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2 hours ago, BungeeLemming said:

There are plans to start a general thread about this by the end of january/ begin of february

Why so long from now?   Seems like things that should take a few hours takes folks days or weeks to put out.  We have been asking for an updated roadmap and we got maybe by the end of the week (last week) to it will be posted when ready. I'm sorry a road map should be something they have on hand at all times to plan what to be working and projected done with parts of the project.  We aren't asking for exact fine details, just a rough road map of what is planned for the year.   I'm sorry some of us are starting to loose more and more interest in this game as others come out cause it's taking so long for each step to come out and the Devs give pretty much zero feed back.  Like when are port timers ever going to be fixed so your US player base can actually have port battles during there own prime time.  They know our prime time cause they have a PvP event during it and it's a time when no port battles can be done for the night as it shuts off at 8pm  CST which is the start of our prime time.

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Why no softwipe yet?

- Huge amounts of gold got exploited farming broken pve rewards (month ago already).

- Economic changes cant be tested like this. -> People might be wasting their time in some discussions and upcoming changes are most likely to be imbalanced again.

- Players are testing the game, possible wipes got announced.

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With all the talk of the Kickstarter packs starting to bash about, it would be interesting to know what sort of cost a campaign would have to raise to gain a ship, and in general what sort of costs are we looking at for ships as a whole, I would imagine that larger ships are more expensive to produce, due to their general size and need for detail but it would be nice to have a rough announcement of costs involved, roughly are we looking at $500, $1000 or even more?

It would be great to know the rough costs for a variety of reasons, for example with regards to Kickstarter, knowing how much a campaign would have to raise for X amount of ships, or even on a more personal level, if its plausible to commission a ship as a lone person, or even as a small group dedicated to helping a certain ship appear, after of course having done the appropriate research for the plans and data needed for a ship to be designed.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You announce in a topic a server split :

- Is it going to happen or is it just an idea you are thinking about
- If it will be real, how to transfer on this new server? What would happen for the players coming back in the global server that want to join the new server?
- This announce split the heart of the community and specially the people that play in US. With that do you still plan your kickstarter to be focus on US ships althought the US plaer are piss of you?

You announce to take care on screen issue:
- The solution you founded was to really change the ROE in pb area to force the screener to be as many as the offenders in the same ships is that right?
- Where can we exept that?

You announce new features:
- In how many patch are we going to see Raids?
- In how many patch are we going to see Pirates work?
- In how many patch are we going to see translation and UI?

You announce last ship poll:
- It was shedulded for january/february. We are almost in April, is it still planned?
- Hermione french ship is a must have for the french, are you still working on it?

Your road map for 2017 is already a bit failed:
- Are you planning to give us a new roadmap?
- DO you think the game will be launched in 06/2017 as planned?



Edited by PIerrick de Badas
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  • 2 months later...

Under the current system for the crafting of ships of war, the acquisition of Conquest Marks and their role in limiting the quantity and quality of these ships, and the locations for strategic resources, the balance of power in the game has snowballed entirely out of control. While clans and Nations like VLTRA gain 100+ CM per day, and are able at this point to field fleets of SOL, the core of which is formed by a large number of L'Oceans, the entirety of the British nation gains 50 per day, most of which is lost to the wind through the smaller and less dedicated clans who cannot be excluded from those handful of port battles we have had (excluding public players is of course not desirable, but the current system makes it a necessity as we cannot hold our boarders without ships, and our fleets are stunted when 1/3 or more of our nations Marks are left sitting in captain's chests, unused). As a result, ROYAL, which was the dominant clan at Portobelo and which is one, if not the, largest and most well equipped clan in the british nation at present, has at present 5 Agamemnons and 2 Bellonas, one of which has no guns.
We are entirely unable, even together, to effectively wage an offensive war against any of the nations on our boarders.
This is what I mean when I say that the balance of power has snowballed out of control. We cannot increase our income of conquest marks without either waging an offensive war which we cannot hope to win, or forging an alliance with one of the two power blocs, each nation and major clan of which has, time and again, rebuffed our diplomatic advances and broken what few treaties and accords have been made. The hole in which we find ourselves cannot be dug out of. Where only three days ago our clan had over 30 people online and regularly active at nearly any hour, now we can barely maintain 12 active members. Several players with whom I have sailed, fought, and traded numerous times have left for various other nations, or quit the game entirely. The nation as a whole is falling apart.
Rumor has circulated that the reason Spain and Denmark have halted their conquests in our direction is due to an intervention on the part of moderators, which is a rumor I dismiss out of hand. However, I must ask, before I find myself forced to abandon the flag under which I have fought 4 wars for Panama and two across the southern coast of Haiti, What, if anything, do you the developers plan to do about the current system? We are utterly unable to find our feet, and a nation once defeated, if they are even given the chance to fight, would have no way to rebuild. Reducing the number of 1st and 2nd rates is an excellent idea, but the system implemented does not do that, it simply allows for a nation to be put into a state from which it cannot recover.

Edited by John Cavanaugh
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I have been playing NA since Dec. 2013 and think this last patch is going to make me stop playing, one thing is I play alone a lot, so I play missions. I wish you did not change them, Now I have to fight with a ship of my class way?  If I am in a ship of the line let me fight a brig if I want or fleet of brigs.  No I have to fight a 3rd rate.   also way take the longitude and latitude off the game map, all captains had a sexton to find there position on the map.   I was in a mission and was boarded and lost my Surprise so now I am back to a basic cutter and now I will have fight for a couple weeks to try and get gold to buy a new ship.  I know one durability is realistic but this is a game, 2 durability would be nice. I have to agree with fox2run.  I did get my money worth from the game.  You people at NA did a great job on the game but now I think you are going in the wrong direction. One patch to many.

