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New faction.

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Sorry for my poor english, is not my native language.

I joined the France at the beginning and it was a very good experience . The players are very nice to you and most of the times they were there when you ask for help. A very strong community. Unfortanely it was a little boring because the position in the map. It lacks players for pvp in that part of the map and to make things more boring the dutch and the french are allied and are slowly steamrolling the sweden in the south. So the moment swedish loses the remaining harbors in the south you can expect that part of the map to be the most boring in the game. Economic it was also easy in fact very easy, in a few days i was making millions just by sailing from carrioucu to puerto de espana to sell parisien furniture without fear in meeting a pirate on the way.  So very strong and friendly community but to easy and boring most of the times.

So taking an advice from a friend i joined the british. And it is exactly the opposite. There is too much pvp around KPR which i thought it would be a great thing but unfortutanely most of the times it is group of players sailing in hercs and requins trolling and killing the seals or lonely players. Sometimes we got lucky and kill some but for what? In a few hours they come back all sailing in the dlc ships. The irony was when i finally got the crew to sail in the Requin i passed most of the time babysitting the others players  near KPR.  The british players are also friendly but the position of port royal with all the OP DLC   ships sailing there 24/7 made not a very good experience in the end.


So here i am asking for an advice for a new nation.

My thought atm about nations are:

Pirates - Very strange. They behave like a normal faction Don't have different gimmicks. Don't feel like pirates. No good.

Prussian -  I think most of them are germans and i don't understand anything about german language.

Russia - Same thing as the germans.

United  States - i don't have an opinion about them. They have strong presence around the Bahamas (north )

Danish - lacks players?

Dutch - The dutch would be a great option unfortanely that alliance with french and the position in the map will make a similar experience  i had with the french. Probably to easy and boring.

Sweden - Sounds the better option for a exciting balanced game. They are allied with the Danish? 


Please share your thoughts.


Thank you for reading  

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Brits USA and Pirates are almost the same. Pirates have many new players because of Disney pirates, Brits because  of most well known naval power, nelson and Jack Aubrey. New players are most of the time laser focused on grinding aka being a carebear. That leads to clashes with more experienced players. US is different but same. Many real US guys join this nation because I mean they are part of this nation already :).

New players mean they attract enemy players because it's easy to hunt and kill noobs. So those 3 nation are actual the worst place for a new player - like you figured out by yourself.

Best advice I can give (because it looks like you already own the forge paper dlc) try out as many nation as you can. Stay where you like it most. It's EA time for testing.


Edited by z4ys
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During Early Access do a Nation's Tour, when you feel drowsy and bored, change nation. Fresh chat, fresh coastlines, fresh enemies and OW situations. Keep a low profile, engage with the community here and there. Reputation is all so don't set anything on stone and don't make enemies everywhere.

On release you should have a strong idea of what flag to fly.

In truth is not about a nation, but more about the community and the handful of players you will be spending the most time with.


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Offended not mentioning Poland. 

We are a strong nation of iron men slowly taking over the caribbean. Currently on full scale war with spain and about to crush them, after that the Dutch and French. 

Once those three nations are dealt with i will announce myself Emperor and you shall all bow yer heads.


Oh and don't worry about we lost two ports recently, part of our strategy. We know what we are doing.


Hail Emperor Po.


Hurray, hurray, hurray!



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3 hours ago, Lovec1990 said:

im thinking about Leaving british. 

Guys some questions about France:

1.)What is diplomatic situation with other nations?

2.)Are most players from EU?

3.)i hope most people speak english? 


1) As I understand it, we are working with the Dutch and the Spanish to fight the Swedes (because the actual French players have a hue vendetta so it guess that means content for us?) But I also make a point to run around some other ports just to keep interested. We have a presence in Hispaniola, which is good for hitting KPR. We are on the East cost of the US, we are active in the Gulf and then south of Bensalem, and FR isn't far from Hat and Christiansted so the French really are set up for content anywhere (which is why I am confused that No One wasn't finding content. He just wasn't looking for it (though I can understand how daunting it is too get across the map like that to build an outpost) 

2) It depends on when your prime time is. I am CST and there are several clans that I am able to sail with that are almost exclusively English speaking and just about all of the captains are in North America.

