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  • 2 weeks later...

Something needs to be done :(


things (from what I can hear) are not doing so well lately, people are becoming bored with the game and need something else to do, PvP is all well and good but a clan member of mine suggested something that might work well.


A system that has been put into another game is AI "contracts" these can be either legal or illegal, illegal obviously paying more but with larger risk, Slaves were one thing that was suggested but was controversial but another player gave the idea of transporting soldiers on your ship and delivering them to whatever port, there will also be the normal trading goods under contract as well, the reason I suggest this is to just give us another thing to do.


Thanks :)

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A system that has been put into another game is AI "contracts" these can be either legal or illegal, illegal obviously paying more but with larger risk, Slaves were one thing that was suggested but was controversial but another player gave the idea of transporting soldiers on your ship and delivering them to whatever port, there will also be the normal trading goods under contract as well, the reason I suggest this is to just give us another thing to do.


"Delivery" missions were proposed by devs in the priority poll #2 : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12471-development-priorities-2/?hl=priorities

Might be interesting in order to populate the OW, have more OW PvP and create more PvE content. 

Might also give "war points" (I don't remember the exact terms) to PvEers with the diplomacy/ mechanics that will be soon implemented.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will you eventually add cosmetic additions and customization to ships. I.e. Ship name choices, wood colours and paint, flag designs and sizes, cannon recoil and muzzle reloading scripts as well as populated quarter decks with admirals etc... ?

Thanks (Apologies if asked before)

Edited by Jean Pual Vilvenue
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Will you eventually add cosmetic additions and customization to ships. I.e. Ship name choices, wood colours and paint, flag designs and sizes, cannon recoil and muzzle reloading scripts as well as populated quarter decks with admirals etc... ?

Thanks (Apologies if asked before)

There is no final decision about ship name, flag design and such features yet, at the moment there are other priorities. Features like gun recoil, open/locked gun ports were implemented and tested in the past but due to perfomance issues in large battles these features had been turned off.
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  • 3 weeks later...


  • Are you planning to introduce new ships soon? If yes, witch tier?
  • When should we expect the next update to come?


next updatein june. as always each month.


ships which make it ingame are either teased afew days bevore on facebook for example.

or they get in as a surprise.

I prefer the surprise variant^^

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I prefer the surprise variant^^

Yes, that would be okay for me, too.


Generally speaking, I think we have already a good foundation of ship types. Every new ship is a great bonus for the game!

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No, it is not an event.  It happens every day all the time at various ports.  Anyone who plays the game will have seen them various times.  And I'm asking if it's a bug, not reporting it as a bug.  It's an observation.

Edited by Jean Ribault
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No, it is not an event.  It happens every day all the time at various ports.  Anyone who plays the game will have seen them various times.  And I'm asking if it's a bug, not reporting it as a bug.  It's an observation.

Report it as a bug ingame as well. If its not a bug, no worries and you will get an reply here, if it is, the devs have the info they need.

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Admin quote:

Content patch: June

  • Potential USA PVP 2 merge


  1. Have you decided yet to merge PvP2 with another server?
  2. If so, which server (graphical location)?
  3. Why is this a "potential"? What are the dev's considerations that have not made this an absolute yes or no?
Edited by Cpt Blackthorne
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  • 2 weeks later...

Crew replacement cost are exorbitant and curse mission net me on average less than $30,000 profit.  Money is not flowing into the economy and the large number of silver coins people are finding is further depressing ships prices. Ships which people are crafting at a loss to get xp. (the big problem) In fact people are just building and scrapping their ships. Ships are of course the Primary consumable for money to exit the system.  Not to mention the large number of exceptional mods devaluation the mod market .

Q1) Its seems that much of the unstated Intention of the recent release was about economic adjustments to inflationary effects  yet this patch has caused large economic problems. Is it the Devs intention to focus  further on economic issues from your latest patch before you move on to new port battles?

I've enjoyed your game a lot so far thanks for all your effort its appreciated!  But  i'm hopping that some of these issues can be addresses as currently struggling to enjoy my game experience much post patch.


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Question about the "underlaying" idea of NA and playing Captain:


- It is my understanding that it is not supposed for a Captain to be able to do everything on its own ( combat, trade, crafting, shipbuilding ) in NA, having to resort to the community ( nation & allies ) to be able to access less focused areas.


Is this a correct evaluation ?


Thank you.

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Which ship was chosen by the developpers wild card?

Are we going to have another poll for the second half of 2016?

we dont know maybe they posted it in russian forum and forgot posting it here.


the Christian VII is in development according to offical WiP shot and gamefiles.


i am not sure about another poll so many ships are waiting for testing and implementation wich get pushed behind further because bugs and fixes go first in line.

Ingermanland entered the game besides being voted for more than 2 years after the vote.

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