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Patch 12. Caribbean invasion


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Shouldnt it be "Korvettenkapitän" instead of XorAmXB.jpg for Prussia

Cant tell for the other ranks.


4 hours ago, Wolfram Harms said:

Yes - it should read "Korvettenkapitän". The German Captain is called "Kapitän".

The ranks in the the Reichsmarine and Germany's Navy today - I cannot tell, if they were the same in earlier Prussia, but I guess such things don't change much?

The ranks will be updated in a coming patch.

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6 minutes ago, Barberouge said:


The ranks will be updated in a coming patch.

Nice - thank you

Could we possibly for the future also be able to choose the displayed rank, depending on the ship we're sailing in open world? I'd love to be called a "Korvetten Kapitän" when sailing a Frigate :) Rather than a "Konteradmiral"

Edited by Liq
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2 minutes ago, Liq said:

Nice - thank you

Could we possibly for the future also be able to choos the displayed rank, depending on the ship we're sailing in open world? I'd love to be called a "Korvetten Kapitän" when sailing a Frigate :) Rather than a "Konteradmiral"

Evil to him who evil thinks. :P

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So I get on today and look at the map and get this.  BLACK doesn't own Arthur's Town on GLOBAL.   In fact a few of those ports around the Harbour Island aren't owned at all.  Well I just figured it out when I notice some Swedes and Spanish and other nations where in ports they weren't suppose to be in.   It's glitched the GLOBAL map for that one char to show both EU and GLOBAL ports owned on my map....lol

@Ink @admin I'll F11 it but might want to look into seeing why it does this. I did have two accounts on this morning on the diffrent servers checking something out at the same time.  


Ok I figured it out. I was on the EU server with this account this morning.  Went to bed and the game AFK idle out and when I logged in today I logged into GLOBAL (game was still running but logged out the whole time).   So I logged game out and than back in and map is back to normal.


Edited by Sir Texas Sir
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Before we get panicked shouts in forum about someone exploiting new damage system and forcing developers to turn it off , can we change it so that max xp your side can get from damage is limited by eg. 3x the xp that you would get for sinking ships that sank on both sides? (just an exame, I hope you get the idea) 

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3 hours ago, vazco said:

Before we get panicked shouts in forum about someone exploiting new damage system and forcing developers to turn it off , can we change it so that max xp your side can get from damage is limited by eg. 3x the xp that you would get for sinking ships that sank on both sides? (just an exame, I hope you get the idea) 

If some one honestly takes the time to exploit the system they honestly don't have a life. You can game more xp faster just killing Ai than doing the alt thing.  You still make more xp with assist and kills.   If your killing the alt to damage farm them than they will be posted all over combat news and well they should have a report system on that in case we see suspected farming.  Cause you can only kill your alt once an hour, if some one is getting kills every hour but no one has ever seen them out PvPing than it's a little noticeable they are alt farming.

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12 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

If some one honestly takes the time to exploit the system they honestly don't have a life. You can game more xp faster just killing Ai than doing the alt thing.  You still make more xp with assist and kills.   If your killing the alt to damage farm them than they will be posted all over combat news and well they should have a report system on that in case we see suspected farming.  Cause you can only kill your alt once an hour, if some one is getting kills every hour but no one has ever seen them out PvPing than it's a little noticeable they are alt farming.

Seriously. Yes.

Ive always thought that if one wanted to invest their time killing their alt then who cares? There are far more effective ways to earn xp, gold, and generate hostility than doing this.

Also, wealthy Rear Admirals who got there by committing alt suicide are not dangerous to anyone.

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On 10/16/2017 at 3:22 AM, Jon Snow lets go said:

Good patch, but

Do you think a doctor can make 100s of injured men battle-ready during boarding? Besides the realism its also a bad gamemechanic. Before that it was like: "Okay, I need to kill X crew so that I can win boarding." Thats not possible anymore when enemy has surgeon ready or if you dont know if he used it already.

You already could do it.. they only added the button so the ones that didnt realize it are on the same page. Just as likely the witch doctor can heal them with Healing Potions in a Boarding action as in actual combat:)

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On 10/16/2017 at 3:08 AM, admin said:

The balance in the world is threatened. 3 nations invaded the Caribbean. Prussian, Russian and Commonwealth Navy was spotted in the Bahamas in the vicinity of Shroud Cay.

If one is to commit to a fantasy about naval dominance in the West Indies, one must commit fully.  I suggest the following factions be added to expand on our options and cater to the player base of different backgrounds: Ottoman Empire, Qing Dynasty, Swiss Confederation.