3) See point 2. 

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6 hours ago, no one said:

So here i am asking for an advice for a new nation.

I think you should rather consider clans, not nations. What's the time you play at? What is your style of gameplay? What do you want to get out of it?

If you're online around 18-23, or 24-2 server time and search for a PvP/RvR - focused clan that can teach you how to go from a beginning / average captain to a really good one, you're welcome to join us in MAGA, US. We have right now quite experienced 9 players, ready to teach others :) Our goal is to "Make America Great Again"  (all associations are purely random) - help US get back on their feet.

If your goals is PvE, trading, different playing hours etc., you may want to ask around and consider joining them. If you want easy fights and lots of victories, other clans may be good as well - US has strong enemies around.

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Btw, Sweden will probably also work for you. I'd advice Cabal. HRE is a bit german-focused now I think (previously it wasn't so). The whole nation is quite welcoming to new people, with a lot of action.

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Honestly this game has to many nations right now and needs less and than keep it more about clans of those key nations.  I would keep your US, GB, FRANCE, PAIN as the core starting nations that are kinda easy mode (large safe zones for starting that should be PvE only zones).   Than take Swede and Danes and merge them in to Dutch (this would be a wipe thing so we don't get a mega nation).  Drop all three of the impossible nations or what ever you want to call them.  They should never been in the game in the first place.  Instead take those mechanics and make what they promised the pirates a long time ago and make a OUTLAW NATION.  No safe zone and no capital, if they want ports they have to take them and hold them.  To be all honestly I would make this the pirates, but if they have to be a nation give them Kidds and make them only able to become in game not chargen start.  If you want to become a pirate you have to go pirate in game.  If you don't want to be pirate any more use your forge papers or delete you char.  Pirates/outlaw should be the hard core mod of the game.   Screw the Disney folks as if they want to play those type of chars they can do it in hard core mode, this isn't some silly Sea of Thieves or other cartoonist game after all.  With that make Mort a neutral port for all nations to use in the center of the map, kinda like how Pitts use to be a neutral port for every one to use (well all nationals.)

As for now I would do like Hetwill said use your forge papers or just delete your char (if you did the Final Exam you come back at that level I believe any way) and test them all out each month until you find one you like.

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2 hours ago, Galt said:

1) As I understand it, we are working with the Dutch and the Spanish to fight the Swedes (because the actual French players have a hue vendetta so it guess that means content for us?) But I also make a point to run around some other ports just to keep interested. We have a presence in Hispaniola, which is good for hitting KPR. We are on the East cost of the US, we are active in the Gulf and then south of Bensalem, and FR isn't far from Hat and Christiansted so the French really are set up for content anywhere (which is why I am confused that No One wasn't finding content. He just wasn't looking for it (though I can understand how daunting it is too get across the map like that to build an outpost) 

2) It depends on when your prime time is. I am CST and there are several clans that I am able to sail with that are almost exclusively English speaking and just about all of the captains are in North America.

3) See point 2. 

Thanks for answers sadly i am CET so it looks i might be wrong timezone for French nation

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7 hours ago, Lovec1990 said:

im thinking about Leaving british. 

Guys some questions about France:

1.)What is diplomatic situation with other nations?

2.)Are most players from EU?

3.)i hope most people speak english? 


1) The diplomatic situation it is the best and the worst at the same time.  They are allied with the dutch and the spanish. So: if you want a peaceful trader experience and make Miliiions  great. If you want PVP very bad.  However you can always join the french in the Bahamas or Gulf of Mexico to get a better pvp experience.  Of course you can do what you want and attack dutch and spanish traders but this will bring some annoying situations.

2) Yes i believe so.

3) Most of them can write a reasonable english the same way i do.  To talk  i don't have any idea. I joined in two operations with them but i never joined them in TS. ( i use discord )



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7 hours ago, Po Tsai said:

Offended not mentioning Poland. 

We are a strong nation of iron men slowly taking over the caribbean. Currently on full scale war with spain and about to crush them, after that the Dutch and French. 

