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>>>Beta 1.05 Available!<<< (Update: 18, PRE-RELEASE)

Nick Thomadis

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2 hours ago, SonicB said:

If anything, that proves the point I made about German ship names in the Nazi period

With all due respect, proves nothing because this is pure AU. Nazi Germany doesn't exist, and other than in mods if the game ever receives mod support, it won't ever officially exist. So speculating if Nazi Germany would have or not retained a ship called Wilhelm II or not is a waste of time.

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Update: 13 (1/4/2022) Available

- Optimized Task Force logic and fixed all related bugs. Now Task Forces will be properly active across the map as you have never tested before
- Auto-Design further optimizations.
- Targeting/ Shell Dispersion optimizations.
- Fixed bug that caused torpedoes to pass beneath ships.
- Other minor issues resolved.

This version is a release candidate for next week. We hope you will like it. Please test and help us find if there are any more critical issues than need solving.

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49 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:


Update: 13 (1/4/2022) Available

- Optimized Task Force logic and fixed all related bugs. Now Task Forces will be properly active across the map as you have never tested before
- Auto-Design further optimizations.
- Targeting/ Shell Dispersion optimizations.
- Fixed bug that caused torpedoes to pass beneath ships.
- Other minor issues resolved.

This version is a release candidate for next week. We hope you will like it. Please test and help us find if there are any more critical issues than need solving.

Sooo many fixes recently! Please stop whipping the devs so hard! They like it! 🤣

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25 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Minor update for fixing the possible freeze at fleet generation when you start a new campaign.
Please restart Steam to get it.

Did someone perhaps forgot to push or is Steam just taking a while? 
Restarted it a few time and no patch has come through.

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19 minutes ago, Drenzul said:

Did someone perhaps forgot to push or is Steam just taking a while? 
Restarted it a few time and no patch has come through.

I had to start the game for the update to start downloading

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1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Minor update for fixing the possible freeze at fleet generation when you start a new campaign.
Please restart Steam to get it.

it takes a long time to load a new campaign 5-10 minutes. My start settings: Italy 1930 - Hard - Random - My own Fleet. the years 1926 and 1927 take most of the time. it's normal?  Thanks! 

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1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Minor update for fixing the possible freeze at fleet generation when you start a new campaign.
Please restart Steam to get it.

Still having the freeze.  Any campaign, any year, Create Own chosen.  I usually see the freeze around 1915-1916.  If I wait about ten minutes sometimes it works again and completes, sometimes it doesn't.  Appreciate all the hard work you guys and gals are doing.

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Honestly being forced into every single fight, as in I literally am not allowed to even take a glimpse at the menus is plain infuriating.  Why?  "Delay battle" is a joke.


Accuracy feels like it's been nerfed into the seafloor as well.

I just had a 3% hit chance, broadside to broadside, against a DD .5km away, in 1940.  I admit, my CL design definitely could be optimized a lot, and weather was bad, but I refuse to believe that even with every possible card stacked against me that such low hit chance could even be obtained before recent updates.  And manuever accuracy debuffs are plain absurd- upwards of 100% counting speed and turn.


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Feels like a few bugs introduced/reintroduced this patch.

Enemy ships keep starting damaged.
Main guns on my biggest ships don't start shooting at the start of the battle till manually ordered. They seem to work it out after their first enemy is killed however. Its not a range/chance to hit thing as they don't start firing on aggressive, they just sit in the default position till manually ordered to shoot.

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The AI seems a over cautious to the point is ridiculousness right now.

I've lost count of how many times the enemyn "ambushed" my ships only to then turn tail and run without either side ever catching a glimpse of the other.

Also some of those ambushes have really odd numbers, like 3 TB vs 2 BB...

But even with more reasonable numbers like 4 TB vs 1 CA the AI just runs. Why do they force the engagement in the first place, and prevent my from withdrawing if they have no intention to fight it? It'd be nice if the pre-battle message box withdraw would already take that into consideration and the AI would just allow the withdrawl if it doesn't want to fight either.

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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I'm a bit confused about the overlay height.

Sometimes the green overlayers showing where the ship is going and the ranges are barely over sea-level and the grey dotted line connected to the mouse curser comes out of the main mast near the top. And then at other times it's the other way round.

And sometimes in rough sea-state all overlays are beneath the water and I only see the occasional glimpse of them when a wave-valley (or whoever it's called) goes deep enough down.

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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Playing as Austria-Hungary in 1900 I fought the Italians to the point where they asked for peace, which I accepted. The next round nothing was shown. No peace-deal negotiation, no message about us no longer being at war or a message about the war continuing.

Italy and the VP state of the war with them is gone from the right of the screen with only Britain and France remaining, though on the left of the screen, the Italian flag is still alongside their allies.

However I still get battle events against the Italian fleet generated, mostly without and French or British participation. And the VP in these battles seems to just disappear, instead of being added to the combined VP counter on the left.

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In the current latest beta I had the issue of torpedoes and my ships (trying to ram) just going through the enemy.

What is confusing is, its was not tied to a certain type. Some transports I could torpedo, others I coudlnt, and those I (had to) shoot instead with main guns.

I even tried to ram, but my ships only ramed each other right on top of the enemy light cruiser I tried to kill  whitout said light cruiser being "involved" at all in the ram after I had 30+ torps going right through said light cruiser.


These torpedos just went right though this cruiser:


but another one of this type is sinking right now from torpedo his ....

