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Seasonal Update: Treacherous Waters - Part 2


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27 minutes ago, Benedicte said:

Today I saw 8 of such fleets at La Habana. All consisted of 5x trinco, 4x wasa and 2x l'ocean. Crazy fast OW speed, and they will tag players. Not so fast in battle luckily.




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28 minutes ago, van stiermarken said:

Means 11 ships against 1 Player ship? That's easy to handle, is'nt it?

I could be wrong but I don't think they are not going to tag you in your own port.

if that is how they work then yes, if you go alone to seal-club some noobs in someone else's port, you will get smashed.  Probably not a good idea to do that anymore.

On the other hand if you would like some good loot from a easy to find AI fleet, put some mates together and go get it.

Sounds like a win-win for everyone except the wannabe PVPers that like to kill noobs--and have no friends.

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I think the Privateer fleets are way too OP. Privateers should not be in 1st rates. They should have 3rd rates at best and should only sail close to their home port not chase you across the sea like some people are reporting them doing. Privateers don't need 6 first rates to protect the waters for rookies around a capital. 

Is the main purpose of privateers to drop seasoned woods and permits for sheds or to protect capital waters? 

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8 minutes ago, Never said:

Is the main purpose of privateers to drop seasoned woods and permits for sheds or to protect capital waters? 

No. You have completely misunderstood those privateers. They are not protecting anything. 

These privateers are members of an advanced researchers guild. They have invented a process turning normal wood into seasoned wood by storing it in a shed. Imagine that! And they have a global patent on it. That is why they can give you permits for building a shed (it's not just a simple shed, you know) and request royalty fees (3 doubloons per log). With all that money they have decided to retire in the most snobish yacht clubs of the caribbean (e.g. La Habana) building super-fast 1st rates and racing them all day long in fleets. As these super-fast ships are made from seasoned wood, you can salvage some of that precious material by sinking them. Those privateers are really good sportsmen. They don't mind really, because they are so rich. When sunk, they might give you a shed permit for free. But don't fool yourself. These guys are actually very clever businessmen, because they still collect the royalties. 

You see? It all makes sense. 

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10 minutes ago, van Veen said:

No. You have completely misunderstood those privateers. They are not protecting anything. 

These privateers are members of an advanced researchers guild. They have invented a process turning normal wood into seasoned wood by storing it in a shed. Imagine that! And they have a global patent on it. That is why they can give you permits for building a shed (it's not just a simple shed, you know) and request royalty fees (3 doubloons per log). With all that money they have decided to retire in the most snobish yacht clubs of the caribbean (e.g. La Habana) building super-fast 1st rates and racing them all day long in fleets. As these super-fast ships are made from seasoned wood, you can salvage some of that precious material by sinking them. Those privateers are really good sportsmen. They don't mind really, because they are so rich. When sunk, they might give you a shed permit for free. But don't fool yourself. These guys are actually very clever businessmen, because they still collect the royalties. 

You see? It all makes sense. 

Ahhh! I was blind and you have opened my eyes! 

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Seeing these privateers being so unnecessarily overpowered makes me think they shouldn't drop these 'privateer chests'. Their point was to protect the capital waters so new players could sail around with some protection from seal clubbers. The fact that they drop these chests means they are being made into something else. 

I would suggest to make privateer fleets what they are meant to be, a light quick fleet that guards capital waters; not some elite AI group for end game players to hunt for. I think right now privateers are being made to be two things at once that should not related, and it's making everything rather messy. 

Privateers could be made to drop normal loot and have their fleet composition be made for speed and to be capable of dealing with some enemy players trying to hunt in capital waters, they don't need 1st rates for that. 

Instead, why not add another type of AI fleet that can drop these new chests. I would suggest an AI elite trade fleet, these fleets could be made as OP as desired. There could be one of these elite trade fleets sailing around each major trade route. 

I think it's not the best idea when new player areas like capitals get mashed together with content that is meant for end game. Plus player fleets hunting for these elite trade fleets would be in open water, so it creates more chances for pvp. Most vets don't even have outposts in capitals and they shouldn't. Another plus, is that an AI elite trade fleet would not need a capital port so they could be everywhere in a more even distribution, instead of some nations not getting privateer fleets cause they don't have capitals. 

Edited by Never
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Fire Hot Fix

1) Explosion damage to crew reduced 2x
2) Brace (F10) Effectiveness - increased
3) Explosion damage to masts increased
4) Explosion damage to sails increased


  • Magazine explosions now will only happen after fire shock started to give players visual indication of the potential impending doom. 
  • Magazine can be reached by fire before - but it will only explode in fire shock. 



