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Port Bonus'


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@admin I know I've suggested this before but I've been thinking a bit (I got Corona-free so I'm bored) and I'd like to see the game becomming skill based, or atleast skill based.

And just before ppl start bitching about me losing a crafting port etc. please know that I don't craft in Denmark-Norway and I haven't actually crafted since the introduction of the DLC ships.

I'd like to suggest that the port bonus' becomes a perk-tree fixed for the individual player, available for a personal grind.

This would accomplish the following imo:

1) Skill will matter more.

2) Players who lose their crafting port will be less inclined to leave the game.

- In addition to this, it won't "force" players into clans unless they actually want to, which is in the purest spirit of the sandbox theme.

3) We will see more variety in the shipbuilds.

4) I disagree that ports should matter, but if they have to - simply make ships crafted in uncapturable ports unable to get port bonus'.


The only downside I can see rn is the grind that was done to build up the current ports, but I'd suggest that everyone who has a shipyard in one of the already buildt ports could get that investment reimbursed as perks in the new perk-tree. In this way no player is "losing" anything.

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5 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

simply make ships crafted in uncapturable ports unable to get port bonus'.

This is already the case.  I'm not sure I understand your OP, though.  Do you wish no port bonuses at all for crafting and just have a perk tree to get bonuses?  I like that as I am not so big on RVR.  The issue is the RVR, though.  RVR has to accomplish something and it is a big part of many player's game.  With your suggestion, what will be the reason to take ports/

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9 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

This is already the case.  I'm not sure I understand your OP, though.  Do you wish no port bonuses at all for crafting and just have a perk tree to get bonuses?  I like that as I am not so big on RVR.  The issue is the RVR, though.  RVR has to accomplish something and it is a big part of many player's game.  With your suggestion, what will be the reason to take ports/

Take an enemy crafting port and they lose 80k dubs and 5,75kk reals.. Not regarding the inconvenience of moving ships, ressources etc. I'd consider that to be expensive for most players. Not me ofc, but I'm the richest man on the server!


17 minutes ago, Je maintiendrai said:

So, you're saying the game isn't skill based now? 

In general it isn't. A poor player with a great ship is still able to kill a great player in a bad ship. This should be the case - to some extent, but atm the quality of the ship is locked behind priviledged access that means the decent/good players has the best ships, the best mods and the noobs gets farmed with no real possibility to fight back. 

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2 minutes ago, Lars Kjaer said:

Take an enemy crafting port and they lose 80k dubs and 5,75kk reals.. Not regarding the inconvenience of moving ships, ressources etc. I'd consider that to be expensive for most players. Not me ofc, but I'm the richest man on the server!

Yes, I can see that it will cost the loser, but what does the winner gain?  If there is no value in crafting ships in a capturable port (IE: Port Bonuses), then everyone will craft in an uncapturable port.

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8 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

Yes, I can see that it will cost the loser, but what does the winner gain?  If there is no value in crafting ships in a capturable port (IE: Port Bonuses), then everyone will craft in an uncapturable port.

The winner atm doesn't gain anything anyway. The port bonus' are reduced and unless the winner doesn't have a crafting port they won't bother building up the captured port. 

As for the winning side I'd say 1) you hurt the enemy by forcing them to build a new shipyard etc. 2) you could introduce a reward for PBs but it'll be exploited - we all know this.

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Why change port bonus ? , they are like need to be.

I'm more interested in skill craft for player.

Exemple: -After maxing craft, player can decide a specialisation ( Speed/Tanky/Mast/Crew/Turn rate/Slots)

                -This specialisation add only 5% more chance compare to other bonus to get this one.


This will make player have a lit bit more chance to get trim ship he want , but most of time will still same random ( 5% is not a lot)

Player can choose only 1 specialisation

Edited by Lt Sekiro
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I would create a new investment that allows to rise the number of points a port has as default.

Although what it is severely lacking is some sort of diplomacy tools for clans (port transfer, international cooperation, a way to deal with dead or alt clans).

