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Patch 13: Variability in port battles, epic events, swivel guns


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BR is fine for PBs.  Please tune the ports a bit better.  1700 for a deep 4th and 3100 for a shallow isn't really ideal.  

I'm glad screening is back in some capacity.  Sailing with 25 in a battle group unmolested to a port because of BR was just so generic and stale.  A PB should be a national/multi clan effort, screening involves everyone, not just the elite 25.  This isn't a port battle simulator, if you want one go play World of Warships.  The OW should be an important aspect to a PB and that means navigating to the port effectively. 

I'd also put in some sort of min ship requirement for ports.  A higher BR port should have maybe 10 lineships as a minimum to join just so some jerks don't trigger PBs and sail around in Lnyxs wasting everyone's time.  

Decent patch.  People need to chillout.  Just because you can't roll up to the same old ports in the same old 25man vic fleet doesn't mean we should scrap the BR PBs entirely.  Things need tweaking and that takes time. 

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53 minutes ago, rediii said:

No fc can command a fleet effectivly that is composed trough 4 different type of ships.

You will see 2 different shiptypes soon commanded with a 3rd for sepcial tasks. thats it.

1 Ocean 625 br

2 bucentaur 900 br

4 wasa 1000 br

10 Essex 1800 br

5 hermione 700 br

1 mortar brig 75 br

5100 br fleet, 23 ships

where exactly is the problem commanding this fleet? 

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Feedback on  Epic Event

These are from 4 Gold Chests (Minus the Repairs/Rum)



We had 5 folks and nearly lost 2 1st rates on our first trial run. I swear the 1st rate AI are similar to reinforcement 1st rates.

For PvE it was both challenging and enjoyable, the rewards also speak for themselves and from my PoV look good. There is possibly arguments to adjust the rewards, but for the effort it took to bring these chests safely back to a port I'd say the rewards are justified (if not I wish we got more rare resources).


Edited by Teutonic
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I am totally stuck on swivel guns. Please, please, please can we have a different button for loading swivel guns vs. lumping them into the "Left Side, Right Side". Stopping a gun deck reloading ball 2-3 floors below the sterncastle so that the 2pdr swivels can load grape to ward off boarding parties is kinda crazy making. 

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Big clans dont care about hostility missions as they can save the day by screening.  Not sure if someone else cares too much from hostility missions.  Hostility can be done whenever which makes protecting against it very difficult.  Screening can bring 100x 1st rate + deny port battle earned through hostility.

People has to be able to really defend against hostility missions.  Maybe hostility mission to have the same BR limits as Port Battle.  Some % from PB BR limit might work as well.  This way small clans in 1700 port can fight good battles in hostility missions.

Screening is poison for hostility.  Bigger is better, screening provides X hours when we skip all mechanisms.  I really liked screening idea, but have to admit that I have been slowly turning towards lobby.  If you succeed in hostility missions, you have earned your port battle rights.  Not sure how we stop night flipping hostility.

I think we can have lobbies and remove screening.  If you did not screen hostility missions, after that it is too late.  Hostility phase will get bigger role.

Lobby has one very big benefit vs screening.  Can have endless amount of scenarios for port battles.  If scenario is complicated, screening makes it very difficult for players to get right kind of setup for that specific scenario.  Simply put, we can create better port battles without screening.


Removing screening is difficult as many really like it.  I would at least test lobby.  Maybe screening like social activity can be created around hostility missions.

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9 hours ago, rediii said:

Actually fixing the BR system would eliminate monofleets.


But also only monofleets are commandable, everything else is "go in and brawl" but it would actually help if ship BR is on point.

Nope, you explained in your 2nd point why^^

11 minutes ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

I'm pretty sure that future PBs will prove you wrong.

Maybe yeah, but monofleet with fill-ships looks pretty strong to me. You have maximum numbers to cap circles and good firepower while you are also able to command them. Why do you think people will use mixed fleets?

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Im trying to withold with a judgement until we had some more PB's - i am tho a bit sceptical.

We need ship BR fixed and port limits reviewed.

What i can tell you from now is:
- It is an organisational nightmare to get the right guys into the right ships.
- It leads to a very non-inclusive PB crowd, where you before easily could intergrate and school new guys, is now very hard and risky.
- RvR minded people need a gazillion of ships ready to be "in the gang" at all times, due to many different limits on ports.
- Not very well organized countries are without any chance of success, i think what the devs wanted was the opposite?