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18 hours ago, slightlytreasonous said:

manuever accuracy debuffs are plain absurd

This is the cause of the difficulty in hitting destroyers. I regularly see 0.5% chance to hit at 1 km--as soon as the target stopped turning, it goes up to 5-10%. The debuffs are much, much higher than they used to be. IMO, it's more realistic & produces a better ecosystem. As of recent, large shells are absolutely devastating to small ships but maneuvering is now effective to avoid being hit. Take advantage of it when you're closing range.

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3 hours ago, SonicB said:

Are you sure about that?

Admittedly the Sverdlovs were post-war cruisers (1952) but still within the Stalinist period in terms of ideology.

Of course, if we are talking about the period before the Second World War. And since the latest start date for a gaming company is 1940, I see no point in discussing post-war changes. And they, of course, were and are still happening. Suffice it to say that now one of the Russian cruisers is called Peter the Great, which would almost certainly be a taboo for the Soviets, because he was a tsar and emperor, which is very bad from the communist point of view.

To be honest, I don't recall announcing are government system change, so maybe we're just stuck with end 19th century empires. This will make the question of ship names obviously simple. I honestly don't think it matters that much.

Edited by TAKTCOM
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Update on my previous post: I also made a peace treaty in the same way with France, leaving me technically only at war with the UK... but still fighting Italians and French ships, but we apparently stopped raiding each other's convoys (apart from those present in naval battles), since only the British and Germans kept losing transports on the end-of-month report boxes.

In the end the war was finished by Italy having a revolution, due to still losing ships to me even after our war kinda-sorta ended...

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I cant provide a screenshot because if I do take one, its the world map without the interface overly, or after the battle its not the end screen but actually the last bit of the battle map. 

Anyway, it seems I have to fight sunk ships - which since they are sunk are both hard to find and hard to fight.


I went up against a BC and a CL(stated as "sunk" before the battle). Sunk the BC, never saw the CL. End screen credits we with 2 sinkings of enemy ships .......

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Feedback: So this is my 2nd ever completed campaign (first was 1.04 main 1890 Germany, others were canceled when I accidently clicked "new campaign" as it overwrites it without telling or asking 🙄, or due to new betas as I didnt want to risk bugs).


In the End I completely dominated the mediteranean. Italy had barely any ships left and was under blockade. The french hat some ships left on the thair atlantic coast, but after yet another slaughter of their heavy cruiser had their government overthrown.

Obviously there are some bugs, like the torps, so I wont include those in the acutal opinion.


So thats the end, I have to assume major-, phyrric-, etc victories are not implemented yet because thats just bollocks. 544545541451.thumb.png.2442be590e9941052fdf6703d87f2ecd.png


One thing that me pissed off BY FAR THE MOST are these stupid huge battles Jutland style as formations/divisions are obviously just in a placeholder state right now (see   https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/39886-formations-in-this-game-need-a-serious-rework/ ). I can understand that, but then dont do like 20 vs 30 engagements. Or let me limit battles to, for example, 8 vs 8 + transports if its a convoy.

The situation is not helped that you can either sit in port, which apparently doesnt/rarely generate missions (even on seacontrol) and have your transports raided, or you can go out . If you do go out they AI either avoids you and sinks extra many transports exactly where your forces are ..... somehow, OR if you are "weak" enough magically pounces on you with all their available ships even if it should take them several turns to even get to you. I have never managed to interecept an enemy task force, but the AI apparently can.  Reliably. Every Time. So then in 2 huge battles I destroyed most of the above ships in the 2 most unfun battles of the entire campaign.


Another thing is time compression: Its limited to x5 when belvow a certain treshold. Do you know how much fun it is to watch 3 h tick down in x5 because a chasing BB low on amo (~80) is refusing to end the chase of a empty amo BC that is undmaged except for its funnel and thus basically equally fast? Its even more fun when the BB starts to run away when the BC turns because it has torps. If I want x30 during a clash then let me have it. It saves me valuable time on my weekend instead of doing chores waiting for time compression x5 to tick down.  :wacko:


What was fun were the small missions. I really like those. I had a BC + CL get attacked by a supperior force, sank some ships, retreated as I had no amo left, had the time run out (that wasnt exactly fun, see above) and then in a follow up mission destroyed the rest.

Also the flashfires (if it doesnt happen to you 😋) are awesome. I am suprised and impressed they are fully implemented with visuals of the turres being blown high up and then falling down into the sea.

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Okay, feedback's probably coming a bit too late for this patch, but hopefully it will still be addressed.
Just finished my first campaign as Germany, and holy **** was that a lot of battles. I did pretty well for myself, sending over 1,000,000 tons of Entente shipping to the bottom, but there's a slight issue.

I'm not entirely sure who actually won the war. Despite suffering very few casualties and absolutely humiliating the Entente powers at sea, I technically lost the war because of an Austro-Hungarian revolution. There was also the fact that I was at peace with both France and Britain during the later half of the war, but hostilities with those powers didn't cease. This put me in the awkward situation of having to bail out the Austrians before they lost the war against the combined forces of France, Great Britain, and Italy, but I couldn't deploy major forces to the Med to do so, because the British were still able to raid my trade routes in the North Sea.

So, while it was a pretty fun campaign, it was a bit weird in terms of historical plausibility.

Except the part where I had to babysit the Habsburgs to prevent them from screwing up everything, that's kinda just par for the course.

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Torps still going straight through ships

The BB in the centre of the screenshot, watched that torp go straight through the middle of it's hull.
Few moments later the torp on the top left, went straight through the hull of the top left BB.


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