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1 hour ago, Angus MacDuff said:

Fair enough on that.  If you find some coding time you may want to consider that the main fear of neighbouring ships when L'Orient blew up was flaming debris. 

I actually think this would be a really cool feature to see if the admins have time to code that in. See flaming debris erupt from the ships and ignite vessels they strike.

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On 12/4/2019 at 6:42 AM, Never said:

Instead, why not add another type of AI fleet that can drop these new chests. I would suggest an AI elite trade fleet, these fleets could be made as OP as desired. There could be one of these elite trade fleets sailing around each major trade route. 

Hmmm... armed traders, I like this concept XD

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On 11/29/2019 at 6:10 PM, admin said:

Captains. Part 2 of the Seasonal update has been deployed

Economy changes

  • Shipbuilding changes
    • Historically when building ships shipbuilders had a choice to use fresh wood or season it in seasoning sheds and have stronger, slightly lighter timber. Ships built from fresh wood rot easily and were heavier and weaker. 
    • Starting this patch captains will be able to season woods (provided they obtain the blueprint)
      • Seasoning Shed blueprint added - new building
      • Seasoning woods blueprints added
      • New frames and planking types added (indicated by the letter (S)
      • Tools blueprint added
  • Trading and NPC privateering overhaul
    • Price system and trading resource drop systems changed 
    • Trading goods is now one of the most profitable activities on the server
    • Trading NPCs are no longer constantly overloaded
    • Trading NPCs sometimes carry expensive loads (especially if you hit them on the end of the trading run with expensive goods)
  • Privateer chest added to game. Privateer chest will drop from
    • NPC Port raiders 
    • NPC Privateers in the OW (capital protectors)
  • Increased drop of Victory marks and Combat medals from Raid Chest

RVR BR Changes

  • BR for both Player port battles and NPC Port battles have changed 
    • Battle Rating will now depend on port investment points
    • More investment points = more ships required to protect and defend.
    • Overall points have been lowered based on the points
      • 55-50 points - 20,000 BR for deep, 2500 for shallow
      • 45-40 points - 10,000 BR for deep, 2000 for shallow
      • 35 and lower - 5000 BR for deep, 1350 for shallow
  • NPC Raids
    • Points for capture zone entry have been slightly increased
      • Combat ships now give 15 points instead of 10
      • Trading Transports now give 325 points instead of 300
  • Did not make it due to other issues
    • Removal of Capital waters limitations. 
      • In one of the following hotfixes only distance will be limiting port choice of attack.
        Capital waters will no longer act as choke points 
  • Point changes
    • Important historical production or trading centers have their investment points increased to 55
      • Cartagena
      • Caracas
      • Bridgetown
    • Several significant historical centers have their investment points increased to 50 points
      • Bluefields
      • Portobelo
      • Puerto Espana

Other changes

  • 36 Pounders are now allowed on all 32lb french ships
  • Leopard finalized and ready for release
  • HP and thickness caps have been increased due to forthcoming cannon rebalance
  • Increased strength of Upper parts of explosion shockwave - which will demast top sections more often 
  • BR changed for Ingermanland and Wapen

Capital water protection - Also did not get in due to critical bug 
Once the feature is deployed privateers will be re-introduced into the game. Privateers will capitals and sometimes venture into important channels. Privateers will sail in strong mixed fleets with intercepting heavy frigates and fast lineships and will provide strong challenge to players operating deep in the capital waters territories.



Hotfix was deployed on 30th November 2019. 

  • Privateer fleets route testing
  • NPC Raid patterns have changed for lower level ports.
    • NPC Raiders will ALWAYS try to fill the BR limit by lowering class of ships.
    • So for example for 10000 BR port NPCs will bring 18 Saint Pavels or Bellonas instead of 1st rates. They will continue to use 1 ship.
  • BR Limits for shallow ports lowered even lower
    • Nassay 2900
    • 2000 BR limit ports reduced to 1350
    • 1350 BR limit ports reduced to 900
  • Chinese localization file update


Privateer chests

Hotfix was deployed today, Sunday 1st of December

  • 2 capitals of the Caribbean have updated Privateer fleets
  • Privateer chest is now dropping from those fleets. 
  • Weight 250 tons so almost any ship can carry it out.


