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Patch 11.0: New ships, Unity 5, Improved clan based conquest, and many other changes.


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this last patch was one of the best i have seen from the Devs . if they keep this up they will have a great game for release. key features i like

a number of ports for each nation are unconquerable , that is really important for the pve and carebear types. and its balanced because the big profit ports are conquerable.

reinforcement creates a semi safe area around unconquerable ports to encourage more carebears and pve players to join the game , that is really important to welcome more players. brilliant idea!!! do not change this its really a plus for the game and will feed more players to the game eventually which will make pvp players happy in the long run.

clan ownership of ports was perfectly balanced by making clans PAY for the port. that way the most powerful clans and countries cannot just take over everything. it is an empire limiter. brilliant idea guys!!!

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40 minutes ago, admin said:

focus on patch notes or move to general discussions or tavern to talk about humor or other things unrelated to the patch notes discussions

Sorry, but you reply about the same stuff. All I am trying to say is it's sad to see Naval Action go like this. Really hoped to see it as successful product after all. Moving to Tavern for a drink. 

Edited by George Washington
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Would you be able to describe how to use "EU Traders" again?

Correct me If I'm wrong

1. You must go to a port that "produces" the resources
2. You setup a contract for the resource/material you want at 3x + 1 the price (of the building extraction cost)
3. you wait for the next server tick for the contract to be filled

Or do you have to go to a freetown? Or can it be done anywhere?

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6 hours ago, qw569 said:

@adminentering tax in game require change prices of goods. Because missions and taxes is killing trade.

Correct me if my math is wrong.

Let's imagine.

I have a trader brig. And I want make a money from trade Royal Naval College Graduate. The most low buy price is 1720 in Grand Turk and high sell price is 2163 in Fajardo (according today's data from trade tool). My trader brig can carry 1750/1=1750 items. If i sell this i get revenue 1750(2163-1720)=775250. But we have taxes (10%) so buy price is 1720*1.1=1892 and sell price is 2163*0.9=1946.7. My revenue is 1750*(1946.7-1892)= 95725. Compare 775250 and 95725.

  Reveal hidden contents

Teak Log

Low buy price is 204 in Bridgetown. High sell price is 311 in Haulover. Revenue without taxes is 2916*(311-204)= 312012.

Revenue with taxes is 2916*(311*0.9-204*1.05)=191581,2

312012 vs 191581,2

Parisian Furniture

Low buy price is 150983 in Cap-Français. High sell price is 390535 in Belize. Revenue is1*(390535-150983)=239552. But with taxes is 1*(390535*0.9-150983*1.1)=185400.2

239552 vs 185400.2

Nassau Quartermaster

Low buy price is 2023 in Nassau. High sell price is 2295 in Saint Joseph. Revenue is 1750*(2295-2023)= 476000. But with taxes is 1750*(2295*0.95-2023*1.1)=-78837,5

476000 vs -78837,5


Why should I trade if I can do ravager fleet mission and get 500k gold and 60 CM for 90 minutes?


I made Google sheets with min/max prices according today's data from trader tool.


2 hours ago, Captain corn blower said:

I will have to say the prices are to high now in a lot of ports and 10 tax as well I'm a trader and I'm finding my self sail a th round now looking for good that are not selling for what I used to sell them for not much profit to be made any more then though the 10 percent tax on its not worth it and I'm a level 45 ship crafter and I'm not going to waste my craft I my hour on crafting part or goods so not crafting ship now as well .most player aren't in this game to play economics there here o have fun either in combat or trading .SORRY I pay enough tax in the real world and can't afford shit ,



Careful, heresy according to some.  Although correct.

+1 on both posts.

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On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 2:40 AM, Skully said:

A 20% overhead per transaction. This is how you kill a market.

Hmm, I should have named it "No more transaction costs!".


On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 3:00 AM, admin said:


Most trading goods provide 4x margins which covers taxes and makes you 380% profit. But some cities (which provide trading resources are already untaxed and make you a little bit more.
the normal trading resources are player driven we have no control and have no desire to have control over player demand/supply or margins. We only dampen shocks. The rest is in player hands. If player chose to set prices with less than 10% difference its up to them.  

