have a good time in this game. We offer help with trading, PvE, PvP and actively engage in RvR. We also have an active crafting community including several Lvl 50 crafters supporting all of these possible adventures. Requirements: - TeamSpeak - Willingness to occasionally contribute to the clans efforts - A laid back and relaxed attitude - The ability to indulge our jokes!!! If this caught your attention and you wish to join us then contact Grundgemunkey, Batnavo Van Taylor, CdrNexoe, Agent Royal, sparton82, Cabral, Nordmann, james smith, jspr31, SeaEagle ingame or on the Nation TS.
  17. Well for once I can get behind your statement - I too am a 'strong' personality and those are bound to clash but in the end I wouldn't be around anymore if I didn't want to see this game succeed.
  18. same - don't know why people who switch nation when it doesn't go their way demand the presence of anyone anyway. Loyalty earns respect not loud shouting and a buttload of crying!
  19. nobody gets to demand anyone's specific presence! And apart from that the US run the TS so his past behaviour might block him from access as well!
  20. I meant we'd all like to hand you some salt
  21. I am sure you will be able to send someone?!?! If needs be I am sure a respected clan leader or officer will do the trick!
  22. The entire playerbase of all servers would like to chip in for your popcorn
  23. Mate you're quoting two different things together that are on purpose not in the same block. Preserving friendships and alliances past the point of development choices is a sign of strength. It shows how well of a bond exists between these 3 nations that most of us would rather leave the game then fight one another. Asking a person that has threatened to leave the game not to return might be a bit immature but I do believe that there are a very few people that this game would be better off without. A person with massive double standards, winning a game that isn't even out yet as his agenda, promoting the exclusion of an entire timezone as to win and a general pain in the arse that will cry out like a little baby if it doens't go his way is not what I consider a tester. Again it might not be the perfect way of approaching things but we have all had to put up with his attitude for a full year and my patience is at an end. As the US stated it is their last attempt to keep some kind of peaceful diplomacy going between the two alliances and I will join that statement. If this proves to be yet another meeting in shambles due to certain people I will regardless of alliances or player made agreements attack who I want to attack and ally with who I personally want to ally (in the tradition of DRUNK clan^^). I have given over a year to dedicated diplomacy and never fallen out of line but at this point I admittedly have built up such a grudge against some of my enemies that it will be impossible to work together if the attitudes aren't cleared out today! Also if you quote me do it bloody right and don't mix seperated statements together!
  24. It is a healthy attitude. It might not be the best for varying gameplay but it is surely healthy. For a full year now the alliances haven't really changed even at the time when we were making them ourselves by jsut not attacking. I have fought alongside Dutch and US players for a full year and there is no way in hell I would now jsut leave these guys behind or even raise my hand against them just because the game commands me to. I'd rather not attack for one cycle and wait for us to be allied again then to break up what we managed to create!
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