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I can't take the dev's BS anymore. I am done with this game until the next major patch/release. This game is nothing but frustration because the development goes nowhere and the devs just don't seem to give a hello kitty anymore. All they're doing lately is small tunings and minor bug fixes. No new content, no new things to play with, nothing. I mean, ffs we haven't even gotten a solid roadmap out of the devs! We have no idea what their plans are , IF they even have plans. We have no idea where they want to take this game, its practically in limbo at this point.


Only thing I would call true content that we got recently was the protractor. Thats it. Everything else has been either minor bug fixes, tweaks to existing mechanics, removal of other existing mechanics, the reintroduction of mechanics that have already existed in much older versions of the game, plus the introduction of even more bugs and broken things. Using the excuse of "oh its only EA, just give it time" I gave it a god damned year and half, and as far as I can tell, its BARELY progressed.

Take a look at Medieval Engineers, developed and owned by Keen Software House. That game is ALSO in EA/alpha, has a small, but dedicated, team working on it, and has a ton of content. Thats how a game should be developed. I mean ffs ME has progressed far more in 6 months than NA has progressed in the ENTIRE year and half I've owned it. ME has gotten freaking entire planets, an brand new UI, lots of new things to play with and build with, lots of positive community interaction, and the game is so incredibly stable due to the massive amount of bug fixes during that that I haven't experienced a game crash or serious bug in over a year now. You'd almost mistake it for a game that was in open beta stages!

Oh and btw? ME has patches/updates every single week. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.


If you wanted the picture boy of EA games, just look at ME.


So yeah, I'm done. Call me when the devs get their heads out of their collective asses.

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... what?

The game has changed dramatically in the past few months. One dura ships, a plethora of new upgrades, refits and crafting mechanics, xp-based upgrades, conquest mechanics, port mechanics? Either you haven't touched the game for like, over a year or you simply hold salt against the devs. 

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18 minutes ago, _Masterviolin said:

... what?

The game has changed dramatically in the past few months. One dura ships, a plethora of new upgrades, refits and crafting mechanics, xp-based upgrades, conquest mechanics, port mechanics? Either you haven't touched the game for like, over a year or you simply hold salt against the devs. 

You're kidding right? All those things you listed are just alterations to already existing mechanics, minus maybe the xp-based upgrades. Everything else is literally the same thing. We've gotten no brand new mechanics, or any brand new ships, or any actual improvements or any REAL content. Trading is exactly the same as it was before, combat is pretty much exactly the same as before, sailing is pretty much exactly the same as before... Everything is either just under a new name or has a different effect, or has been completely removed.

And that "event"? Exactly the same as it was implemented last time. There was no change at all. They've even removed several things from the previous versions that had no issues. Like the ability to mail things to other ports. I though they were very well balanced. There was a weigh limit, you had to pay gold to use it, and it took a decent amount of time before it actually got there, and then you had to be in that port to claim it and have an outpost there. Yet they took it out for no reason.

This is an alpha game. This isn't the time for fine tuning things. Alpha is where you add a bunch of content, get the game pretty much roughly where you want it, then beta is where all the tuning and tweaks and fixes come in. This is why alpha's are usually buggy messes. The devs can't even get THAT part right it seems.


Stop being some fan boy for the devs and realize that the game is in a shitty state at the moment. There is no progression in development, the devs haven't released a SINGLE roadmap type of thing, I doubt THEY even know where they want this game to end up. All the recent patches have told me as much. They can never make up their mind it seems, and have shown a lack of drive for this game.


And if you think none of this is true, just take a look at the number of people who still play vs how many bought the game. That number has been going down, constantly. People are getting fed up with this game and its development progress. I give it another 5 months before the player base is right back where it was pre-wipe, if not worse.

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Devs should just get back to developing Legends which is the game THEY wanted to make from the get-go before WE badgered them into making this OW mess where it has boiled down to them pissing off half the community with each tweak or change and making the other half happy then when another thing is changed the formerly pissed half is happy and the formerly happy half gets pissed.  I have no idea how they muster the motivation to come to work each day knowing no matter what they do they are going to get bashed for it.  God bless them all.