I think what you are seeing is that we have made some ports very important for trading (buying and selling) and some only for buying to promote trading centers. Previously you could sell anything anywhere at profit (which was silly and stupid) now you have to find the buying city and supply it. Players who think a little bit will soon find out amazing profit making opportunities in trading.



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22 hours ago, Intrepido said:

...Before I did some trading but right now, it is retarded to trade when you earn so little money compared with missions. And more important, you dont earn any "trading" marks which could be converted, at a certain ratio, for combat marks.

And you need always combat marks for books, modules, upgrades, skillbooks, permits...

Considering the risky traveliing going with a trader ship, the rewards are ridiculous in comparison with missions. So now, missions and more missions. And the funny thing is that you have to sail far for doing them.





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1 hour ago, admin said:

All things you described require coding and generate more bugs and will take a lot of time (wasting it). Hostility missions provide a clear way to get the port even if enemy does not show up, allow SOME response options, and cannot be exploited by alts or whatever. They work.

It's nice to hear system I proposed works... I can see it's flaws though :)

If issue is coding, some quick solutions that will improve gameplay a lot are eg:

  • show a message once someone buys a hostility mission for a given port, similar to message when a PB is started. Make those missions cost money, to avoid multiple fake missions.
  • remove hostility generation from OW fleets
  • make hostility missions spawn in a close distance from an attacked port, so that fleet doing missions can be spotted quickly

This will improve situation a lot, and I hope doesn't require a lot of coding.


Another option which may require more coding, but I hope not as much as well:

  • a raid mission, which raises hostility by eg. 50-70%, and which is a "small PB", with eg. a number of ships entering based on BR, or a preset number of various ships (eg. 2 2'nd rates, 2 rd rates, and 2000 BR of other ships.)

This last option would allow for smaller groups to influence RvR, which would awake an activity of smaller clans. In the same time it's not preventing larger groups from fighting, as they can still intercept smaller group before they enter the battle.

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14 minutes ago, Teutonic said:


Would you be able to describe how to use "EU Traders" again?

Correct me If I'm wrong

1. You must go to a port that "produces" the resources
2. You setup a contract for the resource/material you want at 3x + 1 the price (of the building extraction cost)
3. you wait for the next server tick for the contract to be filled

Or do you have to go to a freetown? Or can it be done anywhere?

You have to set up a contract for a given resource in a port that allows a bulding for that resource, it will be filled then in a short amount of time (no server tick or maintenance required)

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Just now, Ink said:

You have to set up a contract for a given resource in a port that allows a bulding for that resource, it will be filled then in a short amount of time (no server tick or maintenance required)

ok thank - then I am doing it correctly :). The threshold for the price is correct too?

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4 hours ago, vazco said:

The issue is that even though I know such trade routes, I don't bother sailing there. It takes more time than solo-grinding fleet missions in Wasa, and is more risky. It also requires for contracts to fill in. I think I'm not alone, as I didn't see any trader in trade hubs since the patch, and profitable goods are not being bought.

The only trade is on craftable resources, and in those few ports that drop resources for refits. To me, trade is dead.



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1 hour ago, George Washington said:

Admin doesn't understand it for some reason. Sorry to say, but NA will not move anywhere if we won't get spawn points around the world or some other tools that will allow groups to quickly show up to the fight. 

At the moment groups can have fun aka RvR like Admin said. But for solo, small grp pvp there is no sense in pushing the start button. Go to the RvR area and get a huge welcome committee or go to the safezone and face the Ai welcome committee?

Atm NA offers nothing for the player in between. Which is sad because i would prefer OW over Arena.

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Btw, you mention Legends as future of NA. If you make PvP fun, I bet that Legends will be a gateway game for people playing NA. Legends, as I understand them, won't give players some things that NA can give them:

  • sense of fighting for something more than just a single battle and XP
  • option to fight their nemesis - enemies which they know
  • clan interaction
    • community
    • cooperation
    • learning environment
    • option to train their clanmates with time, and create a cohesive team
  • sense of epicness
  • groups of players that you can learn to sail with efficiently (eg. as a nation), and which you know personally

If you link those games well, people can keep playing both games. You could even include microtransactions in NA, eg. for paints/insurance/increased money income for those with lack of time, and make it an extended experience of Legends.

