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Forthcoming Patch Announcement

Nick Thomadis

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17 minutes ago, MrStan53 said:

They really should just release it on steam as soon as possible, and open it to the workshop as well.

Steam takes 30% cut when someone releases on their platform, less once you cross 10 million USD. I am sure that plays into the consideration here.

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Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

We are sorry for the anxiety and anticipation caused so far, but we want you to play the game with the best quality and stability possible.

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3 minutes ago, Dirlinger said:

Steam takes 30% cut when someone releases on their platform, less once you cross 10 million USD. I am sure that plays into the consideration here.

false, they only take 30% of sales trough their storefront; they take 0% of sales trough direct channels.

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Just now, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

Current version will crash if you alt tab out in load screen, not sure if that could be related. Good luck sir

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2 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

We are sorry for the anxiety and anticipation caused so far, but we want you to play the game with the best quality and stability possible

How about a band-aid: Just change the loading screen to a giant red sign that reads "WARNING: KNOWN BUG - DO NOT CLICK UNTIL GAME HAS LOADED OR IT MAY CRASH"; then fix it later.

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4 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

We are sorry for the anxiety and anticipation caused so far, but we want you to play the game with the best quality and stability possible

Also thank you for the more detailed and transparent look into what is going on in the process. This keeps the players/customers informed and feeling engaged!

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7 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

I'm fine with waiting a bit longer. I would much rather wait to get something that works properly then get it immediately and it doesn't function properly.

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21 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello all,

We were ready to release, as we fixed and optimized all majors aspects, but we found a potential crash problem that could be caused if you clicked mouse button while waiting for AI fleet design in the loading window.

We cannot release without this bug fixed, so please wait until tomorrow. 

We are sorry for the anxiety and anticipation caused so far, but we want you to play the game with the best quality and stability possible.

Again Thanks very much, it is exactly the communication we need. Look forward to tomorrow!

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23 minutes ago, LoSboccacc said:

false, they only take 30% of sales trough their storefront; they take 0% of sales trough direct channels.


Please read Rules, section 3. They have to offer their sales through Steam if they offer EA on Steam. They can't bypass steam as store front in order to avoid 30% (or other percentage) cut.

If you have document indicating otherwise (not a reddit or forum post) I would really like to read it.

Edited by Dirlinger
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13 minutes ago, Dirlinger said:


Please read Rules, section 3. They have to offer their sales through Steam if they offer EA on Steam. They can't bypass steam as store front in order to avoid 30% (or other percentage) cut.

If you have document indicating otherwise (not a reddit or forum post) I would really like to read it.


well if you change the sentences of course they mean whatever the hell you want them to mean. But no, the full sentence is: " If Steam enables your Early Access game, we expect you to have the Early Access game available for sale on the Steam store. Do not offer it for sale on Steam any later than you offer it anywhere else."


so the only limit is that it can be sold trough steam if it's sold on steam *later* than on other storefronts. If it's sold on other storefront at the same time or later on, it's all fine.


and that's only the policy for early access. normal titles don't have such limitations.

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38 minutes ago, Dirlinger said:

Steam takes 30% cut when someone releases on their platform, less once you cross 10 million USD. I am sure that plays into the consideration here.

true, but I still imagine the profit margins would be far greater given more positive coverage of the game. I'm not on the board but it just seems like from the POV of some guy (whos dad has a degree in Biz Econ trust me he also works at Nintendo) that the simple presence of the game on Steam would draw in new players, potential advertising, and would satiate the current playerbase. They already have Naval Action which sold undoubtedly a lot of copies and unless it applies for every individual title I doubt they would have 30% lower revenue from that. Then again I'm no analyst just some guy on the internet with a weeb PFP and credentials that say "trust me"

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5 minutes ago, T_the_ferret said:

The more development drags on, the more every delay feels like a student scrambling for time thirty minutes before work is due.

If they never said when it was coming and just released it when they were ready, you would have had no idea. 

Getting angry because they didnt hit a self imposed deadline is just...pointless.

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14 minutes ago, LoSboccacc said:




so the only limit is that it can be sold trough steam if it's sold on steam *later* than on other storefronts. If it's sold on other storefront at the same time or later on, it's all fine.


and that's only the policy for early access. normal titles don't have such limitations.


Please never take a job in Biz Dev or legal fields.

I am gonna put this in real simple terms:


I put this on steam - I have to sell through the steam.

I sell it through the steam - I need to give steam a cut.

Where would new customers buy this product if they want in steam? Third party storefronts or steam itself? (rule 4 specify the pricing). Why do you think Game Labs, company that has 3-4 games on Steam, opted for third party solution for UAD?


This is not a early access title? And normal titles DONT have such limitations (regarding pricing) - sure provide the source.

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7 minutes ago, Dirlinger said:


Please never take a job in Biz Dev or legal fields.

I am gonna put this in real simple terms:


I put this on steam - I have to sell through the steam.

I sell it through the steam - I need to give steam a cut.

Where would new customers buy this product if they want in steam? Third party storefronts or steam itself? (rule 4 specify the pricing). Why do you think Game Labs, company that has 3-4 games on Steam, opted for third party solution for UAD?


This is not a early access title? And normal titles DONT have such limitations (regarding pricing) - sure provide the source.

Yeah valve are greedy as hell, they could easily put the fee down to 6%. But they know they have a complete monopoly and the epic game store is a fail as egreedy tried to get peeps into a half-arsed store without basic features in the beginning.

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41 minutes ago, Dirlinger said:


Please never take a job in Biz Dev or legal fields.

I am gonna put this in real simple terms:


I put this on steam - I have to sell through the steam.

I sell it through the steam - I need to give steam a cut.

Where would new customers buy this product if they want in steam? Third party storefronts or steam itself? (rule 4 specify the pricing). Why do you think Game Labs, company that has 3-4 games on Steam, opted for third party solution for UAD?


This is not a early access title? And normal titles DONT have such limitations (regarding pricing) - sure provide the source.

You're just twisting meaning far beyond what the simple English sentence means. I don't know why you hold such a grudge, but keep living within your reality.


like, go read yourself: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/keys



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