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Pants down - We touched NA's tralala

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Naval Action at its current state is a very peculiar creation. It is like a Frankenstein’s monster. Made out of a lot of different body parts that don’t really work together, look unnatural and have to be changed from time to time.The brain, which is the only healthy part(combat) is desperately trying to keep the rest alive.At the same time it’s by far the part with the biggest size. It’s a creation without an homogenous body. It s a hydrocephalus body. RvR, trading, ow PvP, veterans and newcomers and all other aspects all are connected but in a way where the hole body can’t function properly.


Why will NA legends be a success? If we break down to bits both of the games we get the following: People expect legends to be a game about combat and sailing ships.The healthy part of the Frankenstein’s creation will become the core of the new game’s body.  NA is the same but with an open world and nothing else. So the difference is huge playground populated with (in good times) 2500 player on 2.754.000 km². While players and AI are the only content besides ships NA can offer to the customer, the other parts are obviously underdeveloped. Therefore he is quickly “satisfied” with the content on his hands.


Because of the above and the current state of the gaming industry, a switch of focus on NA Legends makes sense but what will happen to the oddly patched up NA body? Have Game Labs shifted interest? Is it too challenging to keep the body alive(keep designing the game)? The latest content we have seen has been directly connected to NA Legends and the mechanics keep bouncing back and forth, still trying to find a sweet spot but it’s still about the head(combat).


Countless of ideas have been proposed regarding other parts of the game’s body. Some not so good,others, brilliant. Most of them, not even tested or considered because “they wouldn’t work in the current environment of a multiplayer game since they are single player aspects” or of whatever reasons. NA can’t be just a game about combat. It is actually in dire need of these single player aspects.


It's the adventure that has driven captains and seamen into the seven seas and there is no real adventure ingame. It is possible to experience the whole game within a few days.


It’s the respect to history that appeals to many captains and not the Jack Sparrow imagery, Nations with the same capabilities and infrastructure of a global empire.


The way Game labs picked up a niche product and started to form a body is admirable but it shouldn’t be distorted from the original idea just to appeal more. It shouldn’t become a game full of Jack Sparrows or Hornblowers or whatever. Game Labs shouldn’t do what companies like Ubisoft or EA do with their games.Game Labs should focus on the reason why they picked up such a project and why they have chosen to introduce OW.


Was it the adventure of the unknown? Was it curiosity? Those are strong feelings that the game fails to deliver but are important aspects of the human nature. Far is never far enough.

Do what developers like CD Projekt Red do. It will be done when it’s done, but it will be done right







I will link a few of those in hope that they will be re-considered.
















Edited by Sella22
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NA Legends will be a massive flop and fail far beyond this version of the game. Sure they are repackaging and remarketing it so it will make some money off players who dont know better but there is NO WAY moba minded players are going to play a clicky game where it can take almost 2 hours to complete one battle and have thier precious ship locked in battle for an hour after they are sunk. 

Moba players have A.D.D on a level that gives the tazmanian devil the jitters and thinking these players will spend hours and hours in a single battle just to get a tiny bit of progression is crazy.

Yes you will have a few hardcore players that wil love the game and play no matter what  ( the 40 players) but that is just like ow NA  but to think suddenly thousands of people will be lining up to sit and wait for hours per match is crazy.

What made NA ow work, at first, is why it was as popular as it was and once that was taken away players left. Legends will be the same empty game.

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11 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:


They just have to turn down health per ship so games end faster. No need for long fights or much health when you can queue up afterwards. Different to NA you dont rely on the one fight you might get on that evening.

Edited by z4ys
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6 minutes ago, z4ys said:

They just have to turn down health per ship so games end faster. No need for long fights or much health when you can queue up afterwards. Different to NA you dont depend on the one fight you might get on that evening.

They could just add critical hits that would speed up everything. Similar to World of Warships Citadels. Hit it and boom -60% hull -20% structure. 

Edited by George Washington
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OP list of suggestions surely makes a comeback scenario at making the "simulation of life in the west indies during the age of sail" appropriate for the OW.