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11 minutes ago, vazco said:

Btw, you mention Legends as future of NA. If you make PvP fun

I wanted to make ship games since i was like 4 (and made wooden ships then). NA is one of the games (first game) on the subject we plan to make many games on the naval topic. Legends is not the future of NA. NA legends is a separate game for the specific audience that cannot find fun in the open world, for example audience that does not enjoy the long search for the target or facing overwhelming odds (like real captains did). 

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29 minutes ago, z4ys said:

At the moment groups can have fun aka RvR like Admin said. But for solo, small grp pvp there is no sense in pushing the start button. Go to the RvR area and get a huge welcome committee or go to the safezone and face the Ai welcome committee?

Atm NA offers nothing for the player in between. Which is sad because i would prefer OW over Arena.

huge welcoming committees are part of the age of sail experience that was the initial vision of the open world. we did not want to make open world initially - players asked us - we delivered. In the real age of sail experience USS constitution did not request the british chase fleet to stop and do a duel. French admirals did not ask Nelson to split their fleet in two to have an exciting balanced battle, and Nelson did not write to the UN or league of nations to tell him where to sail to find the Franco-spanish grand fleet. He was searching and chasing him from march 1805 (battle happened in october). 

You don't have to like the experience - but you have to admit - it is how it was. You have less ships you run, they have less ships they run, you sail searching for targets -sometimes never finding them, you face overwhelming odds and you succeed and have joy when large battles happen. 

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So I played for about 2 hours last night, again. 

Let me start with the pros

+ the frame rate has improved and is far smoother than it was previously, great work.

+ Reduction in mass on the craft materials is good.

+ Increased payouts is good (and bad)

Now for the cons...

-Sail times are still really kind of boring and a pain for the individual not in VOIP with someone to occupy your time.

-Guns are still WAY to accurate.

-The individual or small clan (less than 5) really has no place in this game.

-Increased payouts will lead to inflation of market prices.

-Less reason to fight over ports or regions now, just more PVE.


Sorry but I know a lot of people like this patch but I feel in about a month we will be right back to where we were.  Less people online than now, and people calling for a merger again. 

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1 minute ago, Hodo said:

So I played for about 2 hours last night, again. 

Let me start with the pros

+ the frame rate has improved and is far smoother than it was previously, great work.

+ Reduction in mass on the craft materials is good.

+ Increased payouts is good (and bad)

Now for the cons...

-Sail times are still really kind of boring and a pain for the individual not in VOIP with someone to occupy your time.

-Guns are still WAY to accurate.

-The individual or small clan (less than 5) really has no place in this game.

-Increased payouts will lead to inflation of market prices.

-Less reason to fight over ports or regions now, just more PVE.


Sorry but I know a lot of people like this patch but I feel in about a month we will be right back to where we were.  Less people online than now, and people calling for a merger again. 

This patch seems to focus on the Clan v. Clan/RvR crowd and the solo or small groups are being passed over. My whole clan (12 people) has given up as time has gone on and I'm putting this game on the backburner for the first time since I bought it as a result. Just nothing I can do in game anymore by myself or with a buddy beyond grabbing the occasional AI in OW.  I'll keep watching these forums and maybe there will be a patch for the casual solo/small group player down the road. 

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1 minute ago, Bjerg Bjergsson said:

This patch seems to focus on the Clan v. Clan/RvR crowd and the solo or small groups are being passed over. My whole clan (12 people) has given up as time has gone on and I'm putting this game on the backburner for the first time since I bought it as a result. Just nothing I can do in game anymore by myself or with a buddy beyond grabbing the occasional AI in OW.  I'll keep watching these forums and maybe there will be a patch for the casual solo/small group player down the road. 

which nation do you sail for?

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10 minutes ago, Hodo said:

So I played for about 2 hours last night, again. 

Let me start with the pros

+ the frame rate has improved and is far smoother than it was previously, great work.

+ Reduction in mass on the craft materials is good.

+ Increased payouts is good (and bad)

Now for the cons...

-Sail times are still really kind of boring and a pain for the individual not in VOIP with someone to occupy your time.

-Guns are still WAY to accurate.

-The individual or small clan (less than 5) really has no place in this game.

-Increased payouts will lead to inflation of market prices.

