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Seasoned Woods poll

Do you like the addition of seasoned woods?  

244 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the addition of seasoned woods?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I like the general idea but would (slightly) adjust them, by.. (post below)
  2. 2. Do you believe it will create an imbalance?

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upon reading this (back then when it was posted) i had so much hope, they'd actually stop listening to special interest groups representing only a tiny fraction of the playerbase...

i honestly thought they had learnt something - oh god was i wrong.

Edited by s2bu
added 2nd sentence
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43 minutes ago, s2bu said:

upon reading this (back then when it was posted) i had so much hope, they'd actually stop listening to special interest groups representing only a tiny fraction of the playerbase...

i honestly thought they had learnt something - oh god was i wrong.

Devs were inspired by playerbase and "special interest groups" only with changing BR (which everyone agrees is a good change).

Both other ideas were not suggested. Privateer fleets protect the hens btw, you should be happy. Seasoned woods don't harm hens, they only influence RvR. If prices we hear are real, this influence won't be a big one.

Edited by vazco
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19 minutes ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

How abouth PvP? Ore you think the wood only will be used for ships used for RvR?

Even pvp is ridiculous. 

A Surprise would need 20,000 labor hours to convert the woods through the shed. Almost a week without large use of labor hour contracts. And if you don't have the BP for tools, then it's 600k in tools, and 1800 doubloons. 

Still waiting on confirmation from the guys who has the shed already if this screenshot is true or not.


If a Surprise, one of the smallest 5th rates cost 1800 in dubs, 600k in reals, and 20k labour hours just for the seasoned woods. Imagine what anything bigger would cost. 

Without labor hour contracts, you looking at averaging 50 seasoned logs crafted a day. I get that amount from breaking up all my DLC ships everyday. 

This favors those with an army of alts or large and extremely well coordinated clans with the money and resources to dedicate.

And you essentially need 3 (technically more) things. The shed permit, tools BP, and then the BP for each of the woods. 

I highly doubt you will see large numbers of seasoned ships with the exception of DLC's for quite a while. 

Edited by Redman29
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Although I know it has been weekend for most of the time, since you released or unleashed the latest patch: I really would appreciate if you took a stand concerning the introduction of seasoned woods!

As far as I know you haven’t said yet, ...

- why you introduced them, ...

- or reacted to the abundance of criticism directed to that part of the patch in any other way.

You just ignored it, am I right?

As the intelligent human being you are you certainly know how it feels to be ignored. So please start the new week by breaking the silence and joining the discussion.

Edited by Navalus Magnus
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How do we carry so many tools? 

Each tool is 100 t so indiaman carry 38, so for a 1st rate 3600 tool is needed? 90 indiamans??? 

And tools is 2k at store, crafting is 3k? 

Wtf? Do we need a beta server, or are we still in beta?

I fail to understand what is going on here. 

* breaking up DLC ship should not drop seasoned wood! 

Another patch favoring ALT bussiness. Thus P2W. 

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What if just a few ships are of superb quality and not all when fighting portbattles?

You guys look at it from the wrong perspective. Its the admiral ship. Not every ship in line of battle can it be. I even suggest that repairing a seasoned wood ship costs to an increased reals amount doubloons as well.

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53 minutes ago, Redman29 said:

Even pvp is ridiculous. 

A Surprise would need 20,000 labor hours to convert the woods through the shed. Almost a week without large use of labor hour contracts. And if you don't have the BP for tools, then it's 600k in tools, and 1800 doubloons. 

Still waiting on confirmation from the guys who has the shed already if this screenshot is true or not.


If a Surprise, one of the smallest 5th rates cost 1800 in dubs, 600k in reals, and 20k labour hours just for the seasoned woods. Imagine what anything bigger would cost. 

Without labor hour contracts, you looking at averaging 50 seasoned logs crafted a day. I get that amount from breaking up all my DLC ships everyday. 

This favors those with an army of alts or large and extremely well coordinated clans with the money and resources to dedicate.

And you essentially need 3 (technically more) things. The shed permit, tools BP, and then the BP for each of the woods. 

I highly doubt you will see large numbers of seasoned ships with the exception of DLC's for quite a while. 