To be honest the late discussion of the RvR gives the clan wars their place. This thread ( witty title btw ) call to attention what can be done in between.

Base is battle, high end clan warfare will be done, then work on the rest for the "casual, solo, small squadron, history buff, rp'er, etc" type of players. ( 4/5ths of potential buyers/players )

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11 minutes ago, z4ys said:

They just have to turn down health per ship so games end faster. No need for long fights or much health when you can queue up afterwards. Different to NA you dont rely on the one fight you might get on that evening.

or remove the in battle repairs.


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32 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

there is NO WAY moba minded players are going to play a clicky game where it can take almost 2 hours to complete one battle

You should try other niche games like CS:GO or LoL where games regularly go longer than one hour :)

49 minutes ago, Sella22 said:

Because of the above and the current state of the gaming industry, a switch of focus on NA Legends makes sense but what will happen to the oddly patched up NA body? Have Game Labs shifted interest? Is it too challenging to keep the body alive(keep designing the game)? The latest content we have seen has been directly connected to NA Legends and the mechanics keep bouncing back and forth, still trying to find a sweet spot but it’s still about the head(combat).

Well thats what happens if sales go down. But why is that?

While I understand NA is a super complex game and that they are a very small studio you still cannot deny that the last patches simply failed.

 It takes ages until they fix obvious broken things (ship grind, battle repairs still not fixed) and the whole direction of the last big patches werent appealing and were taking the fun out of the game for many people. 

At least they understand that their combat system is the healthy part of the game and they keep it alive in another game. Now we can jsut hope that the free2pay model wont screw it over.

Im also curious how they try to keep maps interesting, they already said they are working on shallow areas. 

Edited by Jon Snow lets go
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5 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

At least they understand that their combat system is the healthy part of the game and they keep it alive in another game. Now we can jsut hope that the free2pay model wont screw it over.


At least they should have the nuts to say: NA failed we wont develope it further. We will focus our resources on NA legends.


Then thats how it looks like since patch 10.0.

Unity 5 was done so quickly. I bet i was ready for Legends already.

Edited by z4ys
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Game Labs has 2 games fully released that were pretty good already and high grade taking from the proper professional reviews. Considering the complexity of NA compared to Ultimate General series we might want to review the "fail" assessment.

NA is ground breaking, and we expect so so so much from it, from being a Pirates! successor to being a emulator of our own Aubrey chronicles or being the next dose of competition combat game due to being a never before made context.

Whatever Legends becomes doesn't affect, I hope, the consideration that the majority of players of Open World search for - a story, an adventure, a reason to be a captain of a tall ship int he age of sail.

We can practice combat to the limits of it. We can play as many PBs as we want. But the shades of grey must be filled with color :) A driving motive behind each player that plays for 100 hours and then makes those into 300 hours.

Not everyone finds their niche in NA at the moment. The extremes, competitive combat addicts, and story weavers, do have thousands of hours. The rest counts average hundred ?

Again, looking at OP list ( bloody hell, some of them are maybe from the 1st iteration of OW time ! ) it shows the eagerness of the players to build a captain character worth of sailing in the OW, whatever comes and make great gameplay, whatever playstyle and path of action they undertake, day after day.

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13 minutes ago, z4ys said:

At least they should have the nuts to say: NA failed we wont develope it further. We will focus our resources on NA legends.

Then thats how it looks like after 10.0.


On 14.8.2017 at 7:59 PM, admin said:

Remember that we said - we will develop it based on your support and encouragement.

We delivered what we promised and more (3 or more unique port harbors, huge historical world, dynamic weather, day and night cycle, 10+ ships or maybe more). And the roadmap is currently just localization (promised) and user interface. 

After that we will work on NA until the sales stop. Based on reviews and community reactions to haters who deliberately try to stop new players from buying it is going to happen very soon. It will have community support and only new ships from Legends will be added to NA OW edition because the code is shared. 

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The support and encouragment are still there i believe. Maybe now more than ever. Maybe some other factors have kicked in.

Also the purpose of this thread is not to criticise. It's mostly about getting the full potential out of this game.

