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REDS + VCO Change Nation


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1 minute ago, Wraith said:

Few members of VOLVO and others.  They're a very rare breed but can be spotted in their natural habitat well within the borders of the Gustavia green zone, sent scurrying at the mere sight of sails on the horizon.  You have to be vewy vewy quiet to catch a glimpse.

VOLVO is Chinese, also i heard they have to play on 900 ping. So i admire them that they are even still playing tbh

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While I think their obsession with each other is slightly weird, I fail to see what actions on the part of KoC you consider bannable....  I may have missed it, but I haven’t seen him openly state his intention to “break the game”.  

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4 hours ago, Wraith said:

Then the communists starved.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The wheel goes round, so bust it up.

Correction: The population starved under the tsarist regime and it starved under the communist regime.. In Cuba they did get free health care though, and a better educational system than the US.. Only had to endure the torture of political dissidents.... Like... Waterboarding..

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10 hours ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

VCO has already abandoned all their ports. Could this be in anticipation of switching nations? The tension is palpable...

Or because they are afraid of getting their asses kicked now that REDS is no longer russian and RUS haven't been seen in numbers for ages..

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5 hours ago, Christendom said:


rediii and the old swede multi flip coalition can easily defend all our ports that we will use for Econ.   

Win win for everyone 

try to cry a bit less.. The russians, spanish and french multiflipped the swedes - and the swedes defended and won 3/4 if I recall correctly.. The Swedes and pirates flipped two ports in close proximity to each other and we had a PB in good time for the russians to jump to Guyama and get a deff fleet ready.. The russians lost two, won one and like the girls they are they had a tantrum.. But stop whining about multiflips - we were multiflipped at Grindstone and Fajardo and we had to prioritize..

And we didn't even get a decent PB because you guys lacked the balls to show up and the spanish must've had a boring PB as well since theirs were empty.. I could understand if DK/NG were crying a bit over getting multiflipped - lord knows we've got a small but decent community.. But the russians crying over getting multiflipped when they've been doing it themselves AND has 3 times the numbers as Denmark-Norway has.... That's just embarrasing.. Switch or not you'll forever be a bitch Annie.. 

But I still got this one for you:


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8 minutes ago, WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot said:

I would've loved to watch @Jeheil 's L2tK video about this unfolding drama. 

   You're all wristy wombly wombats !! :P


Yes.. Actually @Jeheil is a sorely missed commentator on the current events..

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7 hours ago, Bearwall said:

Correction: The population starved under the tsarist regime and it starved under the communist regime.. In Cuba they did get free health care though, and a better educational system than the US.. Only had to endure the torture of political dissidents.... Like... Waterboarding..

I am European but worked and lived in Cuba for some years across the late nineties and the early twothousands (after the so called "periodo especial"), both in la Habana, Holguin and Santiago de Cuba. Believe me when I tell you that the great part of Cuban population - in particular outside la Habana and in the eastern part of the country - suffered from severe food problems and free health care is nothing but a myth: curing disease needs in fact remedies and machines ... that they had not. So basically, after the USSR ceased to give money to the regime, they actually had free access to  ... an almost "empty" health care system.

Not mentioning the total control of the regime and the political persecution against anyone that tried to show any minimal dissent even in private sphere. If you were a cuban and dared to post something like the post I quoted (of course if you directed your irony against the Cuban regime), first time you would have been taken by night in your home by a posse of "angry citizens" (agents of the regime with no uniform) and beaten very hard and - in case you did it another time - you would have been convicted to at least 5 years of jail as a "counter-revolutionary" on the basis of fake accuses of the same "angry citizens".

About Cuba a lot people tend to refer the "romantic image" built in the western world about the cuban revolution, without having been actually there (and by "actually" I mean living and working with Cuban people, not getting there on holyday).

Point is that Cuban revolution was one thing but the subsequent communist regime was another story (if you google "Camilo Cienfuegos" and "Huber Matos" you will have an idea of what I am talking about)

Sorry for the digression but I love Cuba so much and then I hardly stand when the tragic situation of Cuban people is somehow denied or underestimated.



Edited by victor
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All of this just reaffirms my early assumption upon returning to this game a few months ago after a couple years break.. That the server/community is dominated by a handful of veteran  players with way too much free time competing against one another at the possible longer term detriment of the player base.


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9 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

While I think their obsession with each other is slightly weird, I fail to see what actions on the part of KoC you consider bannable....  I may have missed it, but I haven’t seen him openly state his intention to “break the game”.  

only as a troll post when the Russians and Spanish were actually breaking the game with their port swapping. 

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2 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

@DesMoines @King of Crowns Can we join France?

sure. will be a good time. but  on a serious note if you guys just treat chrisy like the black sheep he will go elsewhere in a few weeks. he wont have a fleet with him anymore. and he will need support in order to get pasts screens. 

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@Christendom, you really like crying about multiflips, but you should ask your buddies Anolytic, Kloothommel, and Bernadotte how Sweden handled their multiflips back when the conquest competition was just introduced. They held their own against the Danes, French, Sorry and the Brits. Anolityc even came on the Dutch TS to 'ask' (read semi-threaten) us not to attack the Brits at Santa Marta that weekend. Did Sweden then roll over and join the Danes? Nope, they manned up, got organized and defended what they could defend and abandoned what they could't. They came out stronger because their fleet was now forged in the hottest fire. And they earned my respect. Something you will never have.

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