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>>>Beta 1.05 Available!<<< (Update: 18, PRE-RELEASE)

Nick Thomadis

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This, is imo, a major issue with the gameplay.

Guns reloading issue. In this situation, it is possible to notice that all guns need to fire to start a new countdown for the next salvo. In short, doens't matter if the 1st turret firing is starting the countdown (reloading process) after firing. The next turret firing will reset the countdown. So all guns needs to fire 1st before start the reloading process for the next salvo.

The higher the main turrets numbers in a ship, the higher the penalty in reloading.

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13 minutes ago, o Barão said:

This, is imo, a major issue with the gameplay.

Guns reloading issue. In this situation, it is possible to notice that all guns need to fire to start a new countdown for the next salvo. In short, doens't matter if the 1st turret firing is starting the countdown (reloading process) after firing. The next turret firing will reset the countdown. So all guns needs to fire 1st before start the reloading process for the next salvo.

The higher the main turrets numbers in a ship, the higher the penalty in reloading.

if you target the enemy again it will fire any guns that are loaded

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So heres what I mean about the returning to port issue

My battlecruiser were intercepted by a large enemy force while going where I need them so I avoided combat, but low and behold they are now back in port (hamburg no less so ive got to sail them all the way around denmark again to get them back to the fighting.

Also started a new campaign after the latest patch and the starting funds are still very very low meaning I could only build 24 ships where as the 3 enemies I have to fight have a combined total of 279. The brits have almost as many capital ships as I have total fleet




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10 minutes ago, Danz_Von_Luck said:

if you target the enemy again it will fire any guns that are loaded

That is not a solution for different reasons:

- The Ai can't do that, so is cheating.

- You are not supposed to babysitting the ships reloading.  

- Is possible to reset the target solution if doing that, and in that situation the penalty will be worse.

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18 minutes ago, Danz_Von_Luck said:

So heres what I mean about the returning to port issue

My battlecruiser were intercepted by a large enemy force while going where I need them so I avoided combat, but low and behold they are now back in port (hamburg no less so ive got to sail them all the way around denmark again to get them back to the fighting.

Also started a new campaign after the latest patch and the starting funds are still very very low meaning I could only build 24 ships where as the 3 enemies I have to fight have a combined total of 279. The brits have almost as many capital ships as I have total fleet




Regarding the low funds. Player should not try to make very expensive ships or many battleships. If the AI can make a mixed fleet of 50 ships, it does not mean that the player should have 50 Battleships in comparison, for example. 

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18 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Regarding the low funds. Player should not try to make very expensive ships or many battleships. If the AI can make a mixed fleet of 50 ships, it does not mean that the player should have 50 Battleships in comparison, for example. 

That wasn't his issue. His issue was that they didn't continue their course to where he wanted them, and instead returned to the port he'd told them to leave.
Disregard. (Why can't I delete posts?)

Edited by Urst
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55 minutes ago, Danz_Von_Luck said:

Also started a new campaign after the latest patch and the starting funds are still very very low meaning I could only build 24 ships where as the 3 enemies I have to fight have a combined total of 279. The brits have almost as many capital ships as I have total fleet

Check their fleets, quite often found the AI tends to build a lot of VERY cheap ships which bulks out their numbers.

One game, germans built like 50 TBs that cost well under a million each.

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1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Regarding the low funds. Player should not try to make very expensive ships or many battleships. If the AI can make a mixed fleet of 50 ships, it does not mean that the player should have 50 Battleships in comparison, for example. 

My ships werent overly expensive all but 4 of my cruisers were as cheap and S*%t as i could make them and 5 of my battleships were barely pre-dreadnought standard and then my first fight was 4 BBs vs 2 BB, 4 BC, 4 CA, 8 CL and 6 DDs it doesnt even matter how cheap and cheerful they are because they just flooded the see with torpedoes I had no chance

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1 hour ago, Urst said:

That wasn't his issue. His issue was that they didn't continue their course to where he wanted them, and instead returned to the port he'd told them to leave.
Disregard. (Why can't I delete posts?)

^^dont disregard I personally consider that a major issue - problem is because they keep returning to port I cant keep them at see on protect and I just lose all my transports, my last attempt at a campaign I managed to survive for just over 2 years with my crew training and research at 0 because within few turns you've lost so many its ridiculous. That campaign I postyed above as well with my 24 vs 100s 3 turns in and my transports are at 89% already thats the other reason its such a problem

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