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2 hours ago, kitsunelegend said:

I can't take the dev's BS anymore. I am done with this game until the next major patch/release. This game is nothing but frustration because the development goes nowhere and the devs just don't seem to give a hello kitty anymore. All they're doing lately is small tunings and minor bug fixes. No new content, no new things to play with, nothing. I mean, ffs we haven't even gotten a solid roadmap out of the devs! We have no idea what their plans are , IF they even have plans. We have no idea where they want to take this game, its practically in limbo at this point.


Only thing I would call true content that we got recently was the protractor. Thats it. Everything else has been either minor bug fixes, tweaks to existing mechanics, removal of other existing mechanics, the reintroduction of mechanics that have already existed in much older versions of the game, plus the introduction of even more bugs and broken things. Using the excuse of "oh its only EA, just give it time" I gave it a god damned year and half, and as far as I can tell, its BARELY progressed.

Take a look at Medieval Engineers, developed and owned by Keen Software House. That game is ALSO in EA/alpha, has a small, but dedicated, team working on it, and has a ton of content. Thats how a game should be developed. I mean ffs ME has progressed far more in 6 months than NA has progressed in the ENTIRE year and half I've owned it. ME has gotten freaking entire planets, an brand new UI, lots of new things to play with and build with, lots of positive community interaction, and the game is so incredibly stable due to the massive amount of bug fixes during that that I haven't experienced a game crash or serious bug in over a year now. You'd almost mistake it for a game that was in open beta stages!

Oh and btw? ME has patches/updates every single week. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.


If you wanted the picture boy of EA games, just look at ME.


So yeah, I'm done. Call me when the devs get their heads out of their collective asses.

Meh Early Access man.. The patch is a month old and they're feeling out the new mechanics just as much as we are..Maybe stick to Hello Kitty vid games instead. 

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Medieval Engineers?  Seems like an interesting but unrelated comparison.  I don't think that the developers will ever provide players with tools to build stuff in this game.  They seem to be focused on fighting and battles and PvP and competition.  All the graphics and action has been built around combat.

Perhaps we should compare this game to other fighting sail games with lots of action .... or we can enjoy NA the way it is ...


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Its just a nice vid what they show not the game :) time wil tell .


I agree with Kitsunelegend  about this NA game.

NA is losing lots players becouse they are tired after an other change/tweak .

Its like a roller coaster or the local weather.

I started at 25 Jan 2015 . Did see lots nice things comming ingame but unfortunaly i dont see mutch good progress in the last 12 months.

i am losing interest in this game . There are 2 main problems with this game why players not playing anny more .

1: the marks system (  players are dreaming to have a lineships ) but bigger clans has all the powers in hand to urn Conquest marks .

2:The reinforcements battle timer is a very bad thing. I prefer an open battle till one off the sides are out ore all killed . Make it atleast that way near the port/area zones . Its not realistic that you dont gett help in your own waters . But maybe the devs wants a more arcade game like Pirates off the burning sea ? 

Il moving on to other new upcomming games where devs are lots more open and clear what they wants for there games. till then i wil play NA to see iff its improving or not but wil not play daily anny more .

Il give NA a 6.0 how its right now .



Edited by Admiral Tromp
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1 hour ago, z4ys said:

blasphemy my eyes are bleeding :D

Skull and Crossbones Gameplay Video...holy Camel Crap...I have just seen heaven!!!!!

Looks like Ubisoft recycled AC Black Flag, added steroids, some Pirates of the Caribbean, lots of other fun stuff...and VOILA!!!

Edited by Sir William Hargood
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3 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

Skull and Crossbones Gameplay Video...holy Camel Crap...I have just seen heaven!!!!!

Looks like Ubisoft recycled AC Black Flag, added steroids, some Pirates of the Caribbean, lots of other fun stuff...and VOILA!!!

Looks Like Ubisoft saw NA being the only real naval sailing game on the market that people still play and thought welp seems we can make even more money by taking their idea and doing better with our millions.

I do feel bad for this Team they will have to compete VS a large AAA title, but in a way Ubisoft will make it like black flag so it will be more arcade then realistic...


Also they have captains! Ones you could customize to i bet...outfit dlc?

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53 minutes ago, ironhammer500 said:

Looks Like Ubisoft saw NA being the only real naval sailing game on the market that people still play and thought welp seems we can make even more money by taking their idea and doing better with our millions.

I do feel bad for this Team they will have to compete VS a large AAA title, but in a way Ubisoft will make it like black flag so it will be more arcade then realistic...


Also they have captains! Ones you could customize to i bet...outfit dlc?