Fire Hot Fix   5th December

1) Explosion damage to crew reduced 2x
2) Brace (F10) Effectiveness - increased
3) Explosion damage to masts increased
4) Explosion damage to sails increased


  • Magazine explosions now will only happen after fire shock started to give players visual indication of the potential impending doom. 
  • Magazine can be reached by fire before - but it will only explode in fire shock. 

I had to take a break due to some anxiety issues partly coming from the game but I'm back.

I would like to say "thank you, sir" for the changes to trading, the new beatiful ship and the protection of my dear fellows near our capital.

Although, I apologize if I'm being too open and sincere, I expected that you lowered the requirement for conquests. There are still many ports where you must sail twenty five HMS Victory to fill the port rating. My own clan is dead but, even at a national level, we (several clan leaders) find the twenty thousand port rating pretty high for our country.


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Admiraly is now selling ships built from Seasoned Wood. At least at some ports.

So you can buy them, then break up and with a little help of RNG gods receive some Seasoned Logs

Edited by Malcolm3
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On 11/30/2019 at 3:43 PM, admin said:


Hotfix was deployed on 30th November 2019. 

  • Privateer fleets route testing
  • RVR 
    • NPC Raid patterns have changed for lower level ports. NPC Raiders will ALWAYS try to fill the BR limit by lowering class of ships. So for example for 10000 BR port NPCs will bring 18 Saint Pavels or Bellonas instead of 1st rates. They will continue to use 1 ship.
  • BR Limits for shallow ports lowered even lower
    • Nassay 2900
    • 2000 BR limit ports reduced to 1350
    • 1350 BR limit ports reduced to 900
  • Chinese localization file update

Am I allowed to plead you for lowering the twenty thousand rating limit?

The general consensus among national leaders is it will be a challenge finding twenty five players in 1st rates.

Edited by Capitan Salazar
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10 hours ago, Capitan Salazar said:

Am I allowed to plead you for lowering the twenty thousand rating limit?

The general consensus among national leaders is it will be a challenge finding twenty five players in 1st rates.

Not really, several nations can field 25 players.

Edited by North
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On 12/5/2019 at 8:25 PM, admin said:



@admin By the way, what about Patch notes in Russian? Not everyone can use English like some of us.
Можно нам все же описание патча на русском - одного стрима Реверса не хватает, а английский знают не все.

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13 hours ago, Capitan Salazar said:

Am I allowed to plead you for lowering the twenty thousand rating limit?

The general consensus among national leaders is it will be a challenge finding twenty five players in 1st rates.

Yes, the dimensions of the raids completely miss the reality. Especially on the PVE server.
Means, there are only two states. You are attacked or not. The option to defend the 20k battles does not exist for some nations.
And that surely will not contribute to change the situation.
Maybe for some nations that disappointed players switch into. But some will stop playing at all.

Edited by Holm Hansen
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3 hours ago, North said:

Not really, several nations can field 25 players.

I'm not saying we don't have twenty five players, sir. Twenty five players in twenty five first rates in a precise time and place, that's another story.

We aren't as lucky as GB or Russia. Our diplomats has informed us that other countries have also a similar problem. 


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39 minutes ago, Holm Hansen said:

Yes, the dimensions of the raids completely miss the reality. Especially on the PVE server.
Means, there are only two states. You are attacked or not. The option to defend the 20k battles does not exist for some nations.
And that surely will not contribute to change the situation.
Maybe for some nations that disappointed players switch into. But some will stop playing at all.

Many clanmates and friends stopped playing because conquests were (and still are) aimed at 1st rate's sailors only.

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11 minutes ago, Capitan Salazar said:

Many clanmates and friends stopped playing because conquests were (and still are) aimed at 1st rate's sailors only.

I'm really sorry for that ...

And I believe that such a trend will start at the PVE too. Not yet, because there have not been much attacks on player-owned ports. But they will come....

(Also, in general too much content goes in the direction of 1st rates. Hostility or privateer fleets for seasoned wood for example. Someone who prefers smaller ships than 1st rates is always at a disadvantage, or have to do something that is not fun for him)

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8 minutes ago, Holm Hansen said:

I'm really sorry for that ...

And I believe that such a trend will start at the PVE too. Not yet, because there have not been much attacks on player-owned ports. But they will come....

(Also, in general too much content goes in the direction of 1st rates. Hostility or privateer fleets for seasoned wood for example. Someone who prefers smaller ships than 1st rates is always at a disadvantage, or have to do something that is not fun for him)

One guy told me: "I would be so happy sailing and fighting with my candy Aggie all day along".

He quit the game because he couldn't participate in conquests with his candy Aggie. 

He was a nice fellow and I miss him a lot.

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