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Patch 9.8 - Damage model 5.0, Server merges, Bird is a word (19th may)


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Now those nations have no real penalty in overextending their territory...

Other than it's now easier than ever to teleport into their rear areas and torment their traders, who can no longer hide from the OW by abusing the "teleport to capital" mechanic while fully laden with cargo.

This is a real thing - tonight the British had to devote quite a few ships to escorting their traders between KPR and Pedro Cay, so they could have one last hit of the compass wood magic money.

If they hadn't, they'd have lost quite a few of their trade ships to the large number of privateers and pirates who showed up to feast on the proceedings.

IMHO this patch makes privateering take on a whole new level of RVR significance that it hasn't really had before.

Edited by Sansón Carrasco
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The changes are overall great, with some minor comments.


For the port battles, the new split into three types of ports does not solve the problem, that fleets will always consist of 25x "the best ship possible", i.e. 1st rates, Constitutions, and Mercuries. For that to change we will either need a BR rating limit instead of an # of ship limit, or you could make the three capture zones of a port to be different shallowness.

As for the timer mechanic, I would suggest you should be able to "raid" ports outside their port timers.

The changes to battle timers are very good for preventing abuses. However, I still think the 2 minute join window is too short.


I would strongly suggest that ports only buy ships from players that no other player wants, i.e. only after some days into the market.


The changes to teleport are good, but overdone. I would suggest a one hour teleport timer.

Edited by shaeberle84
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Yeah this song and when you google " Bird is the Word" and see results in urban dictionary .... i have doubts it is this , well who knows, Admin can sometimes be facetious


Or it's birds sound effects in game and i will be extremely happy with this, that's something i miss since i started to play, imagine low visibility, almost lost in the middle of nowhere with no visibility on some lands for few days, only water around you ... and suddenly you start to hear some birds calls, meaning land is close  ;)

There was something that you shouldnt insult until new update is released. So i guess since Bird is A word isnt the original but bird is the word i guess it means that you can pvp in national news again. but just my idea.

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Teak and Oak have changed places?  I make most frigate and below out of oak, are they now inferior to teak?

Teak had always more armor than Oak. Well since it got changed.

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So map wipe also or nah?

No, it is mentioned way a head of time if there is a wipe


So teak is now better than oak? I take it this is now retrospective so all the oak ships built under the previous rules will be affected negatively?

Teak is now not necesarilly better than oak, just like in the past oak gives + structure while teak gives + armour, before though armour wasnt classed in cm which it is now after the patch.

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I see one big Problem with the Port Battle Changes, you make the "middle" ships more useful that is great! But they cost mostly Mid Grade Notes or Silver with the current Ressource distribution for a Nation like Sweden that is a big Problem even if we wouldnt be at war and had still all our Ports there are not a lot Silver Ports around. So the smallest Nation has now a even bigger Problem.


Maybe you could consider in some of the next Patches to make Ressources more evenly spread out?

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I see one big Problem with the Port Battle Changes, you make the "middle" ships more useful that is great! But they cost mostly Mid Grade Notes or Silver with the current Ressource distribution for a Nation like Sweden that is a big Problem even if we wouldnt be at war and had still all our Ports there are not a lot Silver Ports around. So the smallest Nation has now a even bigger Problem.


Maybe you could consider in some of the next Patches to make Ressources more evenly spread out?


Constitutions and Ingermanlands use high grade notes, and with Gus being a gold port we'll be perfectly fine.


Hi Lonar :D

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But here's the thing: now that teleport to capital has been removed, why do you actually "have" to do crafting at the capital?


Why not setup your shipyard somewhere more convenient... maybe a free port nearer your production ports?


You can still use the old "cap an NCP trade vessel so you can send to outpost" to get your crafted ships to the capital or whatever to sell, if that's important. And now you will have unlimited teleport between your outposts... and the option to deliver goods from free port to free port (edit: this last bit with deliveries isn't new, but it may very well take on more significance now that teleport to capital with cargo is gone).


I think the new system will be just fine once people get used to it.


Simple. level 3 ship yards are expensive, (abut 1.3 Million)  for smaller nations like France (we are by no means the worst off here) having that type of shipyard outside your capital means it can be in enemy hands half the time. Ditto for resources. I wouldn't mind this so much if i could have more than 5 factories, then I could spread out so that I wasn't crippled by invasion fleets so readily.

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Teak always did have a better armor rating than oak, oak had more structure armor aka Health 


Where did you find that? Teak is a much softer wood than oak in so far as I know. The only figures I had seen to date were the ones on naval craft which doesn't mention the actual armour value.


Wood Type        Speed Bonus Planking Bonus

Fir                           2.5%                 -5%     

Teak                           0%                  0%

Oak                            0%                  5%

Live Oak                -2.5%                  10%


Would be very interested to see that info on the actual armour value.

Edited by Bulwyf
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Simple. level 3 ship yards are expensive, (abut 1.3 Million)  for smaller nations like France (we are by no means the worst off here) having that type of shipyard outside your capital means it can be in enemy hands half the time

Freeports can´t be captured. ;)

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Where did you find that? Teak is a much softer wood than oak in so far as I know. The only figures I had seen to date were the ones on naval craft which doesn't mention the actual armour value.


Wood Type        Speed Bonus Planking Bonus

Fir                           2.5%                 -5%     

Teak                           0%                  0%

Oak                            0%                  5%

Live Oak                -2.5%                  10%


Would be very interested to see that info on the actual armour value.



Scroll a bit down to see admins post on the subject, they arent exactly giving us the value :P But in short Oak gives a bonus like Build Str on a craft trim and Teak gives something in the lines of Planking (a.k.a less leak chance)

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Where did you find that? Teak is a much softer wood than oak in so far as I know. The only figures I had seen to date were the ones on naval craft which doesn't mention the actual armour value.


Wood Type        Speed Bonus Planking Bonus

Fir                           2.5%                 -5%     

Teak                           0%                  0%

Oak                            0%                  5%

Live Oak                -2.5%                  10%


Would be very interested to see that info on the actual armour value.

IIRC this is quite outdated.

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No, since they didn't remove the send to OP when capturing traders you can cap a trader and send the battleship to where you are going to tp next


Obviously. Still you must have an outpost. And how many outposts you can maintain ? It is a decision making situation between military outposts and economic outposts. :)

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