I don't feel bad for the team, if anyone wants to go sail a fantasy game, they are free to.  Those of us who don't will stick to the historically inspired Naval Action.

As I've already stated, this is ubisoft.

1.  It will have modern artillery that reloads quickly

2.  Everything will be more speed boat than Naval Action

3.  The launch will be disastrous

4.  Ships will be fantasy ships

5.  It will have the same 4-6 predefined classes of sniper, tank, medic, dps, support, and whatever else

6.  There will be 4-6 different ships.


P.s.  Let's also remember that the devs are working on porting to Unity 5 so we get better performance and more ships.


Edited by Prater
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5 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

Skull and Crossbones Gameplay Video...holy Camel Crap...I have just seen heaven!!!!!

Looks like Ubisoft recycled AC Black Flag, added steroids, some Pirates of the Caribbean, lots of other fun stuff...and VOILA!!!

I guess if fighting sea monsters is your thing then have fun with it.

So far it has a Krakken, Lord knows what other fantasy garbage it will have.

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37 minutes ago, Justme said:

I guess if fighting sea monsters is your thing then have fun with it.

So far it has a Krakken, Lord knows what other fantasy garbage it will have.

Unfortunately that loud minority wants things like this and so does the clicky crowd.  The collapse of this game shows that.

Nobody wants games focused on reality or where you have to work for what you get. Its all about magic spells and instant gratification.  If they thinkNA legends will be successful they have another thing comming because the i want it now crowd will quickly get bored with world of warship style game where therw ships are locked in battle for 2 hours every battle. Legends will have a tiny devoted crowd just like the current NA ow has.

I could go on but its pointless at this time.

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35 minutes ago, Justme said:

I guess if fighting sea monsters is your thing then have fun with it. So far it has a Krakken, Lord knows what other fantasy garbage it will have.

Actually, my views were based exclusively on the visual feast...oceanic dynamics and general atmospherics...not the fantasy component.

If only one could take the ships, realism and the extent of the open world from from Naval Action, some of the back-end story-line from Pirates of the Burning Sea, throw in true full open world exploration and adventure, merge them into the visual festival dynamics and atmospherics of Skull and Bones, along with the fully explorable Port layouts and open world jungles of Black Flag, throw in full Avatar and Ship Customization, and you'd have an unparalleled gaming experience... without any of the unrealistic ship physics, Harry Potter magic or abilities and definitely without fantasy Kraken and such...

One can only but dream...

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2 hours ago, ironhammer500 said:

Looks Like Ubisoft saw NA being the only real naval sailing game on the market that people still play and thought well seems we can make even more money by taking their idea and doing better with our millions. I do feel bad for this Team they will have to compete VS a large AAA title, but in a way Ubisoft will make it like black flag so it will be more arcade then realistic...Also they have captains! Ones you could customize to i bet...outfit dlc?

Actually Skull and Bones is not based on NA at all, but on a continuation of previous developments such as Age of Pirates by Akella , Pirates of the Caribbean and Assassins Creed Black Flag by Ubisoft. NA is the exception in that it originally intended have a much more realistic approach to Naval Battles. This focus then got sidetracked with the Open World development which has turned it into something more akin to a resource management game.

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51 minutes ago, Mrdoomed said:

Unfortunately that loud minority wants things like this and so does the clicky crowd.  The collapse of this game shows that.

Nobody wants games focused on reality or where you have to work for what you get. Its all about magic spells and instant gratification.  If they thinkNA legends will be successful they have another thing comming because the i want it now crowd will quickly get bored with world of warship style game where therw ships are locked in battle for 2 hours every battle. Legends will have a tiny devoted crowd just like the current NA ow has.

I could go on but its pointless at this time.

Lot of players are acting like NA legends is basically done.  They underestimate how much will need to be changed to appeal to the WOWS crowd, it will be very different than what many here think it will be.

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17 hours ago, kitsunelegend said:

I can't take the dev's BS anymore. I am done with this game until the next major patch/release. This game is nothing but frustration because the development goes nowhere and the devs just don't seem to give a hello kitty anymore. All they're doing lately is small tunings and minor bug fixes. No new content, no new things to play with, nothing. I mean, ffs we haven't even gotten a solid roadmap out of the devs! We have no idea what their plans are , IF they even have plans. We have no idea where they want to take this game, its practically in limbo at this point.