-Less reason to fight over ports or regions now, just more PVE.


Sorry but I know a lot of people like this patch but I feel in about a month we will be right back to where we were.  Less people online than now, and people calling for a merger again. 

I agree here, Developer reality vision does not belong in MMO world. You can have it to a certain point, but making game 100% based on history and months at sea is simply a disaster. As I said it earlier, we see the result of game being too realistic. Do you need it to die completely in order to understand this is not how MMO works. Hodo is right here, travel problem and lack of content is what needs fixing here. Focus on 1-4 casual player groups and how can you make them stay. 

Edited by George Washington
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Just now, admin said:

which nation do you sail for?

GB on EU server. I typically can only play an hour or so a day so my time/availability to commit to a large clan isn't there (I'm also in a North American time zone). Like I said, I'm a casual - as were most of my clan. We used to do Fleet Missions mostly as it made for good pick-up and go action but with a risk of PvP as well (we did our share of PvP as well when we could). 

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Just now, Bjerg Bjergsson said:

GB on EU server. I typically can only play an hour or so a day so my time/availability to commit to a large clan isn't there (I'm also in a North American time zone). Like I said, I'm a casual - as were most of my clan. We used to do Fleet Missions mostly as it made for good pick-up and go action but with a risk of PvP as well (we did our share of PvP as well when we could). 

Why don't you contact one of the largest rvr clans and ask them to add you to their allies list. I am sure they need all help they can get in port battles.
And will share the spoils happily. 

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4 minutes ago, Bjerg Bjergsson said:

GB on EU server. I typically can only play an hour or so a day so my time/availability to commit to a large clan isn't there (I'm also in a North American time zone). Like I said, I'm a casual - as were most of my clan. We used to do Fleet Missions mostly as it made for good pick-up and go action but with a risk of PvP as well (we did our share of PvP as well when we could). 

Now would you go pvp with your clan if there was red flashing zone on world map with ability to quick travel to that location? Answer please. Would you take your best ship and sail there to have fun knowing you only have to spend 20 minutes sailing to any part of the world? I think you would have a lot of entertainment in 1 hour compared to what we have now. 

Another question - what can we do in 1 hour in current NA game?

Edited by George Washington
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4 minutes ago, Bjerg Bjergsson said:

GB on EU server. I typically can only play an hour or so a day so my time/availability to commit to a large clan isn't there (I'm also in a North American time zone). Like I said, I'm a casual - as were most of my clan. We used to do Fleet Missions mostly as it made for good pick-up and go action but with a risk of PvP as well (we did our share of PvP as well when we could). 

Probably my number one complaint about everything post 11.0 is the removal of AI assistance for fleet missions. I understand that there had been abuse of this, but if it is separated from hostility missions why not bring that back? Many times I only have a brief time to play and a fleet combat mission with some AI support was a great and fun thing to do.

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2 minutes ago, George Washington said:

Focus on 1-4 casual player groups and how can you make them stay. 

I agree, with exception that groups between 1-10 could use some more love. Larger groups can operate in RvR, once it's slightly improved. Smaller could join with larger groups to join RvR, however then it becomes a different experience - a fleet of 25 players needs on average 1-2 hours to organize, and then you can sail. With groups of up to 10 players, you can make them ad-hoc and organize quickly. It would be great to have some content for them, as NA would become more dynamic then.

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1 minute ago, admin said:

Why don't you contact one of the largest rvr clans and ask them to add you to their allies list. I am sure they need all help they can get in port battles.
And will share the spoils happily. 

Mostly the time difference. Port battles typically happen during my work day or on the weekends when I'm busy (daytime here so I'm usually doing other things). I knew it was going to be the price for staying on EU server when Global went live but I also knew the pop wasn't going to be there on Global - and Combat Missions were still a thing back then so I still had ways of amusing myself. 


1 minute ago, George Washington said:

Now would you go pvp if there was red flashing zone on world map with ability to quick travel to that location? Answer please. Would you take your best ship and sail there to have fun? I think you would have a lot of entertainment in 1 hour compared to what we have now. 

Maybe? Honestly, I doubt it given how tenuously my gold/ships situation is in game. My biggest ship is still the free Indefatigable I got post-wipe. That being said the option would be nice to have I suppose. 


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