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Danmark-Norge & Sweden: Cancelling treaties


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31 minutes ago, ajffighter86 said:

As has been stated in other threads, the only purpose of the Swedish-America coordination efforts was to get conquest marks flowing for the USA again by flipping Wilmington. However the Swedes and the Americans had no idea the developers would completely change the system the very next day or we would never have bothered to work together on that. When a pirate fleet showed up outside Little River to interfere with the hostility-raising, it only made sense that USA and the Swedish clan members who offered to help with the effort should work together to sink your fleet so the plan could be completed. We have ships and buildings to liberate at Ays, nothing more. Once that is over you have your war with Sweden, the USA has no alliance with them and will not interfere. However this latest development between Sweden and Denmark might make it very interesting and I would say that pirates have a better chance than ever to reclaim some of those lost regions..

Over-expansion will ruin any nation regardless of how large they are. Perhaps if pirates had been in the Bahamas instead of poking their noses into business far north at Little River, the Swedes would have had a much harder time even raising hostility around Morgan's Bluff and Nassau to begin with, but it is hard to defend something when you are on the other side of the map..

Simply put, pirates have noticed swedish movements before Little River and we knew they are coming for our shallows. Once we saw Swedes raising hostility for US we knew we'll be facing 2 fronts (not counting MT side, since it's been decided over a week ago to abandon deep ports arount MT). Hence we decided to intervene in the north to delay Swedish progression as much as possible, which was a mistake - we estimated Swedish preparation poorly and did not expect 50+ swedes with shallow ships are already ready since we mostly saw 4th rates and up while spotting very few movements of shallow ships at that point.

Generally speaking, swedes prepared and played very well on tactical level. And no, even if some of you claim it was coinsidences, I'm not buying it. Timings of events were to damn good to be accidental. Division of Swe forces was also close to perfect - just enough that combined with US forces could defeat Rubli/Podw/std and just enough at morgans that with Rubli/podw/std busy up north remaining pirates could not bring serious resistance.

Well played. But you gained a long term enemy.

Edited by Aphilas
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I have the feeling a little bit, that we are getting blamed for playing the game.

Like Havelock  said, dont take it to personell. We are still all players who like to play this game.

I hope in the end all sides can say with a smile on their face: "Damn, that was interesting!"

So all i would like to say now is:

Have Fun! Because thats why we play this!

Edited by Abram Svensson
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As has already been stated by many others - let's have some PvP.. I'm too lazy to sail to Belize, clubbing "seals" (that apparently all start at rearadmiral) near KPR is getting dull and the pirates needs a breather after SORRY disbanded and LV (thankfully) found some other game to ruin. So I welcome this! Swedish meatballs are right around the corner, too long have I traded with all the capitals in the carribean without fear of losing my cargo, too long have I crafted ships with supplies, which deliveries I could always depend on, too long have I grown fat and lazy on the bloody weak brits, the dull dutch, the perfidious pyrates and the feeble french! Now I'll eat my swede and have their meatballs too!


EDIT: Gl to everyone involved btw, this is by far the most exiting development on the server for a long time and I'll look forward to the struggle!

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Huh, a game about naval warfare suddenly turns out to be something about naval warfare. Who would have thought.

BTW: Who is this Hornblower guy writing all day about the bad Swedes? Smells like a bad personal experience along the line long forgotten or is it LV`s forum Alt? ;)  Another thread better than the internet, keep it coming...

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5 hours ago, Intrepido said:

I just dont like this kind of aggressive attitude of Sweden.

Find quite weak the argument of "just testing the game".

We've always been going to different places and fighting various wars, other nations just preferred it when we did so while still being small, and would've preferred it even more if we sat in our little corner and did nothing. Doing nothing, or fighting an endless war over the same ports over and over, is awfully boring.

"Just testing the game" ? What?

Would you prefer it if we did what others have done already?

Conquest marks introduced - fake opposition in PBs abused to maximize conquest mark gain.

Conquest marks changed - most PBs ended up being arranged non-attacks, and then people mostly sat on their ports doing nothing.

Would you have preferred it if the next part of that story was "Victory marks introduced - largest nations take turns flipping ports weekly, everyone else screwed over, RvR dead"?

No wonder why development keeps going in a loop when the first thing we need to look for is how players will mess up or circumvent the system as soon as it's implemented.

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2 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

We miss you man. Come back and let's kick some swedish butts.

How? I have a job and live on the US east coast the EU server RvR timer stops at 4pm my time, Same as most of the old British leadership.  Make the devs remove the lockout the servers then ill come back, till then its not worth it.  I'm one of The dirty north american players they wanted to get rid of :P 

Edited by Augustus Charles Hobart H
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3 minutes ago, Augustus Charles Hobart H said:


Even when you don't play any more this is still better then a soap opera :P 

Well you do have to give it to the Dane's and Swede's for keeping it interesting for us retired "Caesars" and we don't even have to log in.

So let's get a pool going. It feels dirty but I'm putting my money on the Dane's.

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Well you do have to give it to the Dane's and Swede's for keeping it interesting for us retired "Caesars" and we don't even have to log in.

So let's get a pool going. It feels dirty but I'm putting my money on the Dane's.

I'll bet you all my alts that when the smoke clears the French are the map winners :P 

Edited by Augustus Charles Hobart H
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1 minute ago, Augustus Charles Hobart H said:

I'll bet you all my alts that when the smoke clears the French are the map winners :P 

I counter that with all my alts and my main that LV comes back and builds a SORRY Empire atop the ashes.

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2 minutes ago, Augustus Charles Hobart H said:

Eventually you will remember I have no alts, but until then I bet that LV comes back and becomes friends with everyone and bakes all of us a cake

Well if that happens I'll give you access to all my accounts. But I think hell will freeze over due to a nuclear winter long before that happens. 

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