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Patch 27 - Port Interface, New missions, Streamlined economy, Insurance, New currencies.


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8 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

I don’t think that is the general view, maybe view of some.  Why should we cater to 100 players when it’s the 1900 we want to stay around.  Server pretty dead with 100.  It would be much more fun with 1900 instead.   The Division tried this to make elitist happy and pretty much killed the game and we are talking about a AAA game company.  They had to go back to late and tweet the game for the average players over all.  It was to late as the damage was done.  They said they learned from this and won’t do it with The Division2.

You are proberbly right. But the game have turned in the favor of the few and not the casuals. But we can’t keep changing direction all the time. We just lost a lot of casual players. But that just a guess, as I don’t have acces to log in files. It will tage a hard effort to get them back. But if we now turn the game again, then we lose the hardcore and end up with nothing.

I know ppl say, just wait when release, then the numbers will be there. I doubt that. Best chance to get a good release is have a good working server. 

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A lot of those casuals are tired of the tanking and farming by vets.  Many others just want to wait for game release. 

Those elites aren’t going any where while they are on top they are going to stay and keep doing what they do.  Honestly most of them aren’t that great when you get them alone and away from the gank squad. 

And I agree they need to stop changing directions.  If they work on getting numbers back and making the majority happy the numbers will be therr. And the shark/elite will have therr fun.  If the casuals arentbhaving fun they will leave and that is who makes ion 90% of the game.

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36 minutes ago, admin said:

We should ignore the jeff bezoses and warren buffets and focus on the average player with 2 hours per day. Thus i do not care anymore if someone is generating millions of doubloons or reals playing non stop. I care about the ability to progress and fund youself if you are a father with kids, or a hard job who only have 2 hours per day to have fun.  

I like this attitude and hope it affects other things beyond money.  The "two hour a day" player also needs to acquire the rare books and mods if he wants to survive against the elite vets.  Increased doubloons will allow us to purchase some good stuff in the Admiralty, but the more attractive books still seem very difficult to get.  And please...I don't want to hear "books and mods don't matter" from anyone who has them all ;)

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Посмотрел дублонопад на стриме Реверса.
Ради 2К дублонов в патруле надо найти не меньше трех трейд-бригов (а это непросто, ибо нетути и конкуренция и прессинг игроков) и выжать с них полный дамаг, паруса, команда, оба борта, структура. А тут просто в море такой вот себе рог изобилия. Патрули опустеют, если их не баффнуть по дублонам. Имхо естественно.

Почему-то частенько у геймлабс получается вот так:

Вносить изменения конечно надо, без этого баланса не достичь.
Но с рулем надо аккуратнее, не стоит резко дергать.

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1 minute ago, Wraith said:

I mean, it is a multiplayer game after all...

Cannot stop calling enough attention to this detail, developers and players.

Whatever the design decisions and gameplay choices , Focus on multiplayer game and mechanics, please. Not solo-do-it-all-fast, even in the Peace server reality.


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after playing, thought the doubloon drop may have been a bit too generous, but after seeing that some ports are now accumulating hostility has a natural affect of players actively hunting traders near enemy ports, the realm v realm aspect seems like it could naturally come back into play has a result of this change. So still looking like a good change imo



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9 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Pourquoi cela tuerait-il une grande base? Cela ne signifie-t-il pas simplement que vous 1) ou allez chercher vous-même les ressources nécessaires en capturant un port, ou 2) faites un marché avec le clan du port pour l'ouvrir à vous? Cela semble être un ensemble logique et intéressant de mécanismes de jeu à jouer. Je veux dire, c'est un jeu multijoueur après tout ...


Tout à fait d'accord avec Spectre.

Il y a un autre moyen de pallier au verrouillage, il suffit de mettre en place pour chaque port le capital peut être une ressource unique un "Expert" de cette ressource. This expert is a port to port chaque semaine par exemple (ou moins). Ainsi, lorsque l'Expert est dans le port, le clan a une semaine (ou moins) pour récupérer la ressource avant que l'Expert ne parte vers un autre port.

Comment savoir où est l'Expert?

Surveillez son propre port, échanger des informations avec les clans alliés, ou pourquoi ne pas intercepter les renseignements dans les bouteilles ou dans les courriers (interception de navires postaux).

Cordialement, La Fayette

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2 hours ago, Wraith said:

Why would this kill off a large base?  Wouldn't this just mean that you 1) either go get the needed resources yourself by capturing a port, or 2) make a deal with the port's clan to open it up to you?  Seems like a logical and interesting set of game play mechanics to engage in.  I mean, it is a multiplayer game after all...

It will in my opinion just make the game more unballanced, witch I think will make more player leave. But it could also bring new player in the game. But from what I have seen in my 1,5 year in the game is if ppl dont think they have a decent chance of winning. They dont show up. Restrich ressources(Wood and upgrades to the few), will give ppl that impression. Neither do I think most will stand with there hat in the hand and hope for a bit leftovers.