Edited by Sella22
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31 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

You should try other niche games like CS:GO or LoL where games regularly go longer than one hour :)

Well thats what happens if sales go down. But why is that?

While I understand NA is a super complex game and that they are a very small studio you still cannot deny that the last patches simply failed.

 It takes ages until they fix obvious broken things (ship grind, battle repairs still not fixed) and the whole direction of the last big patches werent appealing and were taking the fun out of the game for many people. 

At least they understand that their combat system is the healthy part of the game and they keep it alive in another game. Now we can jsut hope that the free2pay model wont screw it over.

Im also curious how they try to keep maps interesting, they already said they are working on shallow areas. 

Those are games that you die and respawn hundreds of times a game and are in constant click move click mode. Your response validates exactly what i was saying. Thanks for being so helpful because i know how you like to help.

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@The Red Duke nothing personal but I hate your new avatar... I loath the clans and Clan Wolf.....  DCMS all the way, House Kurita is the ONLY house.


On topic...

Legends I feel will be another meh product.  It is not going to be fast enough paced for people who like WoWS, or Warthunder... And will be lacking the "hunting" aspect of a true open world sailing game.  And with other games due out in the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year that are going to do exactly what Legends is going to do, and do it with big development teams behind them in an arcade like game play feel with a tie into an existing already HUGE franchise.  Yeah Legends will be the plankton in a sea of great whites.

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@Hodo give me Steiner bills if I must contract to a House.


On topic...

The hunt with a sleek sloop. The breaking the line at the helm of a ship of the line of battle. The rattle of sabers that defines age of sail history...

( one of the things I enjoy the most in NA is the sound, especially the latest version. )

Any player coming for the age of sail bring a baggage of imagination. The media must deliver the "game table" to put that in practice much more than it does.




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3 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

Those are games that you die and respawn hundreds of times a game and are in constant click move click mode. Your response validates exactly what i was saying. Thanks for being so helpful because i know how you like to help.

No problem mate, maybe next time you dont refer to "moba"-type players then i wont refer to LoL

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1 hour ago, Mrdoomed said:

NA Legends will be a massive flop and fail far beyond this version of the game

I'm so looking forward to quoting this later.

TIL: I have ADD and have been playing nothing but tazmanian clickers the last 15 years, oh, and during that timespan I've only spread across three games with NA being one of them.

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7 minutes ago, jodgi said:

I'm so looking forward to quoting this later.

TIL: I have ADD and have been playing nothing but tazmanian clickers the last 15 years, oh, and during that timespan I've only spread across three games with NA being one of them.

And complain about how hard and slow and difficult NA is every day lmao. Wow you guys are sweet for completely backing up what ive said 100%. Im not used to you tellint me how right iam and wrong you are but thanks to you and JS !

Thanks agains fellas for being in agreement with me.

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Doomed, Sir, can you please stay on topic ? At least out of respect for Sella.

Seriously, and quoting my gaming group patron saint, Oddball.


Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?

C'mon :) we are all gamers, we all know a ton of awesome games but we ain't going to list them all out in here nor speak wonders of them all.

We speak about NA and call to attention of community suggestions made along the way that deserve to be reviewed by the devs and grant more fun to newcomers and veterans alike.


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Hey, @Mrdoomed!

Tell us how to make OW work better. In other posts recently you've told us you've known it all along. Don't hold back, please share the details.

I was here when you came to this forum but I must have missed your important posts.

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3 minutes ago, Borch said:

Game Labs also delivered great, massive and with huge potential OW, they just need to make it more alive. PvP'ers could hate it when I say that but needs to be filled with PvE events, named mobs, some treasures, exporation etc etc. Only this hated PvE will make PvP part of game interesting.

Actually, many of us have been asking for this for a long time.  Has nothing to do with pvp vs pve.

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3 minutes ago, Borch said:

Game Labs also delivered great, massive and with huge potential OW, they just need to make it more alive. PvP'ers could hate it when I say that but needs to be filled with PvE events, named mobs, some treasures, exporation etc etc. Only this hated PvE will make PvP part of game interesting.

How dare you!!?

......hmmm, I competely agree.

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