Not only it has become more complicated to do RvR, you even need more guys now, because you need to ensure that your puny little PB fleet is not eaten by a 1st rate screening as snack by bringing your own counter-Screening.

I have to give redii right that it is a bit putting us off that PB get downgraded from the awesomness of stricly led trafalgar style linebattles to a back ally brawl fight. Portbattles is for what we (sure redii and me) play the game for, for those 90 minutes pure excitment. First Impression was somewhat not that positive.

This is not a final statement and we shall test further.

Edited by sveno
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9 minutes ago, Cortez said:

To be honest i am not a fan of new PVP speed rewards. Thought the game had this solved, because it had this problem already.

Now again speed boosters... Why?


You do realize Loodsman is OW speed only?

Naval Hull Refit though.. why? It makes all these +2% speed refits with drawbacks absolutely obsolete. And it has no drawback. raceboat ganking is back.

Edited by Quineloe
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29 minutes ago, sveno said:

1. It is an organisational nightmare to get the right guys into the right ships.
2. It leads to a very non-inclusive PB crowd, where you before easily could intergrate and school new guys, is now very hard and risky.
3. RvR minded people need a gazillion of ships ready to be "in the gang" at all times, due to many different limits on ports.
4. Not very well organized countries are without any chance of success, i think what the devs wanted was the opposite?

I have to give redii right that it is a bit putting us off that PB get downgraded from the awesomness of stricly led trafalgar style linebattles to a back ally brawl fight.

Portbattles is for what we (sure redii and me) play the game for, for those 90 minutes pure excitment. First Impression was somewhat not that positive.

1. I dont understand this.  If they are not able to balance ships there will be couple most used ships and thats it.  I had tens of ships when I was playing actively, ability to build any ship I wanted.  In a big clan, how this could be an issue really?

Only real thing here is screening.  May not get the setup you wanted because there are 25x 1st rate screening the port.

2. I have no idea how this could be an issue.

3. Dont believe this is going to be an issue.

4. I think this is going to help less organized nations and clans.  They can always focus to capture smaller ports, like for example 1700 BR ports.

And the rest?  An issue that really is not there in the first place.  They can make a port or two with 10000000000000000 BR limit to get those dump 25 vs 25 1st rate battles if people really want that utter crap.

BR limit is one of the best things that has happened for RvR in long time.  We may finally, one day, get realistic port battles, maybe even like a Trafalgar port battle.  Dont really understand why and how HC RvR PB fans can see bad in this.  Time to celebrate as those utterly dump 25vs25 1st rates are history.

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Just now, Intrepido said:

People speaks a lot about Trafalgar. Maybe they should look at the fleet composition of the fleets involved.

Ships of 64, 74, 80, 88, 98, 106, 112 and 138 guns were involved in that battle. And they received support from smaller units as frigates.

This change is not going to result in a PB fleet being a few first and second rates and 18 Bellonas.

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I like the dynamic system of BR order of battle for PB. Given what has been said, that dev Berberouge did the research regarding the factors that dictated the battle sizes we surely must agree that the interval presented is good, but it can be improved.

Towns that barely have any usage - taxes close to 0 - should be baseline BR. While a booming town should see it increased to the 8500 or whatever.

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19 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

People speaks a lot about Trafalgar. Maybe they should look at the fleet composition of the fleets involved.

Ships of 64, 74, 80, 88, 98, 106, 112 and 138 guns were involved in that battle. And they received support from smaller units as frigates.

If people really look for a real PB, see the siege of Cartagena de Indias (1741).

don't get attached to the numbers.
Large ports (like cartagena or san juan or santo domingo) can have their numbers increased during any maintenance.
Lets discuss the limits - for example not letting cutters and lynxes into deep water port battles. 

Cartagena/Havana/San Juan/Santo domingo could definitely be increased. Some shallow ports decreased. Lets talk specifics. 

Historical note.
Trafalgar (lineships vs lineships) is still possible during screening.
But remember that Trafalgar had only 3 1st rates on the british side and 4 on the French/Spanish side. 7th first rates participated in trafalgar.


ps. can someone please calculate approximate BR for trafalgar if possible?


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