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Patch 23: Updated Tutorial, Special ship and new UI teaser.


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Patch is being deployed to live servers
Patch notes:

  • Combat Tutorial
    • Updated combat tutorial has been deployed.
    • All tutorials have been improved and updated based on feedback
      • pursuit and capture tutorial reset button does not work properly - if you want to retry exit it and start again
    • Final Exam added
    • Important. Final exam grants 2 rare items on completion: Hercules Frigate (ship note) and Naval Clock permanent upgrade. Use them wisely. 

Hercules frigate. (also known as Fragata Hercules or Fragata Negra)


  • Patrols
    • Frigate ONLY patrols added to the rotation
  • Clan logs added
    • Money log – showing money and pvp/combat/victory mark deposits and withdrawals
    • Resource log – showing everything else
  • Reinforcement update
    • Reinforcement zones support is updated. Local waters will now provide support appropriate to the strength of the attacker (instead of 2 1strates per attacker).
  • Chain update. 
    • Chain shot are now limited by 2 shots per gun. This will not require a perk or acquisition of ammo. 
    • Chain damage greatly increased.
    • Chain damage drop from distance increased. 
  • OW enemy indications updated.
    • Ship rank indication removed, players will have to rely on the visual recognition.
      • Fleet composition now only shows size of the ship (S – small, M – medium, L – Large), as you can only see top sails from 20-30miles
  • PvE missions cancellations are now limited by 3 per day
  • Towns set Free for All by clans now provide teleport option for all nations
  • Standard hull and sail repair time has increased to 2 minutes 
  • Resource production bonuses in clan owned cities slightly increased 
  • Sinking ship will have less cargo damaged by salt water intake.
  • Minimal OW speed against the wind has slightly increased. It will still depend on ship but will be generally 1kn higher.
  • Сrew on sails numbers updated and generally reduced (based on final sail area recalculations)
  • Сrew per ranks updated on higher ranks (rear admiral rank can now support 1400 crew)
  • PVE missions enemy composition improved (especially on lower level missions which sometimes sent too many strong opponents)
  • Boarding upgrades informational panel slightly improved (it will be more obvious what bonuses do)
  • Contract cancellation texts slightly improved.
  • Max stack for bow figures has increased
  • Ports can now buy more books without dropping the price
  • Ship capsizing bug will now happen less. 
  • Fixed the bug that caused slower loading of port stores
  • Improved the visualization of heavy packetloss causing loss of ship control.
    • Player will now see the special message on the client if this happens;
    • After showing this message for some time client will automatically drop the player to login screen if game cannot reconnect to the server to speed up the reconnect chance.
  • Fix bug that did not show the repairs after reconnect to the battle
  • Fixed bug that some resources did not show in contract interface 
    • Contraband goods 
    • Madagascar Jewels 
    • Spanish gold coins 
    • French Gold Livres 
    • Stolen goods
  • Fixed bug that Trading NPCs cannot exit the battle after battle over message
  • Fixed bug caused incorrect item tooltips if antialiasing is on.
  • Fixed bug causing incorrect name of the ship in boarding interface
  • Fixed bug that still shown the instance entry button if the limit has already been reached
  • Fixed the bug that did not show the Sail to outpost button in some cases
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes gave you a message that «you can become a pirate» in rare cases


Teaser from the new UI.
This is work in progress and visuals might change during implementation

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1 minute ago, Kjartan said:

Sinking ship will have less cargo damaged by salt water intake

does this mean that ive lost all the best loot by sinking then looting as opposed to just boarding and looting? and is that no longer the case

Less the case. most loot can be had by boarding.

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50 minutes ago, admin said:

PvE missions cancellations are now limited by 3 per day

 The way this works in game right now, I think might need to be changed. You have it set, so if you use your 3 "cancellations" you can then no longer drop missions at all. So if i have 3 combat missions outside my capital and then want to go do hostility missions you cant pick them up as your stuck with your 3 combat orders and you would have to do these first, even if they were in terrible spots that would get you killed.

Perhaps changing it so hostility missions have there own separate "cancellations"  would work and also allow us to have 3 combat/fleet missions plus 3 hostility missions (or 1-2) at same time would solve the problem.

Edited by Chug
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What the heck is the Ship's Clock?  Can you capture the Hercules?  Very interested to see what tactics develop from the Chain mod....Should be very interesting.  The days of smaller ships standing off and flinging chain at the big boys is past, I think.  Get in to knife range!  Arrrrrr!

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@admin In the endurance exam, when you sink the first ship it spawns a second ship but you have no longer access to hull repair (if you try to use them a second time they do not work). Is it work as intended or a bug?

I also sunk the first ship, but not the second, and the tutorial was not marked completed. Is that a number of ships that shall be sunk (2 - 3) to complete it?


Edited by victor
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