Once those three nations are dealt with i will announce myself Emperor and you shall all bow yer heads.


Oh and don't worry about we lost two ports recently, part of our strategy. We know what we are doing.


Hail Emperor Po.


Hurray, hurray, hurray!



Sorry it wasn't my intention to offend anyone. But from a historical point of view i really don't understand why there is Poland in game and not my country Portugal.

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I haven't played NA regularly in a long time, but when I played for France, it was boring. Very little PvP, hardly anyone in chat spoke English... I eventually joined an English-speaking clan, but was then introduced to the player-made diplomacy between nations that was going on at the time. The guys on Teamspeak talked about spending hours setting up alliances with other nations' clans. Suddenly, just as I was progressing far enough into the game to be looking for fights with other players, I now had to follow these alliances. Instead of being able to attack anyone who wasn't French, I wasn't supposed to attack players from nations who we were allied with. One week we'd be allied with the Dutch and fighting the Swedes and the Brits, the next week we'd be allied with the Swedes against the Dutch. A war would get started, we'd win or lose a few ports (not that I ever fought in the PBs), and then suddenly I'd log in and hear that it was over and we weren't to attack those guys, and that instead we were fighting a nation halfway across the map from where we were. As if it wasn't hard enough to find PvP, if the nations nearest us were off limits, that made it seem so much worse. It was like people were desperate to find reasons not to fight. And then almost the whole clan went inactive, so I was back to not being able to understand anyone in chat. I was so frustrated after that that I haven't had much enthusiasm for the game ever since. 

Edited by Arvenski
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1 hour ago, Lovec1990 said:

Thanks for answers sadly i am CET so it looks i might be wrong timezone for French nation

Sorry to hear that. I am not at all familiar with the European side of the server clans but I can recommend GB. It's good and central, from what I recall they have a large European playerbase, and they like to be at odd with everyone so there is plenty of content. Find yourself a good group of captains that you like and stick with them. I'd say that the game is definitely more aligned along clan lines that have national restrictions as opposed to entire nations that have an agenda. 

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8 minutes ago, Arvenski said:

I haven't played NA regularly in a long time, but when I played for France, it was boring. Very little PvP, hardly anyone in chat spoke English... I eventually joined an English-speaking clan, but was then introduced to the player-made diplomacy between nations that was going on at the time. The guys on Teamspeak talked about spending hours setting up alliances with other nations' clans. Suddenly, just as I was progressing far enough into the game to be looking for fights with other players, I now had to follow these alliances. Instead of being able to attack anyone who wasn't French, I wasn't supposed to attack players from nations who we were allied with. One week we'd be allied with the Dutch and fighting the Swedes and the Brits, the next week we'd be allied with the Swedes against the Dutch. A war would get started, we'd win or lose a few ports (not that I ever fought in the PBs), and then suddenly I'd log in and hear that it was over and we weren't to attack those guys, and that instead we were fighting a nation halfway across the map from where we were. As if it wasn't hard enough to find PvP, if the nations nearest us were off limits, that made it seem so much worse. It was like people were desperate to find reasons not to fight. And then almost the whole clan went inactive, so I was back to not being able to understand anyone in chat. I was so frustrated after that that I haven't had much enthusiasm for the game ever since. 

The rules nowadays, at least as far as I am concerned is; anything in the open world is permitted. I remember when alliances were a big deal and certain nations were off limits but now it seems like that rule only applies for ports (which is really a better way, I think.) we don't flip their ports, they don't flip ours, but if we see each other on the blue then it's fair game. (Not that I attack everyone I can, I still have people I won't touch but that's more a personal thing for other captains and not other nations.)

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2 hours ago, rediii said:

game needs less with current population. With 2000 though?

Lets be honest we are never going to see 2K again in game.  We be more lucky to shoot for the 2K mark.  We had less Nations back than (well 3 less) and it did just fine.  A lot of our population problems is cause we have to many nations and players spread out.  Lower the number of nations and you get some what bigger nations with more players in them.  