But you are right. It could be interesting, just don’t Complain if i turns out nobody want to fight. I have no problem with a hardcore game where the game care for the elite. Not at all. All I want is that devs decide what way they want to go and stick to it.

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23 hours ago, staun said:

Why make that change. As you already have said, there is enough Dbl in the game. You also can hear it from plenty of players. Many have more than 100.000. By turning up the amount of Dbl, you just again makes 4-1 rate cheap again. Wasen't part of the goal of patch 27 to make big ships rare in OW. Getting us to sail 7-5 rates.

I play hours every day, I kill a good number of AI and a few players. I’m nowhere near generating 100,000 doubloons and certainly don’t have enough to finance 1st-3rd rate construction for a general war of expansion or defense.

Players have to feel confident about their ability to recover from losses in order to take the risks on the combat the war server needs.

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12 minutes ago, Farrago said:

I play hours every day, I kill a good number of AI and a few players. I’m nowhere near generating 100,000 doubloons and certainly don’t have enough to finance 1st-3rd rate construction for a general war of expansion or defense.

Players have to feel confident about their ability to recover from losses in order to take the risks on the combat the war server needs.

It has nothing to do with that. But abouth the general direction of the game. They want 1 rate to be rare and very expensive. If you can craft 1 ore 2 a week. Would you Call that rare? We need to have a clear heading. Not zig zak all the times. Yes it on the short span will cost players,But we simply need to know where we are heading if we want any hope of a healthy server.

Just for the record I am not a hardcore player. Patch 27 basicly killed me of.

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If 1st and 2nd rates aren't rare enough, why not also make them take longer to craft, not just cost more dbl? Ship building is still tied to labor hours, right? Raise those labor hours 10fold or more. If people are hoarding those LH for 1st and 2nd rates, they will have less LH to produce smaller ships.

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58 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

I have attacked about 10 traders since the patch. The highest reward was a LGV with 1500 doubloons, so it is pure luck.


IIRC 800 in a T-Snow is the most I've seen, and for whatever reason I only find 200+ in T-Snows. Finding materials for repairs is usually more exciting. 

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13 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

Since you can get 6000 Doubloons from a single AI trader, the bet might be quite high

Ok, I say price of doublons won't drop to or below 80 reals per doubloon until end of December. Who wants to bet for 50k doublons? 

(that's the price for contracts that people put to sell their doublons in capitals) 

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16 hours ago, Angus MacDuff said:

Since you can get 6000 Doubloons from a single AI trader, the bet might be quite high

I haven’t had that luck.

6 hours ago, Barbancourt said:

IIRC 800 in a T-Snow is the most I've seen, and for whatever reason I only find 200+ in T-Snows. Finding materials for repairs is usually more exciting. 

I was actually doing this with an alt more trying to get repairs as I was grinding out a Cerberus and tagging ships I could take to get repairs off.  I got some booze, cedar some rum, some sail repairs but no dabloons so far.  Honestly RNG hates me.

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10 hours ago, van der Decken said:

If 1st and 2nd rates aren't rare enough, why not also make them take longer to craft, not just cost more dbl? Ship building is still tied to labor hours, right? Raise those labor hours 10fold or more. If people are hoarding those LH for 1st and 2nd rates, they will have less LH to produce smaller ships.

??? Meaningless as you can buy labour hours. Only hurts casuals again. 

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10 hours ago, van der Decken said:

Si les taux 1 et 2 ne sont pas assez rares, pourquoi ne pas leur faire prendre plus de temps à élaborer, et pas seulement coûter plus cher? La construction navale est toujours liée aux heures de travail, non? Augmentez ces heures de travail 10 fois ou plus. Si les gens accumulent ces LH pour les taux 1 et 2, ils auront moins de LH pour produire des navires plus petits.


Tout à fait d'accord avec cette analyse. Cela rejoint tout ce que j'ai posté sur ce forum. 

Cordialement, La Fayette

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8 hours ago, Intrepido said:


We require pvp, trade/postal/transport and rvr missions to begin to recover the guys that left tired of the unwanted initial hardcore approach of patch 27.

lineships will remain expensive. The current patches allow us to test the different states of trading and looting. Before the preliminary wipe

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1 minute ago, admin said:

lineships will remain expensive. The current patches allow us to test the different states of trading and looting. Before the preliminary wipe

I like that they stay expensive but can you give folks something to do with VM other tha. Buy SOL permits.  They aren’t worth much on the market cause you can use dabloons to buy them if you don’t get VM From port battles.  Which falls back on the reward for RvR are not realy worth it.  

If somenone can buy them wit doubloons than let me sale them for doubloons too.  That just gives the RvR guys anouther source of doubloons. 

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