As you stated that is w/o considering Labor contracts - if you add them to the eqation the picture changes dramatically. As you can create LH for about 100 reals/LH (using lvl3 farm + academy in a port that drops tools and has LH discount) the price increase for the special wood surprise vs normal one is 1800 doubs + 2M reals (20000 LH) + 600k reals (tools).   2.6M reals might sound like a lot - but with the amount of possible profit in "old school trading" it's not that much after all. Also crafted tools might lower that number...

bottom line the price increase is substantial but i dont think it's as insane as you make it look.

my point is dedicated ppl WILL have these (not only surprises). and the last thing the game needs is tilting the balance even further towards insane hardcore players... that is something that the sane hardcore players and proverbial "hens" agree on...

for the record i think i'm more of a sane hc player than a hen...

Edited by s2bu
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13 hours ago, Forbin said:

Crafting an Ocean season wood is like 6 806 000  reals for the tools, 10900 doublons for transforming wood, and 254 800 hours + cost of a regular Ocean.....ridiculous.

... and it still can get sunk by a L'Ocean of regular woods. OH- the irony of it! :D


Seriously: I don't think we will see so many First Rates in seasoned woods for apparent costly reason. They are just too precious to risk. So I calculate they will be rather rare guests in battles and regular builds will be the majority, always. The importance of DLC ships there however will rise, because they get seasoned woods without any effort.

Which renders all this upset rant here about "useless ships" meaningless...


Who likes to own the creme de la creme in shipbuilding, can do that as an expensive hobby, and gloat over his results. But he will not be a decisive power on the battlefield.

Edited by Cetric de Cornusiac
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12 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

... and it still can get sunk by a L'Ocean of regular woods. OH- the irony of it! :D


Seriously: I don't think we will see so many First Rates in seasoned woods for apparent costly reason. They are just too precious to risk. So I calculate they will be rather rare guests in battles and regular builds will be the majority, always. The importance of DLC ships there however will rise, because they get seasoned woods without any effort.

Which renders all this upset rant here about "useless ships" meaningless...


Who likes to own the creme de la creme in shipbuilding, can do that as an expensive hobby, and gloat over his results. But he will not be a decisive power on the battlefield.

You need to be thinking long term

Basically the Port Upgrades were a smaller version of this; larger nations did, as they did their eco better, have a huge advantage in early game due to their well coordinated eco - and were thus able to pump out the "creme de la creme" in much larger quanitity


Now, other nations eventually caught up.

If you now go and think long-term, in a month or two, those larger nations will be able to craft a lot more of those new super boats - This time, it will take the others way longer to get on a similar level though.

I do not see this working out very well for the game.

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3 minutes ago, s2bu said:

my understanding is that they did drop in the bermuda ai raid and that you can get them as well from killing privateer fleets at capital zones (already in game). i have not verified either of this...

what i say is, i already have the permit to build the building but at this point i can not craft the wood because we need a BP that nobody knows where to find it

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32 minutes ago, s2bu said:

As you stated that is w/o considering Labor contracts - if you add them to the eqation the picture changes dramatically. As you can create LH for about 100 reals/LH (using lvl3 farm + academy in a port that drops tools and has LH discount) the price increase for the special wood surprise vs normal one is 1800 doubs + 2M reals (20000 LH) + 600k reals (tools).   2.6M reals might sound like a lot - but with the amount of possible profit in "old school trading" it's not that much after all. Also crafted tools might lower that number...

bottom line the price increase is substantial but i dont think it's as insane as you make it look.

my point is dedicated ppl WILL have these (not only surprises). and the last thing the game needs is tilting the balance even further towards insane hardcore players... that is something that the sane hardcore players and proverbial "hens" agree on...

for the record i think i'm more of a sane hc player than a hen...

Yes with labour hour contracts it's not that bad in the short term but long term it is all the same. 

20,000 for a Surprise, that's 40 LH Contracts. 

47,000 for an Endymion, that's 94 LH Contracts.

60,000 for a Wasa, that's 120 LH Contracts

250,000 for a L'Ocean, that's 500 LH Contracts.

Those numbers are not sustainable for large numbers of ships without having multiple accounts dedicated to nothing but LH contracts. I can craft around 14 LH contracts a day with a LVL 7 crafter, so that's still 3 days of crafting nothing but LH contracts for nothing but a surprise. Not to mention accounts dedicated to building tools and we still aren't sure what they cost as I have yet to see the BP for that. But buying tools is not efficient nor cost effective also in the long run. 