Only thing I would call true content that we got recently was the protractor. Thats it. Everything else has been either minor bug fixes, tweaks to existing mechanics, removal of other existing mechanics, the reintroduction of mechanics that have already existed in much older versions of the game, plus the introduction of even more bugs and broken things. Using the excuse of "oh its only EA, just give it time" I gave it a god damned year and half, and as far as I can tell, its BARELY progressed.

Take a look at Medieval Engineers, developed and owned by Keen Software House. That game is ALSO in EA/alpha, has a small, but dedicated, team working on it, and has a ton of content. Thats how a game should be developed. I mean ffs ME has progressed far more in 6 months than NA has progressed in the ENTIRE year and half I've owned it. ME has gotten freaking entire planets, an brand new UI, lots of new things to play with and build with, lots of positive community interaction, and the game is so incredibly stable due to the massive amount of bug fixes during that that I haven't experienced a game crash or serious bug in over a year now. You'd almost mistake it for a game that was in open beta stages!

Oh and btw? ME has patches/updates every single week. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.


If you wanted the picture boy of EA games, just look at ME.


So yeah, I'm done. Call me when the devs get their heads out of their collective asses.

Medieval Engineers is an off shoot of the game Space Engineers, which uses many of the SAME engine code so really they are not starting from scratch or using the Unity 4.0 Engine like NA.   So there is that.

Last I checked Space Engineer/Medieval Engineers has a development team of almost 5 times the size of NAVAL ACTION, which consists of 2 actual developers, INK and ADMIN.  Then you have the fact that Medieval Engineers is not striving for historical accuracy, or really any accuracy other than physics, which is already hardcoded into the game engine.   So that makes it a lot easier to pull off. 


In short, you are impatient and frustrated, and I get that.  But taking a break is not a bad thing... good luck in your break and hope you find happiness. 

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7 hours ago, Sir William Hargood said:

If only one could take the ships, realism and the extent of the open world from from Naval Action, some of the back-end story-line from Pirates of the Burning Sea, throw in true full open world exploration and adventure, merge them into the visual festival dynamics and atmospherics of Skull and Bones, along with the fully explorable Port layouts and open world jungles of Black Flag, throw in full Avatar and Ship Customization, and you'd have an unparalleled gaming experience...

I'm sure the developers would love to do that.

Do you have $200 million they can borrow so they can hire a team of 200 developers for the next 5 years?

Because that's what you're asking for.

And I pretty much guarantee these other games are going to suck. Ubisoft in particular is somewhat famous for that. $200 million = $100 million on a fantastic cutscene that has little to do with gameplay but gets you to buy the game; $95 million on marketing so you see that cutscene they spent $100 million making; $5 million on making the game which turns out to be a buggy port of a previous Ubisoft game.

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Go play something else until Naval Action Legend comes out.

Leave a bad review if you are unhappy with the way things are going, which is what you are totally allowed to do.

If the devs say we dont want casuals anymore, casuals can leave a bad review and play World of Warships.

The game is not going to develop further if no new players are attracted. Early access has swept some cash to Game Labs, but since then they rely on this money until release. So no new hires if the game is designed for a few hardcore players.

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I have a hard time taking the OP seriously, because if they are who I think they are, they're just another salt-lord from the World of Warships forums where this kind of "feedback" is the norm rather than the exception. Especially the "fanboy" retort to people who may not agree with their opinions or who may actually defend the dev team a little. 

This game certainly has quite a few well documented problems. The devs have done things I've strongly disliked but I know that posting edgy rage quit topics isn't going to make the game better. I know as a Dev, I'd not take that kind of "feedback" seriously and spend more time looking for community suggestions that were actually worth reading and putting into consideration. It's too easy for the message to get lost in vitriolic noise. 

Here's a few examples of things Game Labs has done I'm not a huge fan of. 

1) Sledgehammer balancing. Can't say I've been a fan of it in any game I've played, especially when the sledgehammer breaks things. 

2) Sometimes taking one step forward and two steps back in terms of what is implemented/taken out of the game. Don't think re-implementing features which were proven to be unpopular is a constructive use of time. 

3) Trying too hard to make the game too hard. There's a fine line between a game that challenges its player base, and one that can easily become a full time job that even necessitates having more than one game account. 

Just a couple of off the cuff examples, and it was super easy to post them without sounding like a foot stomping teenager. 







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