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3 minutes ago, rediii said:

rather than getting port bonuses out of the game maybe think more about the possibility to actually:

- sell buildings you built to atleast get some investments back

- be able to get your ships out of conquered ports more easily

(btw diplomacy is a skill too, @Lars Kjaer)

Diplomacy is for the weak and frankly irrelevant for this suggestion.

As for the rest - locking the game behind priviledged access to the clans/few is detrimental to any notion of a skill based game. This shouldn't be a controversial statement.

I care for the battles, the new/casual players and the health of the game. Player retention is a problem and port bonus', modules and the lack of balance locked behind priviledge rather than skill is imo one of the reasons why ppl leave. I want a healthy thriving game.

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1 minute ago, rediii said:

but you think that the game is not skillbased because you have no 50 points port. Why is diplomacy for the weak then?

You dont care for the casual and new players else you would not go for sweden and make sweden noport denmark

Sweden is in terms of RvR the zerg.

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48 minutes ago, Tiedemann said:

I can not separate your suggestion from the skill book slots.. :( 

I don't quite understand? I haven't made a suggestion for skill books in ages..

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I've said it in other threads.

I'd honestly be happy to change port bonuses as they are now - to crafting/resource bonuses to allow for more interesting "ship trim" options in crafting. I'd love to craft ships with 'redoutable refit' or something - but you can only get those refits through captured ai ships.

that being said, since the port points change (where the devs increased them overall) It hasn't nearly been as bad an issue as before, and since DLCs get port bonuses (albiet at random) as well as choosing seasoned wood without cost I don't see much of a reason to complain anymore.

There are many things I would like to change in Naval Action, but this one isn't high on the list.

There are actually really a lot of 50 point ports now that are super solid crafting bases and many of these ports are not all defended to the utmost degree. definitely recommend groups considering the need for crafting to goo out and explore!

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4 minutes ago, rediii said:
Something for your weekly videos. :) 
edit: swedish screen is from 21:00 the rest are from 9:40

I'll add it, but we both know that a PvE player is irrelevant to PvP and RvR. They don't do either, they just farm AIs..

So looking at the two blocks:

RI, US, DK/NG: 1245 PvP kills as an indicator for RvR active player pool.

Sweden/Spain/Pirates/VP (I include VP here, even though I recon it's only Snow who's left fighting the russians): 1348 PvP kills as an indicator for RvR active player pool.


GB: 347

VP: 139

FR: 135

PL: 37

DE: 301

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6 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

I've said it in other threads.

I'd honestly be happy to change port bonuses as they are now - to crafting/resource bonuses to allow for more interesting "ship trim" options in crafting. I'd love to craft ships with 'redoutable refit' or something - but you can only get those refits through captured ai ships.

that being said, since the port points change (where the devs increased them overall) It hasn't nearly been as bad an issue as before, and since DLCs get port bonuses (albiet at random) as well as choosing seasoned wood without cost I don't see much of a reason to complain anymore.

There are many things I would like to change in Naval Action, but this one isn't high on the list.

There are actually really a lot of 50 point ports now that are super solid crafting bases and many of these ports are not all defended to the utmost degree. definitely recommend groups considering the need for crafting to goo out and explore!

This still locks out the clanless players, the players who aren't on the friendslist of the major clans etc. It basically forces a specific type of gameplay and enables one set of players to ruin/prevent the playing of the game/certain gameplay aspects for the other group of players.

But by all means, if you find a lot need to be changed in NA, please do make suggestions.

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19 minutes ago, rediii said:
Something for your weekly videos. :) 
edit: swedish screen is from 21:00 the rest are from 9:40


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Port Bonuses are currently a great incentive for players to enjoy team play (joining clan) which is frankly not a bad thing, at all. 
We have to consider that, on the other hand, those are also one of the reasons of inbalance RvR and PvP-wise (another is the completely stupid disposition of rare upgrade items) : little nations can't be competitive with others (see Poland, or also Danmark-Norge) which struggle in finding a 50 points port for them. Sweden, for instance, has not 1, not 2, but 3 50 points ports very close -if not completely covered (see Oranjestad)- to the privateer fleet in Gustavia. Surely, Russia, Prussia and Poland are hardcore nations, hence they don't have decent crafting ports protected by those capital regions, but why Denmark doesn't have the same benefit as Sweden, France or VP? 