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3 minutes ago, Arthur Brown said:

If one is to commit to a fantasy about naval dominance in the West Indies, one must commit fully.  I suggest the following factions be added to expand on our options and cater to the player base of different backgrounds: Ottoman Empire, Qing Dynasty, Swiss Confederation.

 I bet that will happen when the new nations are a success regarding their intention.

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7 hours ago, Liq said:

Could we possibly for the future also be able to choose the displayed rank, depending on the ship we're sailing in open world? I'd love to be called a "Korvetten Kapitän" when sailing a Frigate :) Rather than a "Konteradmiral"

So much this. Player rank isn't a real indicator of skill anyways, so displaying a lower than you actually have should not be a problem but quite the opposite. If some max rank player wants to sealclub some new players / low ranks, they could actually be high rank pvp players. Then the useless tossers lacking the balls to pick on their own size will have to man up and take their chances or hello kitty off. A very minor feature worth adding i would say...

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21 hours ago, Landsman said:

At 150 marks any idiot can get a Wasa... what's your point? I'd argue some of those Wasa captains could have been taken down by a snow... When both captains are equally skilled the constitution will get trashed...

I've fought some good captains whose skill I consider equal to mine. It didn't matter. Maybe you aren't good enough to take out a wasa with a Connie but don't lump the rest of us with you. Ship statistics only show a very small part of the ships capabilities. Only an armchair captain would make the broad sweeping generalizations youve been making. 

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2 minutes ago, Malachy said:

I've fought some good captains whose skill I consider equal to mine. It didn't matter. Maybe you aren't good enough to take out a wasa with a Connie but don't lump the rest of us with you. Ship statistics only show a very small part of the ships capabilities. Only an armchair captain would make the broad sweeping generalizations youve been making. 

Good, if stats don't matter you probably will have no problem to prove it and duel redii? Funny how nobody makes a thread or even comment about how constitution needs a nerf. Anyone can take out a Wasa with a connie if the Wasa captain is a scrub... how hard is that to understand? Also unless you really stood at the helm of USS Constitution during combat, you are a armchair captain aswell, like most players in NA...

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2 minutes ago, Landsman said:

Good, if stats don't matter you probably will have no problem to prove it and duel redii? Funny how nobody makes a thread or even comment about how constitution needs a nerf. Anyone can take out a Wasa with a connie if the Wasa captain is a scrub... how hard is that to understand? Also unless you really stood at the helm of USS Constitution during combat, you are a armchair captain aswell, like most players in NA...

If you read before you type I already agreed to fight Redii after the tournament. And Goldman is right the wasa can't hit a Connie that's close to it with its carronades. Or even it's 24 lb deck a lot of the time. The Connie doesn't have to be close though either. It just has to keep an oblique angle on the wasa where it can penetrate the wasa but the wasa shots bounce off. It's pretty easy to do actually. The wasa has several glaring problems. One it can't bounce shots for shit. Two, it takes a lot of crew damage when it takes damage, it sits really high in the water compared to the Connie so has targeting issues. And you can put enough leaks into it to sink it with one broadside if you shoot it from upwind and force it to turn. All in all, while it has lots of strengths, it's drawbacks puts it in the ingermanland column for me. I do own two or three of them, but I mainly sail the Connie I got from elite delta right after the wipe. It's been in over 150 battles so far and she won't die :)

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2 hours ago, Malachy said:

It's been in over 150 battles so far and she won't die

This is all i need to read, really. If you win 150 battles straight without losing a single you are ganking or targeting weaker players not taking even fights. If you play on competitive level your winrate may be high but never 100%... If you are simply so good that no other player has a chance, you should win the tournament even solo without breaking a sweat. Either way looking foward to your duel with redi... hope i have time to watch it completely.

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8 hours ago, William Roberts said:

I simply don't understand what this game is anymore.  It know it isn't Final Fantasy XVI; but it feels like it is trying really hard.

Its an alternative universe of the wooden warship era.

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@Ink @admin When will you guys do something about stern guns accuracy? They are way to accurate compared to bow guns and I can't see reasoning behind giving stern chasers laser guided accuracy.

EDIT: before someone says that bow is moving more, learn math first. Bow and stern pivot around same point so they shift at same angles and should have same accuracy

Edited by Zoky
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2 hours ago, Coraline Vodka said:

The stern was always more stable than the bow with more weight to the rear

Learn your angles :) If bow moves 15 degrees to left then stern must move 15 degrees to right. If bow goes 15 degrees up then stern must go 15 degrees down. Besides I have nothing against vertical motion of bow guns, problem is horizontal accuracy

EDIT: @Ink@admin Its late and you are probably sleeping so can you answer tomorrow? You know, talking to community and all that

Edited by Zoky
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