OP Swedes an interesting pick, I honestly got to say I have yet to play that nation, but every nation at one time except it or the Dutch.   Maybe I'll have to send a freelancer alt over that way before release for a while (mains staying in US until release).

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1 hour ago, Arvenski said:

I haven't played NA regularly in a long time, but when I played for France, it was boring. Very little PvP, hardly anyone in chat spoke English... I eventually joined an English-speaking clan, but was then introduced to the player-made diplomacy between nations that was going on at the time. The guys on Teamspeak talked about spending hours setting up alliances with other nations' clans. Suddenly, just as I was progressing far enough into the game to be looking for fights with other players, I now had to follow these alliances. Instead of being able to attack anyone who wasn't French, I wasn't supposed to attack players from nations who we were allied with. One week we'd be allied with the Dutch and fighting the Swedes and the Brits, the next week we'd be allied with the Swedes against the Dutch. A war would get started, we'd win or lose a few ports (not that I ever fought in the PBs), and then suddenly I'd log in and hear that it was over and we weren't to attack those guys, and that instead we were fighting a nation halfway across the map from where we were. As if it wasn't hard enough to find PvP, if the nations nearest us were off limits, that made it seem so much worse. It was like people were desperate to find reasons not to fight. And then almost the whole clan went inactive, so I was back to not being able to understand anyone in chat. I was so frustrated after that that I haven't had much enthusiasm for the game ever since. 

Yes it can be boring sometimes. When i played with the french i attacked anyone i saw in the OW. But then the dead would come to whine to the french clan leaders about my actions. And they would come to talk to me , well only in the beginning.  For everytime i attacked a dutch or spanish trader i had to explain to him that there isn't a peace treaty between nations, that is impossible, what really exists is a peace treaty between the top clans. Of course after a while i got tired to explain this all the time. 

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26 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

OP Swedes an interesting pick, I honestly got to say I have yet to play that nation, but every nation at one time except it or the Dutch.   Maybe I'll have to send a freelancer alt over that way before release for a while (mains staying in US until release).

 My first impressions about their homeland islands is that it looks like a maze. Interesting place to sail. 

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3 hours ago, no one said:

1) The diplomatic situation it is the best and the worst at the same time.  They are allied with the dutch and the spanish. So: if you want a peaceful trader experience and make Miliiions  great. If you want PVP very bad.  However you can always join the french in the Bahamas or Gulf of Mexico to get a better pvp experience.  Of course you can do what you want and attack dutch and spanish traders but this will bring some annoying situations.

2) Yes i believe so.

3) Most of them can write a reasonable english the same way i do.  To talk  i don't have any idea. I joined in two operations with them but i never joined them in TS. ( i use discord )



You realize we have no pvp allegiances with anyone. In the open world everyone is fair game. But with RVR we try and help out the dutch versus the Swedish, Ruso, Danish, Polish, British(they seem to be aligned) doom fleets.

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2 hours ago, RedNeckMilkMan said:

You realize we have no pvp allegiances with anyone. In the open world everyone is fair game. But with RVR we try and help out the dutch versus the Swedish, Ruso, Danish, Polish, British(they seem to be aligned) doom fleets.

Tell that to the spanish and dutch traders not to me.

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12 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

Lets be honest we are never going to see 2K again in game.  We be more lucky to shoot for the 2K mark.  We had less Nations back than (well 3 less) and it did just fine.  A lot of our population problems is cause we have to many nations and players spread out.  Lower the number of nations and you get some what bigger nations with more players in them.  


OP Swedes an interesting pick, I honestly got to say I have yet to play that nation, but every nation at one time except it or the Dutch.   Maybe I'll have to send a freelancer alt over that way before release for a while (mains staying in US until release).

I think you seriously underestimate the potential of this game. If we still pull 500 with pvp being completely rekt by pay2win DLC ships, then we can easily pull 2k. Frankly the game is unlittered kitty-shit and has been unlittered kitty-shit for 2 years. Not because NA was a better game before then, but because 2 years ago everything was dropped and redone, and we are just now getting back on track with new content.

Call me an optimist but it's not too late for NA, hell if anything NA came too soon.

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