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What are Rookie ships? In two combat missions (Junior Lt, - 7th rate only), my basic cutter has been put up against a Rookie Snow. How can a Snow be 7th rate? And if it is a "rookie", how can it sail faster, turn faster, shot faster, and be just as accurate as a regular Snow. I lost both missions. I am getting tired of the game! After patch 10.0+ I am loosing more ships, loosing gold trying to replace ships, and out of combat points. And this is on PvE. Wouldn't dare try PvP.  

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rookie ships have been added in the most recent patch

They are inferior to their original designs. They have half the crew and only fire 4 pound cannons. I dont know their armor values tho. They might be less, too. No AI ship is faster than you if you are inthe same vessel. Thats your perception. AI sails as fast as the ship allowes for. Same goes for turning. The snow has always been a "turn on a dime" vessel.

When you sail a basic cutter you loose nothing at all. Thats impossible. The basic cutter is free to buy, equip and repair. If you have items in your hold and you are afraid to loose them you should first get them onto a warehouse.

About your speed problem: You compare two completely different kinds of vessels. One (your cutter) sails best close to the wind. 90 degrees and less is your favourite angle to run from any square rigged sailship. Two there is the snow which is a square rigged ship. They go best while the wind comes from behind. more than 90 degrees.


Now towards money: Previously money was not a problem whatsoever. Even the most casual player had millions in their checkbooks. The eco was completely out of wack.

Now we have a lot more value in money. Thats good. Thats perfect.

You play on PvE: why dont you just capture the vessels you like? I am currently doing just that. I cant be bothered with PvP atm so I went ahead and took a look at the PvE server. And there, beeing completely casual I boarded one ship after the other. Cutter, privateer, pickle, trader brig, snow and mercury is what I sailed thus far. No need to buy expensive ships when you start off. You can do good money with those.

Also you get cannons for free. Yes they are less than the long guns but thats relative. cope with what we get. Its what I do and its a nice non-stress-factor. I dont have a ton of money btw - I have enough to sail the sips I have. Not more - not less.

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Thanks for your observations and suggestions. I was having a bad day and took it out in the forum. I do craft cannon and put medium 6pdrs and carronades on the basic cutter so I guess they are no longer basic. I need to stop complaining and as you say "learn to cope with what we get". I have only begun to fight! Thanks again!  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish you would put the combat missions back the way they where before the wipe, I have stopped playing because of this change. the game is no longer fun for me.  I have been playing since Dec. 2013 and loved it. Now the game is for groups not for single players.  On combat missions I should like to fight any ship or fleets, not what you think I should fight.  If you are fighting a fleet you should have a AI fleet to help you in the combat mission.  I also think that if you are next to a fort of your nation it should fire on AI's also not just players.  Thank you for your time.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Noble Captains of all factions ( and even the Brits).   Since the Unity 5 update i've noticed that Ports and ships suddenly pop into the picture.

There is no gradual transition and this can be disconcerting and especially when an enemy appears. This apparent weakness with the drawing of images might be rectified with the next patch hopefully.

Happy sailing everyone and best regards from Staines and crew.

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8 minutes ago, scottydog said:

Hello Noble Captains of all factions ( and even the Brits).   Since the Unity 5 update i've noticed that Ports and ships suddenly pop into the picture.

There is no gradual transition and this can be disconcerting and especially when an enemy appears. This apparent weakness with the drawing of images might be rectified with the next patch hopefully.

Happy sailing everyone and best regards from Staines and crew.

Captain, do you have a video with the problem?

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  • 3 months later...

@Ink I think that, now that final launch is closer, players should have some more information about the actual extension of the final wipe for the launch of the game.

A) We already know that XP and craft XP should be saved.

            - Is it confirmed?

B ) I can assume that ships, material assets, and buildings will be wiped.

           - Is it confirmed?

           - but what about:

                    1) crafting blueprints;

                    2) skill books

                    3) knnowledge slots for ships

                   4) gold

C) We know that we will be awarded a special ship, but

       - will this ship be like yacht (so basically we have a "infinite" ship that we will not able to trade) o will be just one "normal" ship (once sunk, it's gone, but we can trade it)?

D) also clans and clan warehouses will be automatically wiped?

      - if it's so, there will be some form of reservation for names for the creator of the corresponding clan during testing phase?



Edited by victor
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Battle and Craft experience are safe. Anything other than that - we do not know yet, please follow our announcement as we always share such news in advance.


C) We know that we will be awarded a special ship

Pandora will be like current yacht

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2 hours ago, Ink said:

Battle and Craft experience are safe. Anything other than that - we do not know yet, please follow our announcement as we always share such news in advance.

Pandora will be like current yacht

thks for fast answer

I hope that at least also BP, skill books and knowledge will be saved

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Is it possible to get to know ...

1. when you‘ll adjust the BR of all ships, ...

2. if you‘re planing to reduce the thickness of 1st rates ...

3. and disable the stacking of (thickness) mods ...

3. and when you’ll finalize the sailing model of all ships - implementing the feedback you already asked for?


Edited by Navalus Magnus
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