Added to the bad disposition of those ports across all map (why the hell does the Gulf have 2 55 points ports basically one next to the other?) we see a mechanic that initially encouraged people to expand (right after wipe) and regroup in clans to have the effort of grinding so many doubs and CMs reduced. Now we only see a terribly unbalanced game with people that have dozens of 50 points ports, while others have 0. 

Is that what Port investments wanted to achieve? For now, I see it far from a perfected mechanic. People quit, after losing one shipyard. They don't move elsewhere.

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no port boni and no seasoned wood, back to the old ship crafting we had already before and you should be able to select an additionaly trim for the ship you want to build. the old system (in the good old days) was perfect. same here for the DLC ships.

and my wish here. you can only craft ships in OAK (variants) for the inner hull and all other wood types for the outer hull.

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On 3/13/2020 at 1:58 PM, Je maintiendrai said:

So, you're saying the game isn't skill based now? 

The value of skill in battle is indeed muddied by all the boni we have right now. Or let me say it this way: Skill now is to get rare-books, great upgrades, seasoned woods, crafting-access, pimped cannons.... and use that stuff apropriately of course.

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IMHO the port bonus system should have been implemented as ship yard bonus system, so solo players, small clans, big clans could eventually have access to them if they dedicate enough time to leveling their skill and leveling ship yard. 

Solo shipyard: can choose 3 out of 5 shipyard bonus at the same time (1 for each shipyard level?). Player will have to invest into shipyard to get bonuses to max level, but grind would be acceptable / manageable. Importantly, solo shipyard can be built in any, even unconquerable port. 

Clan shipyard: can access  all 5 shipyard bonus types, but with much more significant grind / investments required, to encourage coop game play. Clans will have then to defend their investment. Cannot be built in an unconquerable port. 

Alternatively, solo and clan shipyards would allow access to all 5 bonus types simultaneously, but have different number of investment points (30-40 solo, 40-60 clan).

Btw, I also liked the guaranteed regional (capital) bonuses (instead of random refits). Those would spice things up and make it more difficult for alts to get access to all the benefits of a given nation.

Smth to consider for NA 2.0 perhaps?

Edited by Stilgar
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I like the perk idea of  @Lars Kjaer  and i suggest to turn the effort that clans made to build port battle into  building to craft seasoned woods ( in this case you have to remove permits, blueprints from loot, chest and so on ) , gold mine, silver mine ,copper mine.

In this way solo player and solo clans could craft ships with pb and other could have the seasoned one and also have gold, silver to trade and copper for upgrades

Edited by Conte D. Catellani
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have to grind your ship/bonus slots personally or get them from investments, you will finally reach a point, where you have achieved the maximum bonus. It is just a question of time.

My preferred choice is to build all ships from their original woods ( so oak for most man'o'war, maybe fir for some smaller traders) and you can add one advantage like speed, hull thickness, turn rate, etc. Get rid of all the mods and we have a really skill based game.

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All bonuses are sugar, really. The ships themselves are balanced. Wood types, mods, even books are decadence for the fantasy crowd. We never needed any of these things (See NA:Legends) or classic NA; just authentic combat. That's all that's neccessary for a good game.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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10 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

All bonuses are sugar, really. The ships themselves are balanced. Wood types, mods, even books are decadence for the fantasy crowd. We never needed any of these things (See NA:Legends) or classic NA; just authentic combat. That's all that's neccessary for a good game.

That ship has sailed I'm afraid. The weak need their bonus' to compete and what matters now is how to balance time, effort spent and accessability with what was originally promised - a skill based game.

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