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Open world UI feedback (2018)

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I like the open world UI. Good job overall. Just 2 comments:

The windows are just too large and cover too much of the screen. I think these small adjustments could help a lot:

  • Font size could be 2pt smaller
  • Reduze padding (white space) in tables and boxes by 50%

And please replace the compass:

  • Style should fit to the rest of the UI. It seems a little out of place...
  • Background should be semi-transparent for better contrast.
  • In real life sailing, the wind indicator tip (arrow tip) always points into the direction where the wind is coming from, not the other way round. Would be great if you could implement this in the options so that the user can turn around the wind direction. 


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The little ship painting that pops up when you click on a ship is pretty, but it's useless taking up too much area for no purpose.

Best option is actually make it a painting of the ship that is tagged. This will help us all learn ship identification. Otherwise, might as well get rid of it.

I agree with some others who suggested the map could gain detail as you explore around an area. Or perhaps extra detailed charts should be a DLC? I would love to see detailed charts and some mapping/charting/navigation tools appropriate to the era come in to the game.

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On 6/25/2018 at 6:21 PM, Banished Privateer said:


Just to be clear.  The ordinal indicators in English are unique for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  The th indicator is used for all the other numbers. 

Edited by Greysteak
removed extra space in 1st and plural "other"
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Reposting for @vazco:

There are two things missing in a new fleet interface:

  • names of upgrades and knowledge skills mounted on a given ship (there's only an information of how manu upgrades are there)
  • BR of your ship

First one is more important, second one was a nice addition.


  • on map double-click could always show protractor, without a need to press a button. There's also no reason to hide it.
  • when searching a port on the edge of the map, map could be zoomed more, or centered on the city. Second option would require also drawing edges of the map (eg. an old game "Imperial glory" does this beautifully, however in a semi-3d)
Edited by Capn Rocko
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Not a bug.. but possibly an unintended design flaw:

On the ship repair screen, you can press "A" and "D" to move the crew slider. This is annoying when leaving a battle and needing to repair crew/armour/sail damage quickly while running away from revenge fleets. Once I leave battle, I usually have to turn my ship with the "A" and "D" keys and if i am using the "A" key, to turn left, then I am lowering my crew slider at the same time. Not a huge deal, but kinda annoying. 

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  • 1 month later...

When I press "T" i can hide the chat windows. Thats ok. What is annoying is that i have to hide it everytime i leave a port or a battle again. It should stay hidden till i press T again.

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On 6/25/2018 at 1:55 PM, Wind said:

FPS/Ping/Online should be moved somewhere else. It gets in the way of the chat box.


Many images are not Centered, Please fix. Center text first, then center image based on text center. 



How it should look


Also, why water is green? Make it light blue. Darker closer to the hull and lighter away from it. 

One thing is mathematics, other is aesthetics. Every image has its visual center of gravity. Dark colors influence the point more. And moving/pointing things look better when they have some space where to go.

Not saying the original is optimal, but your version is very "right heavy", doesn't seem balanced and pleasing to the eye. It looks like the ship is leaving the picture.

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P.s. i think the picture is very tricky because it combines text and assymetric painting. Maybe it would help if the water was below all ship parts including bow.

Regarding the center of gravity, it should be slightly more to left because of the ship did pointing to the right. The water should be more extended to right, so it is aligned with the center text.

I will make picture when i get to pc maybe.

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On 9/1/2018 at 11:59 AM, Voi_Ta said:


Not saying the original is optimal, but your version is very "right heavy", doesn't seem balanced and pleasing to the eye. It looks like the ship is leaving the picture.

My version is Windows Paint Version or 1 minute example... lol , it's clearly off center and not tricky at all. Another ugly problem is loading screen images, they have same eraser brush used to make image blend in into the black and if you look closer you will find problems there as well. 

Edited by Wind
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:


Why is this picture for multiple items? Just a place holder?

My understanding is that differentiation for icons will occur in a future update.  For now, using the search function is your best bet to quickly narrow down what you're looking for (I even do this in Windows to open files and programs that I want, I rarely use the windows application popup any more).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Need inventory interface for both OW UI and port UI that shows all buildings and warehouse contents so we can make decisions without having to teleport or make port. Also, part of this should be ship inventory as well as hold contents for all ships.

Edited by Hugh Latham
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Came back to the game last week after month away from a pc, maybe it is because i am used to the old interface but it's hard to find how to repair your hull or sails from the ow, it is not very intuitive to me.

Same after capturing a trader and putting it in fleet, back in ow it took me a while to understand that i either have to scroll right or enlarge the window to see it appear somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Icons suck!

They all use the same picture!

Why does salt look like other items?

Hate the damn refresh everytime you have to split or move something.  More noticable on the new UI and painful on the eyes!

Please make the ports actually look like ports with real docks, especially Nation Capital Ports!  Capital ports currently look like remote outposts with a dock barely big enough for a dingy!

Now that we are stuck looking at the ports in the new UI, the docks and buildings with 40ft tall doors need fixing ASAP!

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3 minutes ago, Kilo60 said:

Icons suck!

They all use the same picture!

Why does salt look like other items?

Hate the damn refresh everytime you have to split or move something.  More noticable on the new UI and painful on the eyes!

They're working on those things, relax.

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I find the fleet-size indication in OW  problematic, just knowing that an ai Indef' sails along 2 medium sized ship don't help motivate players to engage as you always imagine the largest kind of ships, while it could possibly be two Cerberus. Same can be said for The "large" & "small" indications, a 3rd rate fleet is not the same as facing multiple 1st rate, or a lynx a niagara."


I would prefer something like "fleet composition one schooner, one light brig (snow/brig) - -war brig (mercury/ navybrig) -heavy brig (niag), corvette,   light-medium-heavy frigate, one two-decked warship, 1st rate"

Edited by Baptiste Gallouédec
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