42 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

Who likes to own the creme de la creme in shipbuilding, can do that as an expensive hobby, and gloat over his results. But he will not be a decisive power on the battlefield.

I run teak/teak 5th rates in open world pvp, with the mindset that anything that catches me I can kill (fir/fir) and can run from anything that outmatches me even though I rarely run. 

The stats on a Fir(S)/Fir(S) ships is now comparable to a Teak/Teak ship which ruins that balance on ships as now a seasoned fir ship can catch and kill a teak ship in an even fight. 

Also there are players in this game that do RVR with armies of alts, that when set up to produce nothing but seasoned port battle ships can and will produce them in large quantities and will gain a significant advantage. 

36 minutes ago, Liq said:


We both know who has the ability to make large numbers of seasoned ships :P

26 minutes ago, Vibrio Cholerae said:

Question: How do we know if the screenshot of @Redman29 is real( no offence)?

No offense. As I stated, still waiting on confirmation that this is in fact the true BP for White Oak

24 minutes ago, s2bu said:

i guess some1 in reds got it from a chest - imho that is more likely than redman faking screenshots...

No, I do not have it and still waiting on confirmation from someone that does. But faking a screenshot such as a BP seems like a lot of work.

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this is what felix's map pulls out oif the api as loot for the privateer chests. i strongly suspect that the red things are actual logs and the blue ones are the recipes - that is however only an educated guess...

apparently i forgot to mark some things red on the right hand part - i do apologize for being sloppy  ;o)

Edited by s2bu
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@admin One thing which should happen is removing seasoned wood from DLC ships. With current extreme prices of such wood, DLC ships gain a big advantage over non-dlc's.

A Ratvisan gains advantage over Agamemnon, as it's a seasoned wood throw-away ship, which can be easily replaced.

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11 minutes ago, s2bu said:



this is what felix's map pulls out oif the api as loot for the privateer chests. i strongly suspect that the red things are actual logs and the blue ones are the recipes - that is however only an educated guess...

apparently i forgot to mark some things red on the right hand part - i do apologize for being sloppy  ;o)

I can confirm that the items marked in red are logs themselves. Got several different types from a privateer chest yesterday in Saint George's Town

Edited by Redman29
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So it's two rare drop permits minimum, plus dubs, plus tools at 300 times the cost to build a regular ship.

Implemented without warning with zero open world testing right after being told there were delays due to being required to test everything. With almost a days delay between release and the patch notes and our only point of contact being a snarky admin.

If it wasn't for the fact I've spent the last week sitting at a tapas bar on a Spanish beach I'd have probably ragequit the game by now but I think I've genuinely stopped caring, let the devs keep doing what they do, it's their game after all, if the player count keeps dropping, well I’ve tried to say what I think is wrong with this game, I’ve been polite about it, I’ve posted where appropriate and I have put serious thought into what I wrote as well as given a few practical suggestions as to how some of the more major issues could be fixed quickly and cheaply and the only response I got was a claim anything I write is invalid and then an accusation  of racism. 

I've tried, I've done my part I can't do anymore. I'll take out the ships I like and do A.I missions till they sink or I get bored and quit.


Если бы не тот факт, что я провёл последнюю неделю, сидя в тапас-баре на испанском пляже, я бы, наверное, уже давно угробил игру, но я думаю, что я действительно перестал заботиться, пусть разработчики продолжают делать то, что нужно. они делают, это их игра в конце концов, если количество игроков продолжает падать, ну, я пытался сказать, что я думаю, что это неправильно в этой игре, я был вежлив с этим, я опубликовал, где это уместно, и я поставил серьезно подумал над тем, что я написал, а также дал несколько практических советов о том, как некоторые из более серьезных проблем можно было решить быстро и дешево, и единственным ответом, который я получил, было утверждение, что все, что я пишу, является недействительным, а затем обвинение в расизме.

Я пытался, я сделал свою часть, я больше не могу. Я заберу корабли, которые мне нравятся, и буду выполнять миссии A.I, пока они не потонут, или мне не надоест и я уйду.


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also DLC ships should surely not drop s woods when broken down (same for store bought admirality ships)

being able to make DLC ships in S woods for free is the obvious money grab move as other ppl have already pointed out - a far better solution would imho have been to make them only "orderable" in normal woods but then "upgradeable" to S woods by paying w/e extra - or make them cost something if "ordered" as S wood...

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